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File: 1710426760513.mp4 (7.29 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, jews vs tiktok.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Tick Tock for Tiktok Not sorry
Apparently Tiktok is the last bastion of free speech, the last remaining internet realm for discussing the denial of the holocaust.


Bittersweet. I hate any and all social media, but this is the beginning of the end. They want it to go back to what faceberg was 15 years ago, so that's what's coming. But, I'm almost surprised the variety has lasted this long.


File: 1710651761996.png (127.7 KB, 271x392, 271:392, Mediocre jew.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Funds program to brainwash the goyim to hate the white man
>Backfires because it all leads to Israel being aided by the gentile
<Therefore marxism is now problematic because their messiah was a self-pitying jew who kept bringing up that his own kind shouldn't get any power in a socialist system
<And also brought up that jews are nothing without their gold


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
BASED Mark Dice points out it's the da joos wanting tiktok gone

The Truth About the "TikTok Ban" (And It's Not What Republicans Who Oppose the Ban Are Saying)


>Apparently Tiktok is the last bastion of free speech
No it isn't, but I guess it is in normalfag standards.


It is though. I'm banned from every American social media app, never once was banned or suspended for criticizing jews or Israel.


Makes sense why the tiktok ban is happening.


>Less censor happy rhan Amerimutt social media
>The legislation being pushed to ban it gives the government official overt power to shut down any website they so desire for any reason
Unironically yes


Try criticizing the CCP and report back.


If you really want to test it, he should do it while in China.


Is so over for yakuza and all the zoomers, they have nothing in their lifes without tiktok


YouTube Shorts will welcome their nigger dance vids with open arms.


File: 1710902914964.jpg (120.58 KB, 509x185, 509:185, it's over tranny bros, tum….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

And maybe if you're feeling lucky, Tumblr might get its mutilated clogs run like clockwork once both Twitter and Tiktok become unbearable for the leftwing cattle.


>end of platform that hosts unprecedented levels of brainrot, including the worst of leftist subversion
>poltards are suddenly upset by this
Pretty obvious contrarianism for its own sake


It's also a great place for all braindead lefties to get lured by pedophiles, but then: Reddit and twitter got that covered. The love police wins again.

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