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JK Rowling is daring police in her native Scotland to arrest her for misgendering transgender people after a new woke hate crime law took effect Monday.

"Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal," she wrote on X.

"I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment."

"The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls' single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women's jobs, honors and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men and the reality of immutability of biological sex," she continued.



Feminists getting BTFO by trannies.


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Well, feminists pushed for this to happen by pushing for faggotry.
Total Man Victory!


The dumbest take and yet it is constantly spammed across image boards.


So how is women suffering the consequences of their actions bad? Feminists are the ones that pushed for this. Why is anyone required to protect them or be sympathetic because exactly what they've been being warned will happen happened?


Because laws are applied universally and not selectively.


>It's not the jews.
Suddenly, despite being so based, you think women can be held responsible for their actions while simultaneously blaming them for this despite kike involvement in brainwashing.


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Thank you america, very cool


No shit it's the kikes behind it. But despite that the women that pushed for this faggotry are adults and are not immune to the consequences. Just because they're stupid doesn't mean they're any less to blame and it doesn't mean you have to protect them from getting exactly what they asked for. Just like children at some point you have to stop telling them to quit trying to stick a fork in the electrical socket and just let them find out the hard way. This is them finding out the hard way because being told didn't work.


You're a fucking idiot, dude.
>No shit it's the kikes behind it. But
You lost.
Women being manipulated into experiencing consequences of being manipulated is not women getting their comeuppance. It's just losing.
You're basically suggesting that if your dog is too dumb to know when to stop eating, and you feed it all the food it can fit inside itself until it dies, that you're justified in hating your dog that you just killed. You should be mad at yourself except in this case kikes are the ones that destroyed and continue destroying your women. You probably know this and are just trying to push your hate women gayops.


>It's America not the jews.
>I fucking love jewish people.


Except I would be telling my dog not to eat the food I'm giving it, so it's the dog's fault.


Telling women things is beta. Women do not listen to direct words. Kikes have immunized them with brainwashing like "mansplaining." You're an idiot if you think women are capable of listening to direct communication. They are natural subservient. They do not have the faculty to process and act on direct communication. Try as you might, you will fail. They process everything down to how they feel because it's a biological factor tuned into them via the process of child birth. They simply follow, and the kikes are monopolizing entertainment, media, and publishing to ensure that our voices are drowned out and our influence is impaired. Rejoicing in women experiencing planned destruction is to be a kike or an impaired retard.


>wymin must be protected at all costs!
>you're a meany poo poo head
Whatever you say, white knight. Just keep defending muh'lady's honor and making sure nothing negative ever happens to them because of their repeated and increasingly retarded actions. I'm sure that'll fix everything and they'll stop letting themselves be brainwashed by TV any second now.


>Preschooler drawing
Based useful yutz from the Adult Diapers League, you're definitely getting a star on your forehead and foreskin so you can show it to your cryptoliberal kind.


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It wasn't kikes, it was weak men who were dumb enough to give women rights.
You can be a subservient provider that gives her all the free time in the world to a femoid by hiring a maid and a nanny, and she will still bitch and cheat on you like the narcistic holes they are.
This was a fucking thing when kikes were immolated at the stake in my country.
And it was a fucking thing when Frogs were promoting sexual liberation of women in the 18th and 19th century before a modicum of kike influence was even felt.

Don't give me your white knight shit, women are fucking grown ass babies, they grow mentally until around 16, faster than males even and then it just stops there, no more mental progress no matter the genes or upbringing.
Once they start getting raped in bathrooms and physically pummeled by bad actors, that's when things will change.

Until then they'll keep their retards and orbiters in a perpetual subservient hypno state pushing for whatever the fuck they think they want, like they'll ever know what they want.


>Blaming women again
>You can be a subservient provider
That's now how masculinity works. Women are subservient. If the male is subservient, she will be subservient elsewhere to someone else.
>Before a modicum of kike influence was even felt.
>Kikes have only been around for 40 years.

You don't know what white knight even means. You're just saying it on repeat because you're a fucking retard fooled by kikes or a disingenuous kike yourself.
>Once they start geteting raped and physically pummeled by bad actors, that's when things will change.
No, that's not how it works. Also this would take a hundred years. You're a fucking moron.
>Blaming women for a kike's job.
Women are simply subservient to kikes because of the power they have. They are not aware of it because of their subservient nature. To be subservient means to not even notice your subservience. That's why they're so easily fooled.


