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Normies don't notice.

Why are normies so fucking stupid? What is the scientific hypothesis as to what differentiates a noticer from a normie?


Too many to count from genetics to upbringing.
I've known people who simply are not genetically predisposed to socially conform and I've known people who were simply were taught to contest things (in an accurate way) from an early age.

Having free time also helps, but that's a double edged knife, you need to learn how to shut down or you'll overthink yourself to depression and exhaustion.


>I've known people who simply are not genetically predisposed to socially conform

I can confirm this. It's one of those things where it could be nature, nurture or both, but my parents refused to give me a single vaccine growing up and are huge contrarians. Not surprising I turned out the same way.

I was able to wake my dad up to the Jews, but my mom shuts down every time I bring it up. No clue why she has so much loyalty to the Jews despite never having met one.


>No clue why she has so much loyalty to the Jews
Women are predisposed to believing whatever the media tells them more so then men. I mean actual men not soyboy cucks who have more estrogen coursing through their veins then most trannys. And since the media is mostly owned by jews, pro-jew propaganda is pushed disproportionately.


unironcally he is right…women are emotional and prone to avoid conflict. Giving them the right to vote was the worst mistake america ever made. Yeah even worse than bringing niggers over here as slaves and then setting them free.

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