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Political Shitposting
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File: 1711459993774-0.png (482.16 KB, 871x834, 871:834, Baltimore.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1711459993774-1.png (516.06 KB, 762x715, 762:715, Bridge happening.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1711459993774-2.webm (2.04 MB, 856x480, 107:60, Indian ship destroys USA ….webm) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1711459993774-3.png (180.73 KB, 2290x846, 1145:423, Pajeet boat crew.png) ImgOps iqdb


A cargo ship crewed entirely by pajeets just crashed into and destroyed entirely, the Baltimore Bridge in USA.





Diversity. Inclusion. Equity.



File: 1711462276717.png (95.59 KB, 650x483, 650:483, vagina.png) ImgOps iqdb

Harbor employees steer the ships out, so poo maintained ship with pic related at the helm?


File: 1711471798112.jpg (97.16 KB, 597x1020, 199:340, 8f5201d7d6e43cae1de1f3f3fd….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Phishing kike post.


>Saars, do not redeem archive link.


File: 1711476971706.mp4 (14.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Baltimore Mayor on Bridge ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


…What kind of a fucking mayor is that?


Did Baltimore elect a crackhead sound cloud rapper?


They elected a nigger.


File: 1711485621983.png (179.45 KB, 1473x815, 1473:815, Race War.png) ImgOps iqdb

Mods may want to pin this thread.


Why does the mayor know so much about the gangs' ambitions?


Notice the contrast between the professonal-looking fire chief, representing Whitey trying to hold the charade together with duct tape, and the 90IQ groid mayor who looks you wouldn't want him running a lemonade stand.


There is no way a gang of negroes gives that much of a shit about a bridge.


That's why the jews hired him. Mayors have literally nothing to do except give speeches on camera.


TID Baltimore has white maga gangs.


Can't wait for the videos


He was elected. Baltimore is almost entirely Black. Voting for people who look like them above all else is what Blacks do.


I love how people think people vote. It's something like less than a third of the population, probably a lot less per capita in the cities.


Friend, America is niggers.


Nigger, less than one third of America votes.
Maybe 1/25th of niggers vote.


File: 1711510186826.mp4 (3.58 MB, 720x750, 24:25, Explosions on the bridge.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1711510284633.png (77.14 KB, 378x194, 189:97, Fire.png) ImgOps iqdb

Was too busy looking at lights on the bridge to see if anybody was on it.


File: 1711575482862.png (438.63 KB, 1194x1528, 597:764, chink a dink.png) ImgOps iqdb

This is actually a Supersized McHappening
Curry Sweet and Sour Beef burger


File: 1711642212348-0.jpeg (227.04 KB, 1407x1326, 469:442, Outrage.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1711642212348-1.jpg (199.04 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, IMG_7764.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Not wanting bridges to collapse is now a form of racism.


Not wanting your country figuratively and literally destroyed by shitskins has always been a form of racism.


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File: 1711655260367.mp4 (7.06 MB, 720x720, 1:1, rdhzx.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


I often wonder why nothing functions as it should and then I'm reminded why.


File: 1711682564821.mp4 (4.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nigger Mayor Fighting Amer….mp4) ImgOps iqdb



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>Saved countless lives
How the fuck ruining the lives of many from their basic needs is considered a lifesaver? It's the loser jumpy negress who btfo her depression despite winning a copper medal all over again.


Bridges can be replaced, human lives can't.


i got drunk and slammed my car into a pole instead of a bus stop full of babies. im basically a hero.


They can though, and frequently are, especially if you're an indian or some shit.


Angela Chao didn't own that ship. But they did hack her tesla to drown her.


They didn't whack her, she was Asian, a woman, and a lush - three strikes against her driving ability.


I drive better drunk


>shhheeit nigguh dey jus raceest and sheeeeeit
What a wholly unique way to avoid responding to the criticism against him and not something nearly-if not all- niggers have used every time someone doesn't agree with or like them.


Does this retard not know there are gigantic power lines running across major bridges like that?


>Puff Daddy's sex charges were debunked.
Sure they was.


Who is "they?"


Is this a bot?


Whoever might've benefited from clipping her.


File: 1711858052369.jpg (215.5 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1696323220207199.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Just a reminder only White People can maintain and create civilizations even asians fall apart without White people holding their hands every asian country would look like North Korea/Vietnam if White People stopped helping them. Expect to see more of this. You ever wonder why so many things across the board just have been falling apart from the border, to the economy and basic everyday maintenance you will find shitskins running it all in to the ground.


If it would have benefited "them," why didn't "whoever" do it?