Define protected, nigger.


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>It wasn't kikes


>It wasn't kikes, it was weak men who were dumb enough to give women rights.
Kikes played a role, but that was far from the only factor.


<Le heckin' weak whites let niggers into their schools.
>Kikes played a role, but that was far from the only factor.
Stfu, nigger. Society has been destroyed by jews. Say what you think you want to say about women, niggers, spics, pajeets, etc, they are weak links targeted by jews and used against us.


The subversion of our culture can be traced back to times before the Jews had such a prominent role in it as they do now. It wasn't the Jews who created scumbags like John Brown or the Radical Republicans. There were prominent gentiles like Rudolf Virchow trying to downplay evolutionary thinking and racial differences long before eugenics and related ideas were declared verboten after WWII. David Livingstone preferred savage African spear chuckers over his own people. Was it the Jews who made him that way? You could attribute a lot of poz to the influence of Christianity, but even European Christianity's Jewish roots were watered down with increased Greco-Roman ideas and later Germanized to an extent although the destructive ideas are still there.

The Jews are just one powerful and overwhelmingly hostile group to our interests. They're not the entire problem. Monocausalism is niggerbrained, and whites are often our own worst enemies.


>speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls' single-sex spaces
Is it just me, or does she only cares about females and doesn't give a damn for men?


That's how she's always been. She was a feminist who only managed to arouse the ire of the left by criticizing trannies after they started being inconvenient for her. That doesn't stop dullards from rolling out the red carpet for her thinking she's "based" because they happen to agree with her on a single issue.


What is this bullshit about "prominent role?"
As in they weren't CEOs of whatever Google equivalent existed 200 years ago?
>whites are often our own worst enemies.
It's physically impossible to write those words without being jewish.
You are exercising monocausalism applying blame on "whites" where there is none.
>David Livingstone preferred…
Yes, I'm sure confusing a naturalist scientist often working as a missionary having extreme motivation for his work as somehow the building block for the subversion of western civilization while downplaying the role of the kikes is not a form of monocuasalism, you projecting fuck.
>John Brown
Again, accrediting a bleeding heart anti-slavery Christian as some kind of pozzening building block. It's completely asinine logic.

How did you equate anti-Darwinian evolutionary theory with we are one race the human race? Holy shit the fucking kikery… This has to be bait.


>Someone sided with a tweet.
>They must be a dullard.
You are the dumbest fucking nigger I have ever met.


You're the idiot that thinks the holocaust happened aren't you


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>What is this bullshit about "prominent role?"
There was no modern mass media through most of history for them to dominate, and Jews weren't freed from the ghetto until relatively recently. They were more active in mercantile and financial fuckery.
>You are exercising monocausalism applying blame on "whites"
I'm not saying groups like Jews don't play a role, retard. My point is that even without Jewish subversion we'd still be dealing with a lot of the same problems.
>where there is none.
So nobody has any kind of agency whatsoever? The idea that whites can only harm themselves if it's through the influence of all-powerful Jews is not only wrong but anti-white. It presumes whites are all just retarded niggercattle incapable of not being manipulated by outside forces.
>Yes, I'm sure confusing a naturalist scientist often working as a missionary having extreme motivation for his work as somehow the building block for the subversion of western civilization while downplaying the role of the kikes is not a form of monocuasalism, you projecting fuck.
Did you miss the part where he hated his own people and preferred the company of African negroes, you mongoloid? The point is that the ethnomasochistic mindset of today's left existed in some form even then. It didn't take Jews to create it ex nihilo. They were taking advantage of a preexisting vulnerability and intensifying it.
>Again, accrediting a bleeding heart anti-slavery Christian as some kind of pozzening building block. It's completely asinine logic.
He was a murderous mattoid not much different in mindset than the Antifa members of today. And here's a quote from the Radical Republican Parson Brownlow, who endorsed the genocide of the South if that was what it would take to win the war.
>How did you equate anti-Darwinian evolutionary theory with we are one race the human race? Holy shit the fucking kikery… This has to be bait.
Virchow believed that there was no such thing as a German race, Jews and Germans were indistinguishable, and used Lewontin's Fallacy logic to argue against the existence of race entirely. Gee, I sure wonder how his beliefs were related to modern "one race" logic.
I'm talking about all the morons who think people like her are allies, faggot. Like Josh Moon trying to curry favor with TERFs, as if they're friends of anyone the least bit sane.
Imagine being dumb enough to believe that it didn't.


