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File: 1710391817274.png (750.7 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Haiti feraljak.png) ImgOps iqdb


>The United States has no plans to send troops to Haiti as it spirals into chaos. But it also has no plans-right now-to activate its "maritime mass migration" protocol to allow the Coast Guard and Navy to get into position to interdict illegal immigrant flotillas and return them to their point of origin or to a port in a third nation.
Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Carlos Giménez (R-Fla.), a former Miami-Dade County mayor, queried Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs Rebecca Zimmerman about the Pentagon's Haiti contingency plans during a House Armed Services Committee March 12 hearing on Western Hemisphere national security challenges.

>"The government has been thrown out and, as a Florida man, I'm deeply concerned about this wave of people that we're about to have coming from Haiti," Mr. Gaetz said, predicting what is now a trickle leaving the island "will accelerate" in coming weeks.

>South Florida's Broward and Palm Beach counties have been prime destinations for Haitians, many arriving illegally, for years, he said, noting "they don't disperse throughout the country, they stay in southeast Florida."

>South Florida is bracing for refugees fleeing Haiti to end up on its shores, Mr. Gaetz said, wondering if the Department of Defense (DOD), State Department, Homeland Defense, among others, are also wondering about it and planning for what many see as inevitable.

>"So what are we doing to prepare for that wave and to ensure that these people are not paroled into the United States, as the administration has done with people on the southern border, but instead are repatriated back at the dock at Port-au-Prince?" he asked Ms. Zimmerman.


I feel so secure that yet another high level Jew in the Biden administration is on the case.


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Why is it getting more and more difficult to be Jewish?


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Louis' winning streak WILL. NOT. DIE. DOWN.



Not even BBC can save Haiti. It's almost like the success of a civilization isn't dependent on rosties' sexual satisfaction.


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>not even BBC can save Haiti

Not possible!


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More BBC is always good!


>TFW you don't even know any IRL black men and have to resort to using a rubber masked dummy for your cuckold photoshoot

The cuck king would not approve of this had he known.


He knew plenty of niggers IRL considering this used to be a cop.


>Muh BBC!
Ever single black dude I meet irl had a small dick, explain that, JIDF.


I am so sick of niggers.

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