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File: 1713190902739.mp4 (444.27 KB, 640x368, 40:23, Australia Knife Competitio….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi


Mossad op. They can't have Christians and Muslims coming together, they're desperate.


Literal religion exhalting weakness, it won't survive the future anyways tbh


>hey kid, wanna knife a follower of christ?
>t. kike


Nice try, homokike.


>They can't have Christians and Muslims coming together
Christians and Muslims have always been enemies, retard.


Nuh uh the Islamic takeover of Europe and the responding crusades and the near constant fighting between the Ottomans and the Christian states in Europe for centuries was all fake I'm allowed to make stupid retard statements like this because muslims hate kikes and you're a kikeshill if you disagree.


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This. Every movie in the 1990s told me so.


This, white incels can't handle the true, the problem is Christians vs Muslims, is a spiritual war, not a race one.


>It may have been a kike op set up by Mossad, but the reality is that something totally unrelated is the matter.


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I don't think people realize how significant this event is.


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It singlehandedly (two hands in this case) proves that fantasy bikini armor is 100% legitimate fighting armor.


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>muslims hate kikes and you're a kikeshill if you disagree.
People unironically believe that, but Islam and Judaism have more in common with each other than either does with Christianity. They both have dietary restrictions, mandatory daily prayers, are pro-circumcision, and both often regard Christians as polytheists due to Trinitarian theology. Zionism has really soured the relationship between Jews and Muslims.
It has nothing to do with movies and everything to do with history going all the way back to the wars of conquest under the Umayyad Caliphate.
>is a spiritual war, not a race one.
It's both. The civilized races are under attack from a coalition of rootless cosmopolitans who want to flood their lands with people who don't belong there, and slavish desert religions are being wielded by the globalists to undermine national cultures, demoralize them into submission, and look to Jerusalem as their spiritual center.


>everything to do with history going all the way back to the wars of conquest under the Umayyad Caliphate.
Go ask 100 Christians and Muslims randomly on the street if they know what you're talking about.


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Thats because muhammad copied judaism when he was enslaved by them in Medina. The whole right to slave and rape was based entirely on what muhammad saw jews doing along with just about every evil thats purposed by islam as allowed. All the kind and peaceful parts islam claimed is from when muhammad was living among Christians and Buddhist initially before being enslaved by jews. Islam is the spiritual successor to judaism and basically are satanic at its roots and conception.
Christianity was heavily influenced by Buddhism and other local European religions in Southern Europe. The original Christianity didn't even have any eternity in hell that was all made up by the Catholic Church, it was taught states of living are hell. Reincarnation is talked about in the Bible and the Book of Enoch along with ayys. Also they stopped teaching the parts about browns and blacks being a cursed blood line thats to be extinguished.


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>Shitposting music stops


You make Christians sound like the biggest pussies ever and Jews sound awesome.


You don't need to know all the details of the history to know that Christians and Muslims generally aren't on good terms, especially among people who take the traditional tenets of their religion seriously.
>Christianity was heavily influenced by Buddhism and other local European religions in Southern Europe.
I don't know about how much Buddhism directly influenced Christianity, but Ashoka apparently sent Buddhist missionaries to the Middle East hundreds of years before Christianity began. There's some speculation that the Jewish Therapeutae in Alexandria could have been the descendants of those missionaries and that there name was a corruption of "Theravada." There were also Greco-Buddhists due to Hellenic settlers building Greco-Bactria and the Indo-Greek Kingdom, and as far as we know they created the first anthropomorphic depictions of the Buddha.

I don't really doubt that Christianity was influenced by Buddhism in some way or another, but I don't know how much it was inspired by it. This story sure sounds like something out of the New Testament:
>The original Christianity didn't even have any eternity in hell that was all made up by the Catholic Church
I don't know about that. The story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke and the Lake of Fire in Revelations could be interpreted as pointing toward conventional ideas of hell, although there are other verses in the Bible that seem to point toward annihilationism.
>Reincarnation is talked about in the Bible
>the parts about browns and blacks being a cursed blood line thats to be extinguished
>along with ayys
I actually wouldn't completely rule that out.
Calling Jews satanic does make them sound pretty metal instead of like a bunch of whiny fags.


>You don't need to know all the details of the history
We do or we don't
Btw did you ask 100 people yet? Show us the data


>Christianity was heavily influenced by Buddhism and other local European religions in Southern Europe. The original Christianity didn't even have any eternity in hell that was all made up by the Catholic Church
Straight up cope and lies.
If what you were saying were true, the world would be in a much better position right now.

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