>My point is that even without Jewish subversion we'd still be dealing with a lot of the same problems.
>There's no mass media back then.
>So nobody has any kind of agency whatsoever?
>Did you miss the part where he hated his own people and preferred the company of African negroes, you mongoloid?
I have no doubt you are mischaracterizing whatever historical bullshit you're referencing.
You've already posted this garbage in the past and tried to make a bullshit argument about it.
Reference your fucking claims or you're full of shit. The guy has thousands of papers written.
>These performative speeches matter.
You are a fucking retard. It's confounding how you can be this dumb.

>Imagine being dumb enough to believe that it didn't.

Complete dick in butt faggot.


Some people prefer the company of dogs. That doesn't mean they think dogs are superior at running a society. If anything he values the stress free relaxation of being the king of the idiots. This by no means is an argument that the kikes are not the sole arbiters of destructive ideology aimed at destroying western society.
>Um but this white people liked niggers.
You are the dumbest fucking idiot on Earth.


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>My point is that even without Jewish subversion we'd still be dealing with a lot of the same problems.
LOL, what a retarded normalnigger smoothbrain take.
They have been a terror to civilizations since the ancient world. If they were exterminated, people would take the positions they assume, but nobody would abuse from those positions the way they did, and nobody ever has. Removing the jewish scourge from this planet would save countless lives and end countless wars.
You underestimate how harmful and destructive they truly are. Nobody else even comes close.


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Not an argument.
I explained, you spaz. You think that whites are incapable of not being manipulated by omnipotent kike overlords.
No, it's not. What were they using to poz their host societies?
>Reference your fucking claims or you're full of shit. The guy has thousands of papers written.
<Goschler has emphasized that during Virchow's clinical investigations, he developed serious doubts as to whether any German race existed.
<Virchow dryly commented: "It is almost embarrassing that we must admit that in terms of ethnic groupings, Celts, Germans, Slavs, Jews, we are unable to identify any typically identifying features that allows distinguishing one group from another or to which nationality they could belong. In the last analysis, the differences between any two individuals are greater than any differences between the races."
>You are a fucking retard. It's confounding how you can be this dumb.
All you're doing is hand waving away things you don't like. The guy talked about mass murdering Southerners and was influential enough to have people cheering him on.
He wasn't just some guy who hung out with niggers, you dolt. His opinions sounded an awful lot like what (((Jared Diamond))) would later express about how New Guineans are so much smarter than us idiots in the West.
>You are the dumbest fucking idiot on Earth.
You're the one who thinks we'd be all be joining together and singing Kumbaya if it wasn't for kikes.
>assertions from Goebbels


>You think that whites are incapable of not being manipulated by omnipotent kike overlords.
You have the dumbest processing. You can't understand basic inferences, and your inferences are completely overboard. First of all, you think that because there wasn't electricity modalities of communication like modern social media back then, that the kikes couldn't have infiltrated nor manipulated societies. This is by far the dumbest thing I have read in years on the internet.
I'm not waving away things I don't like. I'm having trouble figuring out how to explain to you how dumb you are because you are beyond the scope of what a normal retard is supposed to be.
All your posts seem like you began your investigations with a desired outcome and cherrypicked snippet statements from bodies of work without contextualizing them in their work, nor did you contextualize them for the time they were created. Instead you applied them to modern rhetoric, claiming they sound like modern poz. It's complete stupidity, and my only guess is it's because you seek to defend kikery. You LARP briefly, 5% of the time or less, as someone "based" when it comes to kikes, but everything else reads like you are defending them and hating on white people with completely (100%) erroneous logic.

For example, I read that Virchow pink text, and it sounds like a guy that is autistically balls deep in science and has returned to give a report that is entirely inconclusive like he has been looking at something too specific and far from the whole picture.
He finishes with saying that there are vast differences between any two individuals, and you somehow apply that to mean that he thinks all races are the same. That is a direct contradiction of his statements and a complete mischaracterization of history, and it's your fucking lynchpin in your theory that you won't change regardless of debate outcome because you're a disingenuous faggot (and likely a kike).
So you see, I'm not waving it away. I simply think you're a fucking retard.

Crimes like coin clipping can be done simply by accessing the trade market to gain access to the currency circulation. It doesn't need the support of infiltrated newspapers, academia, government, churches, etc. They clip the coins, melt the metals, replace their teeth or shove it up their asses, get kicked out of country with the wealth in pereson, come up with a more advanced plan for next time.


