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File: 1713819124844.mp4 (5.82 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Summer Election Psyop.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

 No.142830[View All]

I think it's clear this will be the Summer Election drama as it's just getting started and spreading to more and more campuses. Might be a thread to dump some protest and hopefully future riot kinos.

Lefties, get the fuck out there. You've got a job to do. hehe

How will dup favor? Will he be btfo from all this or will the lefties and jews have their hands too full?
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Cuckservatives are mad and blinded, even some normalfags are now noticing how you aren't allow to talk about the kikes, or who the kikes love to falseflag.


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>The libs are going to blame Israel for having control of police and killing George Floyd.
The early mass arrests are just popping these rebel youths' cherries. We will have scorched earth this Summer.


Does anyone remember or have those survey results from israel on their preference on who they like/hate from most to least and an overwhelming amount of them hate white christians more than they hate extremist muslims and palestinians.

i feel like someone with a faceberg account could spam this to all boomers and pro-israel retards to shut them up.


I think they'd have to see the hate to believe it, and more than once.


some, absolutely. but not all. propaganda can be very convincing, even to the retarded.


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Not sure what's going on here


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CNN are pedophiles


In light of recent events, I feel compelled to post this.



>kikes and wannabe kikes are pedophiles
Obviously. But they're probably referring to a 6-year-old getting genocided by kikes as a woman to make it seem less heinous.


>CNN does damage control propaganda
Obviously. kikes and wannabe kikes are pedophiles
I know, but wtf this is on twitter.


File: 1714575685662.mp4 (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, GET DOWN IN YOUR FOXHOLE.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Fireworks stands open in about a month.


can't swing a dead cat without hitting retired city cops on long island.


This is like the point in every videogame boss battle where the protagonist stuns the boss, and the boss becomes vulnerable to being struck.

We've got the numbers, all we need is a charismatic Fuhrer to rise.


What the fuck is happening?


Kikes deployed a load of ex-idf with mossad handlers to go kick the shit out of the protestors.


Yeah they do look a little swole and serious.


File: 1714665777840.mp4 (2.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, firing on protest.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


you're literally a traitor if you think support this fucking faggot and/or think the 2020 election wasn't rigged.


ZOGbots get to do whatever they want under the guise of "safety"

Imagine your initial interaction with someone is running your hands all over their crotch and buttocks while claiming it's for your (officer) safety. It's a bunch of armed gropers on the gov't payroll.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
bidup looks like hammered shit, even the dog balls in his chin sack are showing through again.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you seriously watch these videos of people watching videos


What's it about? The page is blocked in my country.


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TruNews 1h+ segment about jews playing the role in dup's impeachment etc. The only based boomer on the planet.


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File: 1714751799285.mp4 (3.56 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, zionist hit with flag.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


It's funny how simple it is.
>inside guy yells "kill the jews"
>said rhetoric justifies crack down

Like I've been saying; you don't have to be clever if you wield all the power.


>a hapa priest
wtf it's real
>sargon goons are retarded pseudo-intellectuals without any integrity
imagine my shock
>cuckservatives are all about bootlicking cops and Israel
nothing new under the sun


Yeah or
>Get position of extreme authority over native populace as a foreigner
>Inside guy yells "Jews are infiltrating positions of power."
>Said rhetoric justifies crackdown from the offices they control


File: 1714786314875.mp4 (13.68 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, jew meltdown ucla.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Pop singer goes to UCLA to get an understanding and fails.


That is a kike pretending to be white, eh?


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File: 1714830662024-1.mp4 (1.98 MB, 320x568, 40:71, tucker.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

If you weren't gender neutral, I would have geentexted a pronoun because she looks troony.


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File: 1714956129280.mp4 (22.74 MB, 720x1158, 120:193, GET READY (1).mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Damn, I want to peaceful protest now.


>10 of my friends were brutally murdered by the IDF


File: 1714957622209.jpg (48.64 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Can't lose if you don't pl….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Is that a fucking tranny?
Fucking cuckservatives


We like'em built and blonde.


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>ywn be used as a body shield
>ywn stare at her face on your last breath after getting shot by a sniper
>ywn get a selfie with her seconds before getting clubbed by Officer Mutt Lopez


I just want to smell her gear when she takes it off at 7am after a long night of bashing.




The only demoralizing thing is seeing how many shitskin cops in NYC there is no wonder entire blocks of NYC now look like mexican peasant markets.


File: 1715020676502.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jew lawsuits.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Jews mean business.


What are they going to do? Sue the whole world?


>cries out in pain as he strikes you
He even got in a quick 'Oy vey remembah da six gorillian it's anotha Shoah goy!' at the end.
I wouldn't put it past them to try.


>we're gonna sue a bunch of people who are already tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to us
Why are kikes so utterly incapable of extending any kind of olive branch? They really are an entire race of spoiled children.


Would you extend an olive branch to animals created by G-d that serve you?


If they actually believe that, why is it their full time job to maintain the "enslavement."


I'm sure they consider it husbandry.

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