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File: 1713506321730.jpg (49.47 KB, 860x539, 860:539, 1200x0.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


They control through fear. Stop paying attention to the media.


Also, be on the lookout for false flags at home so they can pull us into the war.


You are the meat, pal.


File: 1713594115062.jpg (136.74 KB, 1024x1169, 1024:1169, 1690230910828862.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

You know what disappeared around the 2000s anti-war protesters. Instead you have both countries at war groups now protesting in the west for more war against the other.


Anti-war protesters are the biggest faggots of all


>biggest faggots of all

Pretty sure you hold that title over them.


You talk a lot of shit for a pacifist


>you're a faggot for not supporting kike military games
I'm not anti-war, I'm just anti-kike war. I'd gladly point a machine gun at your ass and see how many pieces I can cut you into.


Redditly speaking, if it's "for science," can it actually be called war?


Go die for Israel then


File: 1713662428355.mp4 (1.11 MB, 480x360, 4:3, i am a tree.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Go die for a tree then


Those are all demons. Not such thing as other intelligent smart creatures from behold the stars.
Depend on the war.
You are a retarded, we get it.
That's your best comeback? Seething about "DAJOOOS"? Are you a pajeet or muslim?


Pajeets canonically love jews. Are you a jew trying to obfuscate?


File: 1713665612789.png (286.56 KB, 435x870, 1:2, k_dilkington_weird_innit.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Those are all demons. Not such thing as other intelligent smart creatures from behold the stars.
It's the other way around. What we think of as demons comes from people from the past trying to describe whatever malevolent aliens are. For whatever reason followers of gentile Judaism get really fearful of the possibility of other intelligent life forms existing.
>You are a retarded, we get it.
>That's your best comeback? Seething about "DAJOOOS"? Are you a pajeet or muslim?
Why are you in damage control mode for the Israel lobby?


>Those are all demons. Not such thing as other intelligent smart creatures from behold the stars

Typical retarded mexishit moment.


Nothing retarded about mowing a nose nigger down with a machine gun, that's like saying killing mice and rats before they chew up your house is stupid.


File: 1713681600863.mp4 (7.72 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9f4f6b591a099bc0cf5062670f….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Funny video for you btw


I wonder if they squealed like their tailed cousins when those rounds started hitting them lol


You should send hamas money so they can start filming with sound.


That video has sound retard.


>funny watching people die

Post your fucking nose kike


You aren't people, kike. Faggot tier pathetic attempt at reversal there, every day you prove how bullshit those claims about kikes being smart actually are.


File: 1714240626736.jpg (124.93 KB, 1158x719, 1158:719, Who are we really fighting….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Look at the amounts of war veterans who got nothing but loses, even the ones from WW2 finally saw what went wrong. What a funny surprise that marxists would later be considered as the enemy right after Nazi Germany disappeared, Cold War was nothing but a cocktease because both sides were played by kikes.


File: 1714416143961-0.png (239.6 KB, 587x620, 587:620, zach castle ukraine.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1714416143961-1.mp4 (1.77 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, zach castle fire.mp4) ImgOps iqdb



Zach btfo?
Nuzach btfo?


jews are smarter than you white cucks…you are to jews what niggers are to whites..you are cattle Unironically and won't do shit


can smell your bad breath through your seething teeth


File: 1714430575373.jpg (34.17 KB, 770x433, 770:433, pjimage-1-4-770x433.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Fucking Voldemort!


Ah, yes. The major strategic target of a castle built in relation to a book written on a level for children and adult women. What? Were the jewkrainians keeping their supply of goyim children there or something?

This is an extra faggy version of when webcomics portray the "artist's" mouth piece vs. a strawman for them to argue against. And so fucking many people relate everything to harry porter for some fucking reason. Or at least they use to before the author became and alt-right neo nazi and said that mentally ill men in dresses shouldn't be allowed to molest little girls in public bathrooms.


> You aren't people, kike. Faggot tier pathetic attempt at reversal there, every day you prove how bullshit those claims about kikes being smart actually are.

sounds pretty seethe to me fag


>eee eeee seeethe eeeee
I can sort of decipher those rat like squeals of yours they're awful repetitive. Like an animal's braying.


Dices Battlefield really got those tank sounds accurate in their vidya.


what are you going to do about it?


do something


Dismiss it like when any other animal makes noises.


I already do.

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