>You're the one who thinks we'd be all be joining together and singing Kumbaya if it wasn't for kikes.
As for this idiocy, we don't get to debate or even hammer out any sort of solution oriented associations because kikes have monopolized everything, brainwashed everybody, made everybody poor, and they infiltrate every group. They take over the group and/or shut it down.
Kumbaya? We can't even fucking argue without getting fired from our jobs.
These fuckers do their best to try and deliver statements into the discourse, but the discourse can't even be had because the kikes or manipulated goyim don't engage with it. Instead they talk about how great they are.
We can't even get to the work that needs to be done for Kumbaya to even be remotely attainable. Whites are incredibly diverse and would need to break off into their own nations instead of being force mixed by all the scams at play that have existed for generations.


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You give yourself away by capitalizing jews, and using lowercase for White. You just can't help yourself, can you, Levi.


>You have the dumbest processing. You can't understand basic inferences, and your inferences are completely overboard. First of all, you think that because there wasn't electricity modalities of communication like modern social media back then, that the kikes couldn't have infiltrated nor manipulated societies. This is by far the dumbest thing I have read in years on the internet.
What evidence is there of Jews pushing the forms of poz they're known for today through most of history? Traditionally they were often powerful lackeys of the ruling class, but where was the poz?
>All your posts seem like you began your investigations with a desired outcome and cherrypicked snippet statements from bodies of work without contextualizing them in their work, nor did you contextualize them for the time they were created. Instead you applied them to modern rhetoric, claiming they sound like modern poz.
The point is that you can draw a straight line from the things people I've mentioned were saying back in the 19th century to what began being pushed by Jews later.
>It's complete stupidity, and my only guess is it's because you seek to defend kikery. You LARP briefly, 5% of the time or less, as someone "based" when it comes to kikes, but everything else reads like you are defending them and hating on white people with completely (100%) erroneous logic.
I support reasonable criticism of Jews and not people blaming them for everything under the sun the way someone like E. Michael Jones does. I'm trying to determine what Jews are actually responsible for when there are so many men who see Jews in their sandwiches out there muddying the waters. For years I thought that The Culture of Critique was more or less correct, and now that looks doubtful. If you think that means I'm going easy on the kikes, then so be it.
>He finishes with saying that there are vast differences between any two individuals, and you somehow apply that to mean that he thinks all races are the same.
He literally made use of Lewontin's fallacy to downplay the existence of race long before it had a name. That's one of the exact arguments in the modern race denier's toolkit.
>Crimes like coin clipping can be done simply by accessing the trade market to gain access to the currency circulation. It doesn't need the support of infiltrated newspapers, academia, government, churches, etc. They clip the coins, melt the metals, replace their teeth or shove it up their asses, get kicked out of country with the wealth in pereson, come up with a more advanced plan for next time.
I'm not talking about financial misdeeds. I'm talking about ideas like racial egalitarianism, feminism, and so on that people act like Jews created out of thin air. They were drawing on previously existing concepts and then using them for their own ends.
Things would unquestionably be better if Jews were put in their place, but they're just one powerful interest group. Jewish power needs to be criticized, but people also become hyperfixated on it and treat it like it's the main determining factor of history.
>following traditional standards of capitalization means I'm a kike
I've been found out.


