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Political Shitposting
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But what if both sides actually are wrong?


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There is only position. The third position.


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Leadership degrades with excess indulgence over time; to introduce a tolerance of usury, to Hunter Biden levels of publicly open dropping of guns and drugs all over the floor.

Why would I want to have "our guys" in autocracy, setting up yet more autocratic systems and doing all sorts more public-cajoling things if they'll simply degrade again in this way?

I hear it every day the mirroring of opinions on the right with those of the current regime.

"Don't ever tell the public anything they are morons." - true at least to a worthy degree, but a negative attitude and take as though you building a better culture is impossible for you to get done.

"Democracy is a lie we should discard it." - again, it's only a lie because the nature of autocracy is to undermine and break it, and the thought of affording it more resilience or protections is being dismissed because as long as we're like "Charlemagne" or "Hitler" or something autocracy works.

Why for example, under the canton system of Switzerland or some such, could we not have referenda every three weeks? Legally required of the government, over whatever the largest budgetary expenditure or deficit is of the current times? With constitutional consequences for if they don't obey the result of those referenda?

I just think you should have to run your legislative changes past the plebeicites on alternating Saturdays. And that rather than co-opting the state media or whatever it is, you should instead stop the state from helping itself to other people's money to fund it, or helping itself to other people's stuff.

I hate to go all Milei or stay stuck at the bottom in the civ nat basecamp but I think "actually" even Sargon has drifted from here and his Lotus Eaters podcast is a carefully spun sanitised version of his opinions being drip fed to the public.


Tzeentch is that you?


Low effort judea man is that you?


That post is clown shit my man, I couldn't even tell if you believed what you were saying or not, just look at the pic you used.


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Perhaps people might be interested in my "NO STATE" solution.


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>When marxism becomes the new liberalism
>While John Locke is a rightwing icon


Not only do I believe it, but I've never seen any refutation however minor, low effort, or remotely competent.

But that's not what dup is for hence the attached image for your archival and perusing.


Did he ever bought a new suit? Or is he using the same shitty one?


Sargoy hates based and redpilled "nazis/ancaps", he only wants to be see as the slayer of SJW's and the new eternal anglo ruling over the ruins of the western.


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He should join the club.


Same shitty one. He wears it when his wife has another of her boyfriends' children.


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The pathetic fucker made a video coping about his failed political attempt and he is also shilling some crap book wrote by some mixed-raced slut.
Sargon lost so fucking hard and no among of irony can save him.


Sargon won.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
ourqueen is back!


Where did you that image from? For some reason, it creeps the fuck out of me.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Earwinson bros??? We lost once again


Sargoon is grooming zoomers, nobody adult really cares about him as "leader" or "wise" man.

He even got a hapa catholic priest to help him with the grooming.



This thread is so totally me I'm something in between.


the parties do not represent any side other than their own. the sooner you and the woke retards realize this the better although i won't hold hope for it because all of you have gotten too conditioned with bipartisan nonsense.
>but that sounds like turd world politics, this is america we're talking about
where do you think the shitskin politicians learned it from? if you say da jooz then you're only half right. people like dup and bidup are 100% white, taught the game by da jooz perhaps, but that doesn't absolve them of any personal wrongdoing. race traitors are a real thing and it's fucking pathetic how all of you are very quick to spout it about irrelevant online trannies who will never have children, and yet never think on how it applies to white politicians who do have children and are thus capable of maintaining their ideology through generations. the trojan horse story was an ancient warning on how traitors are often more dangerous than outright enemies just beyond your gates. it's funny how people from thousands of years ago know this and you don't, but that is to be expected from faggots who still participate in left vs right bullshit and celebrate beer brands being btfo on social media.


the parties do not represent any side other than their own. the sooner you and the woke retards realize this the better although i won't hold hope for it because all of you have gotten too conditioned with bipartisan nonsense.
>but that sounds like turd world politics, this is america we're talking about
where do you think the shitskin politicians learned it from? if you say da jooz then you're only half right. people like dup and bidup are 100% white, taught the game by da jooz perhaps, but that doesn't absolve them of any personal wrongdoing. race traitors are a real thing and it's fucking pathetic how all of you are very quick to spout it about irrelevant online trannies who will never have children, and yet never think on how it applies to white politicians who do have children and are thus capable of maintaining their ideology through generations. the trojan horse story was an ancient warning on how traitors are often more dangerous than outright enemies just beyond your gates. it's funny how people from thousands of years ago know this and you don't, but that is to be expected from faggots who still participate in left vs right bullshit and celebrate beer brands being btfo on social media.


Sargon and all his goons were right. The horseshoe is the truth.

Destiny is being censored!!! We need liberalism, Locke and absolutist freedom of expression.


Sargon was right, a collective of individuals would be the most powerful form of government. It's actually forming now, with the collective of individuals rising in favor of trump. He predicted the future


Vee deep wisdom scares me. In other centuries he would have been a renowned philosopher and saint of the Church!!!


I love hecking loki


>Destiny is being censored
Didn't they just cut his monopoly money revenue in twiiter? Creating a mountain of salt, wish I don't mind at all.


I hope that little faggot loses it all.


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The faggot is just losing some money for a few months, he is such a whinny and hypocritical cuck faggot (just like Nuzach).


Yes, he wished the sniper didn't miss Dup's head and now he's being held responsible by his fellow liberal faggots. All this bitching and moaning to censor and infantilize every fucking thing has truly paid off, this is why marxism is fucking cancer and just double down their morals to quench their egos.


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>opposition remains consistant instead of bending over to suck dick / pretend they're something they're not
>takes the consequences of that action on the nose
<the same consequences that your side bitch and moan about when it's done to them
>but this is a good thing infactofcouse


I think Sargon got some useless degree recently and is all proud of that feat.


Like yikes, there's not enough gun control.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Centrists have Sargon, reddit has this manlet fake jesus


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The way all his fans call him by gis first name charlie like they know him echos metokikes fans from back in the day. Amazing how we anons were as usual ahead of the curb when it comes to the trends of parasocial relationships with subhumans who either don't care of bow to the current thing.

The video is completely unrelated.



I thought Charlie was just a smelly manlet who used to steal takes from 4chan back in the mid 2010's, but it seems that over the last few months reddit is making him a champion for the left and he's getting more and more faggy and getting into drama against "redpilled" guys, including Synthetic Man.


He didn't even have "takes" he just did videos of random shitty games that were funny at the time.


I want to watch Sargon fall and burn again.


Guys, if you don't support Israel you are a woketard!!!


Charlie is 0.5% jewish according to his 23AndMe.


That's nothing and within the margin of error.


Sargon and his latrino/hapas goons are getting really butthurt if you call him a coward or midwit in the commentaries.


And if you talk about Murdoch Murdoch.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>Make a Wish Nick
Classic Trump.


I just found out there is an entire wikepdia section dedicated to the nicknames Trump has used.
I don't really listen to Trump all that much, so reading all of these is like a treasure trove for me. They are going to add these nicknames to the history books.


>Ziodup needs me


Sargon now only wears suits, the little dinosaur man seems to have let his inferiority complex win.


>nonsense, nonsense everywhere
What a fucking mong you are. If you don't believe there can be good people and if you don't believe we can create a system that nurtures and attracts good people then kys.

Soss pliss.

>the parties do not represent any side other than their own.
The parties represent (((one central metaparty))).

>Centrists have Sargon, reddit has this manlet fake jesus
And someone someone has Count Dooku >>145981

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