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Our neighbors to the north are implementing a new system called "open banking" that will link citizen's bank accounts to a new social credit scoring system.

In the aftermath of the Trucker Convoy and other noteworthy protests against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" tyranny in Canada, the Justin Trudeau regime is radicalizing the nation's banking system to make it much harder for citizens to express their voices against political corruption.

Proponents of the social credit score-linked banking paradigm say it will make Canadian banks more "inclusive," allowing them to easily access user data on demand while being able to share information with one another.

A World Bank partner called Open Banking Excellence (OBE), which originated in the United Kingdom, is proudly boasting right now that it will incorporate social credit scores with people's banking information in Canada. Canadians will likely receive digital "cash" and identification in a "convenient," all-in-one and "inclusive" place.

"It's about having that fairer, more inclusive, more open society," said OBE founder Helen Child, making sure to use all the popular buzzwords to make her project sound like a dream come true for the world.



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>COVID tyrannies
>banned guns
>legalized assisted suicide for basically anyone who wants it
>parents get imprisoned and get their kids taken away for resisting the troon agenda
>wants to put people in prison for life for saying things the Party doesn't like

10 years ago we laughed about him being a cuck, but what he has done is no laughing matter.


It's so over.


>banned guns
Amnesty is constantly being extended while they're still setting up a gun buyback program. Over 40 million on it spent in the last 4 years and it might take a decade or more before it's fully functional. It might never exist at a federal level either with every province doing their own thing.
>Not only has not a single firearm been confiscated, the program itself doesn't even exist - not even for willing retailers anxious to off-load unsellable inventory

Practically everything going on in that country is a poorly managed disaster. The current major problem that's grinding everything to a halt is the phoenix pay system
>By July 2018, Phoenix has caused pay problems to close to 80 percent of the federal government's 290,000 public servants through underpayments, over-payments, and non-payments.
People already in the system don't want promotions or to be transferred to higher positions in different departments to avoid payment problems and are just biding their time until retirement or going with early retirement as stories of their coworkers committing suicide keep occurring. Nobody competent wants to join as thousands of lives have been financially ruined by it and people already in tell anyone who listen to avoid it. Recruitment is a disaster at the same time that large portions of their workers are retiring.


So they're having logistics issues implementing gun buybacks, but it's my understanding that new handgun and assault rifle purchases and transfers have been banned. They are turning Canada into China, and they can't have civilians being armed with what they're trying to do.


Good. Hopefully a revolution starts an it spills over into the US…won't happen though cause canadians are even more pussy than americans


They would vote for him again if they could.


Tbf, leafs have a little spunk in them. The Trucker Convoy was kino, but then the Trudeau regime went after their bank accounts because he didn't want the optics of ZOGbots pulling them out of their trucks, and the logistical nightmare of getting the trucks out of the way.


>but it's my understanding that new handgun and assault rifle purchases and transfers have been banned
Again things are such a mess over there that the situation hasn't changed since before the ban when it would take up to a decade for paperwork to get sorted out on that class of firearms. Transfers and new purchases weren't working before the major ban and it's the reason why provinces were fighting the gun control measures and doing their own thing even before the new ban. People who need a gun don't bother with the system and have no problem getting their hands on a gun so nothing has changed in that sense.

So yes they're technically illegal to own while current owners are given perpetual amnesty as the bureaucracy is too incompetent to do gun confiscation even from people who want to get rid of their guns legally.

Even if someone else was voted in it would be just as bad. Elections there are just an elaborate show.


>leafs have a little spunk in them
Yes they do. They spend their entire lives with their intestines filled to bursting with shitskin spunk.


Leafs are some of the gayest faggots in the western world, and I say that as someone who's visited them all.

Average canadians are just a hair above leftist australians in terms of making Mao look like Hitler. Seriously though lefty australians hook themselves up to the kool-aid through an IV, I swear, Melbourne is the single most liberal city I've visited in my life


That's also why it's a foreigner filled shithole.


nice guys finish last…canadians are too nice and don't have a constitution. If we didn't have a constitution we'd be just as fucked up as europe and canada.


Lol. Lmao, even. Nobody gives a fuck about our constitution and hasn't for going on 170 years now. Governments just do what they want, that's what power is, nigger


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What do they want exactly


If Americans actually gave a shit about their constitution then every single lawmaker and lobbyist in DC would've been crucified up and down I95 decades ago.


Americans are brainwashed into supporting jews.
How can they rebel against jews that they love


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>Militia forms up.
>Top men in top sunglasses discuss guerrilla tactics and missions in a tent.
>Fight some battles, secure some objectives, capture hostages.
>Find out some of them are jewish by some of the other captives.
>Some of the captives try to tell you the whole scam of the jews.
>Militia starts infighting and disagreeing, calling each other kike lovers or anti-semites.
>Bullets start flying.
This is why the goyslop machine stays on.


Whitey gone.


>cold & yummy
>chicken mcnuggets happiness

I don't know why but the infantilie writing on the goyslop makes it seem even more insideous.


All European countries but the UK have a Constitution you dumb sack of American shit.
It's fucking meaningless to those in power and constantly rewritten in the US and Europe.


Goyslop is about creating a lust for food, so your tastebuds are deceived into accepting cancerous chemicals.


I should say a lust for "food product."


Uh… no they don't? Why would you just go on the Internet and tell lies like that?

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