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>This version of poz
Holy fuck, did you just ask for evidence like a maske dup vaxxe dup libtard?
The current "forms" are merely a progression, a process of degeneration. It didn't exist in the 1950s because it would have been too obvious. It actually existed in 1930s Berlin, but nevermind. That doesn't mean kikes weren't doing anything in the 1950s. Just because you don't see troon shit in 1806 (you do if you look at royals) it doesn't mean it wasn't planned. Child sacrifice has been around for eons. Kike blood rituals have been around for eons. The potency has always been there. Just because I can't point to a commercial from the 1600s doesn't mean kikes weren't up to kike shit. Once again, you are a fucking moron.
>Began being pushed by jews later
You mean
>What jews began perverting later.
You don't even realize that you are committing the perverting act the kikes have done. It's like you're reading from a jewish history book for the goyim, and saying it's real history. All your references have been extremely poorly interpreted, completely taken out of context because of the tone of a couple words. All this scrutiny, and yet you think the holocaust happened. It's amazing how fake you are.
>E. Michael Jones is debunked.
Yeah it's all a grand E. Michael Jones conspiracy that he's trying to discredit jews for a malicious grand plan of his.
>Race denier toolkit.
There's no such thing as a race denier. Anybody that makes that claim that there is no such thing as race is poisoned by kike propaganda, nothing more. It's not a toolkit. It's the product of brainwashing.
>Previously existed concepts.
For how deadly the kike perversions have panned out, you are highly willing to blame "whites" for creating the starter kits as if they are in the same ballpark. You are completely nonsensical.
It would be like blaming white people for being bread bakers and coming up with production methods that the jews then use with a converted recipe to poison the food supply with lab grade ingredients that cause cancer.
These toolkits you speak of are single strands of hay in fields of stacks that jews (and yourself) have plucked out to make a bundle that people can hold in their hand. It's a fucking joke.
No sane individual will actually make the claim that race does not exist. You're basically taking one imageboard post from 2011 and using it to justify and explain JIDF spam threads, saying it's white posters fault because they laid the groundwork.

you are quoting jewish propaganda by saying kikes were scapegoat pawns of the ruling class.
Try red pilling normalfags pre-Gaza invasion, and they will quote it verbatim.
>Muh ruling class pawns
It's just a variation of this.


Yes, goyim. Kikes are victims of the ruling class, and they are blamed and scapegoated by the poor class. That's why they had to infiltrate society and destroy all western nations, and that's why Gaza has to be exterminated.


He's always done that, for almost a year. It's always so easy to notice him.


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Haven't you ever noticed that the unironically local incel has always hated women and never hidden the fact that he actually defends the kikes at every possible opportunity?
He's been doing this for years. That's why I believe he's some kind of mutt or Indian. He despise white people, especially white women.




It's kikes vs sand niggers. Who gives a shit.
Why are whites supposed to choose a side in these shitty street shitter conflicts? Let the subhuman vanish.


>assertions from Goebbels
>not relevant
Not an argument. If humanity exterminates jews, nobody will take their place and the world will be better off.


Because I hate Israel more for the heaped up damage the kikes have done to my nation over generations.


>It's kikes vs sand niggers
Ya… with billions of American tax payer dollars on one side.
Imagine being so nigger brained
Wait a minute, youre a jew arent you


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>It's kikes vs sand niggers. Who gives a shit.
kys kike


>Why are whites supposed to choose a side in these shitty street shitter conflicts?
The whites are with the jews in Israel, anonkun.


I know many white British guys becoming Muslims and each one is having five to six sons, all blonde and ginger, and making good money and getting fit and well educated.
The kikes and mexicans can't handle that fact.


Why wouldn't they


Not falling for it Mohamud.


Because kikes are getting butthurt about how their golems and plans are being destroyed in the last few years.
And latinx subhumans loves to larp as Templar Knights and have this retarded hatred for Europeans and Muslims. A true European give up on christfag shit and becoming a muslimtard is extra funny and make them all mad.


>Holy fuck, did you just ask for evidence like a maske dup vaxxe dup libtard?
Wanting evidence makes me a libtard?
>The current "forms" are merely a progression, a process of degeneration. It didn't exist in the 1950s because it would have been too obvious. It actually existed in 1930s Berlin, but nevermind. That doesn't mean kikes weren't doing anything in the 1950s. Just because you don't see troon shit in 1806 (you do if you look at royals) it doesn't mean it wasn't planned. Child sacrifice has been around for eons. Kike blood rituals have been around for eons. The potency has always been there. Just because I can't point to a commercial from the 1600s doesn't mean kikes weren't up to kike shit. Once again, you are a fucking moron.
What were some destructive social policies Jews were historically pushing on Europeans?
>What jews began perverting later.
The poz that existed prior to the ascendance of the Jews to cultural prominence century was the predecessor to the poz we have today. What evidence is there that the Jews influenced radicals like the Society of the Friends of the Blacks to push for equal rights for nogs during the French Revolution? Olympe de Gouges also pushed for equal status regardless of race or sex. The destructive civil rights and feminism agendas that were heavily pushed after WWII are downstream of that kind of nonsense.
>Yeah it's all a grand E. Michael Jones conspiracy that he's trying to discredit jews for a malicious grand plan of his.
He's a fool. Obviously he's antiwhite, but he blames anything in history that he doesn't like on Jewish influence. This includes the occultism of the Renaissance, Protestantism, and the Enlightenment.
>There's no such thing as a race denier. Anybody that makes that claim that there is no such thing as race is poisoned by kike propaganda, nothing more. It's not a toolkit. It's the product of brainwashing.
And what provided the ideological underpinnings for that brainwashing?
>For how deadly the kike perversions have panned out, you are highly willing to blame "whites" for creating the starter kits as if they are in the same ballpark. You are completely nonsensical.
What I'm doing is pushing back on the idiotic idea that everything comes back to Jews when there have always been whites willing to undermine their own race even without their influence. The idea that it all comes down to Jews is retarded reductionism.
>you are quoting jewish propaganda by saying kikes were scapegoat pawns of the ruling class.
It's Jewish propaganda that they were brown-nosing middlemen who cozied up to those in power? And here I thought the narrative of the Self-Chosen People was that they were hated wherever they went for no reason whatsoever.


