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Political Shitposting
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File: 1711032925045.mp4 (5.18 MB, 646x794, 323:397, Kyle Rittenhouse visits Af….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>Was being btfo part of your plan?
Why is Kyle Rittenhouse giving a speech to a 100% Nigger audience?


He probably left because he couldn't take the smell.




The kid who famously shot and killed antifas attacking him at a George Floyd riot, and was found not guilty of murder.


>Implying he doesn't know.


What the fuck are they screeching about? Couldn't hear a thing.


The nogs caught wind of him being there and flooded the talk. Kinda stupid on his part either way. Going into a den of vipers like that.


I don't fucking know, all I ever see Americans do is scream and clap.

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