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File: 1710956146275.mp4 (22.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MeinEdit_comp.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


The mere physical attributes associated with the half-race artificially-engineered by the Enslaver should be all that is required to lead a rational, sapient being to the path of hate, or in our case, the path of determined survivalism and instinctual pattern recognition that is nowadays but taboo "hate-speak" that directly opposes the set status quo that is, in certain ways, physically crushing the backs of the hard-working kind, the aforementioned "rationals", the sapient kind who are for now partially unaltered by genetic experimentations that the Enslaver conducts upon it's subjects.
And bringing up the mere physical attributes, or to be more accurate - de-attributes, are enough to permeate the reality of the bestial, impulse-driven "nature" of the subhuman kind, those altered completely by the Enslaver's conduct. Through a certain set of pre-determined events, we have come to the rather unfavorable conclusion that those genetically unaltered, have been completely shifted into beings of thoughless conformance and consumption, and no regard for relevant matters, such as the aforementioned reality of the physical attributes of the genetically-altered untermensch half-race. It is thus the only solution to, bio-physically erradicate all the bio-mass that makes up this part of the population, for it is now obvious to us that they serve little to no purpose to us, other than being a mere hinderance, a weight on our already worn-out backs, cogs in the machine, if you will.
And it is because of this reality that we have been left with but one option, the total extirpation of the subhumans and those without a comprehensive, consistent perception, those who are cogs in the machine, those whose bio-essence of evolutionary development has degraded to mere leeching off of the fruits of Bureaucratic industrial technocracy that has enveloped all of Earth by this point.

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