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/dup/ - btfo

Political Shitposting
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File: 1710624066984.png (131.62 KB, 708x509, 708:509, Screenshot from 2024-03-16….png) ImgOps iqdb


Broke nigga carjacks a ride to go ice his sistah, stepmaw and baby mama to def.



Last I heard he was in Jersey now
and stay out!


Do you have to make a new thread every time a nigger goes nigger or can you just add to the threads already happening


This was a pretty big happening, I felt it warranted a thread. This board gets like 10-20 PPD, not like it matters.


Yeah so just add to the threads instead of filling up the catalog with 3 post threads.


File: 1710638197640.jpg (435.86 KB, 800x1183, 800:1183, andre_xlg.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



Now he'll be a welfare queen for the next 40 years with better living conditions in prison than he had homeless, with TV, Internet access, gym, and three square.


Oh no not my heckin catalog! A thread that hasn't been looked at in two years might disappear?
Go fuck yourself retard, bump.


Based kike


That's the best retort you have? Fucking stupid ass, you deserve all the misery you bring on yourself with your retarded hangups.


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