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/dup/ - btfo

Political Shitposting
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File: 1712781587376.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Once you go dup.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, dup.


Where are all the men?


Do you think he'd be asking for milkshakes if men were behind the counter


This is dup trying to regain some political capital he lost with his abortion statements this week.


where else are the diehard pro-lifers going to go? bidup? pence?

dup's abortion take was the smartest move he's made in a long time.


>leave murder to the states


>Still not understanding dup after all these years.
He is BTFOing the Left by baiting them to his side which fuels short circuiting in the TDS drones.


He gained capital by opposing the national ban.
You can't do a national ban in a country of whores and feminism. He'll you can't even de federalize it without nuking your party.


Yes always been like this faggot


I'm not in favor of a national abortion ban, either. For one, I don't think it's constitutional. What would work is a ban on interstate abortions (i.e. traveling from a state where it's banned to one where it's legal), similar to laws against crossing state lines for sex with a minor. The federal government has the authority for such a law enumerated in the interstate commerce clause.


Niggers and beaners all should be aborted, except whites.


Holy fuck I wish that would happen, jew yorkers and commiefornians would get the fuck out of my state overnight.


>interstate commerce clause
I'm 100% for shitskins and leftists killing off their progeny, but I would delight in having that clause fuck up their sacred cows for a change. Hit em with "Chevron" while we're at it, lol.


>I don't think it's constitutional

neither is anything the left's ever done, who gives a shit


There are no nigger "men" anyway. If niggers could produce actual men their countries wouldn't be shitholes where the most advanced thing that wasn't brought over by whites or asians was a hut made of sticks and shit.


>implying abortion is murder


File: 1712868686543.mp4 (812.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Come on, man.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1712884163455.jpg (79.49 KB, 750x683, 750:683, 1703339882692564.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

I remember when Chick fila didn't hire niggers and was all White Christian teenagers even in shitskin cities. Chick fila ceo is beyond a cuckold though and chick fila went downhill ever since.


When its healthly White children abortion is murder. When abortion is for shitskins, indians or chinks its a janitor service.


Dead, in jail, or selling drugs.


He's going to bleach them all
Based Dup!


I'm all for having nothing but shitskins working in stores/restaurants that are in areas with high nigger activity. No reason to unnecessarily put whites in the line of fire when some apes have a chimpout over whatever.


>Alright so, can I get 30 milkshakes?
<Yes, mistuh' Dup
>Your business doin good? You makin money?
<Yes, mistuh' Dup
>Alright now I want all you fine honeys to come out here and shake your milkers for the customers
<Yes, mistuh' Dup

he had those sistuhs eatin from the palm of his orange hand


>And I need you ladies to fuck some white guys, ok?
<Yes, mistuh' Dup
<We can dos that hyah hyah
<haha heheh ahhuhuhuh
<Hale ya I can get on some white boi cock, mistuh pres ident
>Ok and give'em some booty too. I don't think anal is particularly good, but for you all, it might help a lot.
<ok mastuh Dup we put awl da holes out hehe
<hyuh hyuh

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