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/dup/ - btfo

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Hundreds of thousands of invaders are registering to vote without photo ID. This was the plan all along.


why even bother rigging it? the demographic damage is terminal, 90%+ of the GOP are controlled op faggots who pass whatever kike shit comes out of K street, and dup is pretty much a eunuch whether he's in office or not.


>the demographic damage is terminal
Like 90% of the invaders are these male pygmies who'll be incels here, get hooked on porn and booze and never reproduce.


True, see yakuza/nuzach/zach, they are all pgymies incels. For years now the majority of school shooters and other public shooters are jews, hapas, niggers, latinx and arabs. They can't handle being cucked IRL by aryan gods with their BWC.

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