File: 1711861943041-0.mp4 (5.74 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bridge 2 crash.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1711861943041-1.png (684.26 KB, 1196x1208, 299:302, Bridge crash tweet.png) ImgOps iqdb

I don't get why this is news. This shit happens every day.


Why does every one of these look like video cutscenes from PSX when 99% of people have pretty good cameras on their smartphones?


Faggot internet shit akin to webp, destroying quality in favor of quantity.


but webp is a high quality format with a good compression quality:size ratio. The problem is phone uploads automatically compress, crop, and reduce videos. It probably still exists on that guys phone as HD footage, but he has no idea how to get it off their like that. Some phones like the iphone actively prevent you from removing the original footage from the phones.


Because it's a major bridge that allows transport of goods north to south on the I95.


File: 1711877965787.mp4 (10.03 MB, 1280x576, 20:9, Samsung s20 Fe 30x zoom te….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

It's also possible that the guy used the 10x or 20x zoom on his phone's camera that doesn't use better lenses, but uses software to zoom in on the picture. This allows you to film stuff like this from a safe distance, but it drastically lower the quality of the video.


This video is a good demonstration of optical zoom, showing how much it differs from shitty digital zoom.


>i dun ge' i' dis hapen everday
>shows a barge bouncing off of a pylon on a bridge that isn't part of an extremely major thoroughfare
>bridge also doesn't collapse and block the fuckin waterway
gee i dun' no it mystery hee hee


File: 1711953161283-0.png (1.15 MB, 1894x853, 1894:853, comparison1.png) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1711953161283-4.png (1.58 MB, 1919x1074, 1919:1074, comparison5.png) ImgOps iqdb

You might enjoy this video as it compares the S22 phone camera to a professional camera and it shows the difference between optical and digital zoom.
Now this isn't to say that the S22 camera is this useless piece of shit that takes horrible pictures, only that it can not compare to a 1000 dollar camera, especially when trying to do 50X or 100X zoom.


File: 1712798639252.jpg (335.28 KB, 445x853, 445:853, Baltimore bridge is not th….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Like you have to double check, or wait for a while until it's funny to point out the disaster that fucked over niggers and streetshitters.


File: 1712889243205.jpeg (123.45 KB, 900x898, 450:449, 11111111111GJnRzxaaoAAfk8….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Was it duh-versity at work? It's funny how there hasn't been any information released about the crew of the ship, or the captain, isn't it? Almost as funny as the official pronouncement that the ship's data recorder mysteriously stopped working several minutes before the collision.


>Was it duh-versity at work
Either that or a glow-in-the-dark psyop. Though I can't think of why the glowniggers would use a ship of street shitters to bring down a bridge.


File: 1712945191914.webm (2.67 MB, 720x960, 3:4, nigger in europewebm.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Maybe Diversity is our Strength TM was a false experiment to get it on (film, digital, and written/legal) record, so it would never be attempted again, locking us into Never Forget nation boundaries where cultures can exist unimpeded by invasion or infiltration.
>Destroy society through world wars to prime them for culture change through the advent of filmography, the most powerful brainwashing tool ever discovered.
>Chip away at all moral fabric to get subsequent generations to voluntarily participate in their own destruction on various fronts (social, financial, institutional, etc).
>Record the entirety of the fallout.
>The pendulum shifts itself back to pre-war destructions forever.

During dup's presidency there were falling bridges, but that was fueling the argument of infrastructure collapse due to generations of poor policies.
Under bidup, nothing has changed except the increase in forcing the acceptance of migrant invasion diversity and feminism, and this is what happens, literal one-wrong-move entire fucking commerce bridge collapse in totality. hahaha

It's uncanny to me that Codex II goes viral on the internet just a day or two before the Shitter boat crew collapsed a bridge.


>better go back inside, there's a sketchy groid out there, they're unpredictable
>he proves them right


How important are bridges as infrastructure targets?


In regards to bridges over large rivers? Extremely. A bridge can save you hundreds of hours of transport time and hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in fuel costs per year (depending on how long the alternative routes are).
For example I used to live near a bridge that went over a river and lead to several small river towns that depend on income from tourism during the spring and summer. Taking the bridge to that side of the river was just a 5 minute drive depending on traffic, while the overland route was a two hour drive out of the way through bumfuck back roads with very few gas stations. The truckers that deliver supplies would also have to take even longer routes because a lot of those back roads are too small and meandering to drive a big ass trailer across.


File: 1713467074257.gif (463.34 KB, 180x202, 90:101, 56317293-86FF-41A2-97D1-24….gif) ImgOps iqdb

>t. Nigger that has died in every single past life from drowning in Africa.

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