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File: 1710939986351.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, boeing.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Don't fly Boeing


Didn't the video of the assembling of the door or window that blew up was lost?


>mayke sure yo ghot ghood houllsssss

literally nobody is going to tell me the destruction of america, the white washing of america is not all by design.


File: 1711023766241.jpg (13.45 KB, 192x262, 96:131, images.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

We wuz aerospace engineers n shiet.


People just didn't realize how utterly systemic desegregation would be.


File: 1711027849828.jpg (67.91 KB, 612x408, 3:2, greatest nigger achievemen….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Niggers have been in Africa since supposedly the beginning of humanity and this is the culmination of their greatest minds and inventers: A hut made of sticks, mud and dung. But sure, let them put together planes. I guess getting whites killed is the purpose anyway.


File: 1711031851871.mp4 (13.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Japan sinkhole.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Everything that happens is intentional.
The business fallout and failures during covid lockdowns was the desired outcome.


God, imagine living in a country full of your own people, that gave a shit about it's people. Imagine what we would accomplish


Is that kino?


>Remove Fed
>Send niggers back to Africa or pay Brazil to host them
>Send all spics across the border legal or not
Kinda hard now


Where there's a will, there's a way. We just need people in power who are actually willing to tackle the problems. People always talk about modern forms of travel make mass movements of Third Worlders into the First World easier, but they never bring up that it also makes it easier for them to leave. Operation Wetback was able to deport a million beaners in one year. Imagine if we closed the borders to diversitoid entry, created strong incentives for vibrants to leave and/or sterilize themselves, and also conducted a continual Operation-Wetback-on-steroids program to repatriate even legal non-Europeans until the job is complete.


In this day and age it would be absurdly easy to advertise it with some gayops to hype niggers into boarding ships for a trip home party.
Fill it to the fucking brim with alcohol. Make multiple fighting pit arenas if anybody needs to square their differences.
Shadow it with multiple military personnel ships with helicopter pads if they need to lay down a few rounds onto some youths.
Kill the internet link to them after they are out of the harbor, but make it dead internet style with bots to make them think they are still online.
Then when they get to Africa, trigger alarms and pepper spray bombs until they jump off the ship entirely. Send it back via remote.


melanin-seeking bioweapons

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