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The 500 IQ administration over at 4chan have announced they are going to start requiring daily email verification while posting on /biz/ - Business and Finance to combat spam. You're a trained chimp if you think it will remain on /biz/, or will ever be rolled back. A fresh wave of draconian surveillance on an anonymous imageboard, just in time for an American election year and also just when our Greatest Ally is suffering the greatest propaganda failure they've ever experienced.

I predict a significant migration wherever an anon might find a roof over their head.


Good. Maybe some cuckchanners will create a new alternative besides this dump


They're not gonna come here, the people who wanted freedom left cuckchan a long time ago. They will go back to Reddit.


>oh noooo fresh blood will flood a bunch of dead and dying sites that have a small handful of regular users
Cool, if the vols and admins on the webring don't start acting like cuckchan mods then the newfags will be forced to adapt to meanie bad words outside of /pol/.


As long as the existing mods stay and 4chan honeypot glownigger kikes don't infiltrate the moderating system this is a good thing. 4cuck has banned the usage of VPNs and Tor. I want to give a big thanks to the mods and creators of this site for respecting peoples right to privacy. Thank you. .

Please figure out a way to vet incoming mod applicators because you know damn well israelis are going to try and infiltrate your site. Do not let this happen, please!


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Looking at the discussions on 4chan about this tvchan isn't on the list of alternatives or directory sites for imageboards


Kinda hope they flood zzzchan because the faggot vols have been running rampant deleting everything lately and marking shit as "spam" with zero proof.


Back in 2011 or whatever there was that great big ddos attack on 4chan, and they needed to start capcha to protect against it. Well the ddosing went away, but the capcha I guess stayed.


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When captcha services started appearing is when I gave up participating with that site in any meaningful way. Spam was worse afterwards since it only costs a few dollars a day to get some slave to fill them out by the thousands and bigger companies could pay for access to moderation on any board to censor criticism of their marketing and keep their threads visible and active.

When you look at all the money cryptoscams bring in it's not surprising they picked /biz/ to start this.


So it was a false flag…


Does anyone else remember typing "niggers" into captchas back in the day?


Is over for imageboards, I was planning to use 4chan again since the webring is pure crap, especially now. I guess I'll use polish, portueguese or russian imageboards instead of english ones.


Thank you for your recommendation, finally I'll find a good imageboard to stay posting.


Everyone went to Kohlchan's English board, /int/.


Yeah I remember it didn't make "niggers" start appearing in the captchas like I was told would happen either. I was sorely disappointed by this.


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>now requires email

>Range banned White American regions

>makes the worst god damn captcha
>bots everywhere
>anti-White shitskin indian and gook ricel mods
>refuses to range ban india, chink Canadians and israel where all the spam/disruption comes from
>gook that owns it is a communist and tied to antifa

4chan just needs to die so something better can come along its a controlled opposition site ran by a anti-White gook marxist.


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>People knew and understood all anon's greentext.
>Followed anon's suggested needs and made 8chan
>the world's elite orchestrated a false flag livestream shooting at a mosque where supposedly 40+ mostly peaceful Islamists were murdered by a white fascist extremist, to get Cloudflare to breach their contract with 8chan and open the floodgates to constant DDOS attack until they closed down, while banning 4chan and 8chan in New Zealand, all the while having a tranny president.
What more can be done?


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Christchurch wasn't even a false flag, it was just a hoax. Nobody died.


Frenschan has been shutdown unfortunately


They are called cuckchanners for a reason, anon.


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Tarrant won


Wasn't he OK with kikes?


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He is taking BBC in the prison, he loves when people makes him as a anime girl.


Glowniggers don't go to prison.


Common Amerimutt fantasy




Read his manifesto, you double nigger.


Yeah, he traveled to Israel even.


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>jap that owns it is a communist and tied to antifa
He worked with the Japanese government back in the 2chan days.


That's been normal for years, unfortunately, exacerbated with the death of kc.

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