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File: 1712727635083.mp4 (22.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Gay government employee.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Another faggot glownigger BTFOs himself to undercover journalist.


B-but those were all alt-right chud conspiracy theories!!!


File: 1712775473644.jpg (6.33 KB, 225x225, 1:1, TimmyMac.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

We've all been aware of this for the longest time. The fact that there hasn't been a mass "retaliation" at a "Patriot Front" or "KKK" rally really boggles the mind. "Pssst! Hey, kid! Do you want to blow something up?!" That's the catch 22 with these scenarios. "Hey, kid?! Do you want to fulfill the MSM narrative and mass murder a bunch of niggers for no reason?!"

No. I think I'd rather blow up a whole entire bunch of glowfags instead and become a legend.

"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right."


Why? It's their job.


File: 1712784235745.mp4 (11.9 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Fed leaked.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Federal Reserve Bank employee just got outed by Veritas too.


What do you meme exactly? It's their job to LARP as far right wing extremist terrorist groups? I make a hypothetical post about "glowies" claiming that the KKK is a PsyOp and why hasn't some hero blowed up the KKK yet? Well, that means they have to admit that the KKK isn't real and the entire thing was a show. And they'll never admit to it. This is why they had to allow Kyle Rittenhouse to get away with it. They risked blowing their cover. Everything is fake and gay. Go dare to "disrupt" a "Patriot Front" rally and see what happens to you.


They operate in plain sight, and you continue to pay taxes, memeing you're getting what you're paying for.
It'd be like being raging pissed off at McDonald's because they got your order right.


>MY taxpayer dollars at work
You're not wrong, but you gotta ask yourself why these faggots me on the street often and there's never been a single casualty between the Proud Boys and Antifa. It's all a PsyOp. The short answer to the question of, "Why hasn't anyone blown up the Klan or Antifa is because it's all part of the show. Everything is fake and gay. Both of these faggots on the left and right are just part of the show. That's why nobody is dead. It's all fake and gay. Just like the group of nahtzees who were ALLOWED to set up shop at Disneyland and get away with it. Everything is fake and we know it. And yet, these glowfag nahtzee Larpers are going to get away with it again. My tax dollars at work.

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