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>What were some destructive social policies Jews were historically pushing on Europeans?


>This includes the occultism of the Renaissance, Protestantism, and the Enlightenment.
And probably rightly so. Wtf is your problem?
He's not anti-white. You outed yourself as a kike shill.
>And what provided the ideological underpinnings for that brainwashing?
Not your tranny logic forged by kikes that make determinations based on buzzwords in hundreds year old statements where they've been completely removed of context. Fuck you, faggot.
>The idea that it all comes down to Jews is retarded reductionism.
No, you're projecting and making retarded reductionist theories boiling everything down to white people in completely asinine ways.
>It's Jewish propaganda that they were brown-nosing middlemen who cozied up to those in power? And here I thought the narrative of the Self-Chosen People was that they were hated wherever they went for no reason whatsoever.
These are obfuscation tactics, not proper debate.
>to push for equal rights for nogs during the French Revolution?
I just watched something on this today, but I forgot what it was already.


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>He's a fool.
I don't think you know what a fool is.


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Netherlands, UK and USA made this happen.


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Is amazing how braindead, uncreative and liars they are, I myself have seen them desperately trying this gimmick over the last few months.
>Hmmm, something from decades ago that you enjoy always "woke"!!! Fallout was always "woke"! Lovecraft/Cormac McCarthy/PKD/Tolkien was always "woke'! The Goodfather was always "woke"!


Yes. Everything was Hitler but actually everything wasn't, and that's a good thing!
Liberals have nothing but hypocrisy.


"boy" and "girl" aren't pronouns and they change the character model. And how is fist fighting the pope "woke?"


DD1 having niggers really pulled me out of the game, good thing that I dropped it.


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How long until Stephen King is next on the chopping block?


impossibru. He is the goodiest of goys


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Some zoomers hate him for not being progressive enough, but nope. Gen x love him, most of them have him as their favorite writer.
His most recent romance "Holly" was all about unvaxxed people being evil and Trump supporters being serial killers.
He guy is a pedo, let's be honest.

He always had this obsession with children and also with making characters who were pedos, and most of the time the pedo characters were made on purpose not to be the worst of the bunch. In "Needeful Things" the little mostly white town had at least three pedos living it. He dives into this, making it obvious to the pedo characters that they know smaller towns are best for guys like them and whenever some secret pedo party happens in a big city they can just go there.
In "IT" there is the famous child gangbag in the sewers.
He always created self-insert characters of him dating beautiful women in the books, because in real life he married a legitimate 2/10.
I don't doubt that he has already used his power and money to do nefarious deeds and this has always been hushed up. I honestly hope that before or after he dies something will leak out.


Stephen King is a fucking weirdo. Anyone who has read more than one of his books will agree. His voice JUMPS through the page at some points and just takes you completely out of the story.

I remember in Desperation he had this washed up old writer character, who was an bitter addict and hated everyone around him for the most petty of reasons. Naturally, the writer is the one who saves the world at the end by sacrificing himself, and I got the strong impression that this guy was a self-insert for how King views himself. Real fucking weird stuff.


The movies are better than whatever he barfed at his typewriter.


He's rated exactly as he deserves to be. Maybe underrated if anything. The popular idea of Stephen King is that he's a bad or hokey writer, whose nonsense people find entertaining. Everyone thinks Stanley Kubrick made the Shining better, and that King is kind of a boob for hating his movie. Who, these days, is painting King as some kind of infallibly great artist? Anyway, kys Ramonigger.


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