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File: 1710514188280-0.png (814.49 KB, 1218x998, 609:499, Canadian Nigger Cop.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1710514188280-1.mp4 (11.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Niggers stealing cars in C….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Canadian Nigger Cops hand out pamphlets in Canada on how to avoid getting your car stolen by Niggers.


File: 1710517658553.png (170.93 KB, 582x482, 291:241, Screenshot from 2024-03-15….png) ImgOps iqdb

Canada is not a serious country.


Canada is a country? Thought it was a failed social experiment like the USA!


It's not really a country, no. It's a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Crown.


Canada, much like Australia, is a resource extraction scheme for american jews that has an inconvenient and mostly ignored and subjugated native population


>Ricciardi said residents could avoid potential home invasions by leaving car fobs at front doors, suggesting those break-ins could be violent and life-threatening.

>'A lot of them that [police] are arresting have guns on them. And they are not toy guns. They are real guns, they are loaded,' he said at the meeting.


Leafs have cucked themselves into a corner by letting in millions of mud people, and now giving up their firearms.

As the saying goes "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."


I'd cum in her tbh


Canada is truly a beacon of multicultural diversity. A true inspiration for all countries except Israel.


File: 1710751709143.jpg (179.8 KB, 962x866, 481:433, 1702091985463813.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>shitskin criminals doing south africa style break ins
>jew kisser anglo telling people just to give up their actual car in their own home
>shitskin cop
>mudslime women cop wearing a hat on a hat

The truckers should of never stopped should of did a full embargo on Canada entirely.
The world has truly turned in to dystopia. You will start seeing southafrican style anti-White brutal murders in Canada daily. The jewish Canadian government will be telling White People to give up their homes to hordes of niggers.


I honestly hope niggers and browns are wiped out by a disease.


Pic is wrong, per-capita the most violent city in North America is The Pas, Manitoba because of drunken, drug fueled Indians.


>St. Louis is the most violent city in America
I used to walk around in St. Louie when I was a young White liberal naive to the world. I'm lucky to be alive.

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