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File: 1715281129139.mp4 (7.13 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, Shabbos light.mp4) ImgOps iqdb




File: 1715281269194.mp4 (9.54 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Loophole.mp4) ImgOps iqdb



This is where our tax dollars are going.


>there are right now, tons of fuel being burn, because the kikes don't turn off the lights.


jews really are a inbred breed of retards more cringe than anything I have seen from Christians.


I don't understand


It's a subtle joke. CIA says he's a big guy suggesting that he can take the pain, and Bane says "For you" implying that he can take the pain but that he's only a big guy compared to him, implying he can kick his ass but that there's other bigger guys out there.


Their climate cult golems should know about this.


Jews have to follow strict laws that prevent them from working(operating anything electrical is considered working) on the sabbath so back in the olden days they'd get a shabbos goy to do work for them. Now with electric timers and lights as seen in the OP they can get around the laws according to some branches of judiasm.

It's been prophesied that once they all properly follow the laws for an entire day their messiah will redeem them so it's something the jewish race is constantly working towards but in different ways and varying levels of enthusiasm. For most rabbis it's meant to be open to interpretation and not very strict with workarounds and types of penalties because that kind of religious devotion isn't expected but hoped for. Most jews ignore the laws completely, some jews try to abide or work around them while a few follow them as if their life depended on it.

The thing about the workarounds is they're not done in an attempt to fool their god or get around the spirit of the law by technicality. They went with the rabbi that would allow them this leniency.


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>It's the Rabbis' fault.
No, it's typical kike subversion, a default operating system. They would rather subvert God than attune with him. It's simultaneously an excuse to employ goyim for medial tasks. The entire point of the ritual is lost on practically all jews because they'd rather game their own religion. Avoiding buttons is not the only game in town.


>Most jews ignore the laws completely
A great many of them do use shabbos as an excuse to get out of doing work of any kind, but only the really stupid jews take the meaning of "work" to this extreme.


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The Eruv is another good example of misunderstanding by gentiles. The proper demarcation of a physical space confers it with magical properties. The wall being a string representing part of a doorway is acceptable in that context. I can see how without in depth knowledge of their kind of mysticism the notion that they are subverting laws with no understanding of why they are there can seem plausible.


I don't see how anything I said about the eruv is in conflict with what you said.
>It's not subversive because it has a heckin' meaning.


You're talking to some fag with a short circuited brain, the conclusions he jumps to about anything you say will not make much sense if any.


Whatever happened to that Orthodox who rejected Neo-christianism?


Brother Nathanael is still around.


nobody cares


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>nobody cares


That must be Nathaniel's face when nobody gives him attention


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Looks like I have an excuse to post this merchant.


>t. from the JIDF meme vault


What a charming smile. How can you hate that smile?


Jews cannot start fires on the Sabbath because that's considered work. Flicking a light switch starts a fire by igniting a spark, either at the switch or in the bulb. Even if power is constantly moving through the home, it is blocked at certain points, either by the bulb or the switch. By unblocking this, they are starting a fire. By simply connecting an electronic that is always on, you're adding something that doesn't start a fire but naturally provides light. Kosher lights aren't "fooling God" like the man in the video claims. In Judaism, a message is given by God, which is then interpreted by the rabbis without God's input. The message here, "Don't work (start fires) on the Sabbath," was answered with "We'll just make electronics that don't require work (start fires)." There's a similar rule against writing, which is why many Jews use dictation software. Rich Jews hire servants to do these tasks for them on the Sabbath. They used to use slaves. The people in these positions are "Shabbos goy". "Shabbos" means "Sabbath", and you already know what goy means. Jews use goyim utilitarianly for the sake of operating on the Sabbath as they consider goyim to already live in Hell, meaning they are unable to fall further by violating the Sabbath.


Sounds like a lot of schizophrenic mumbo jumbo.


But it's an effort to not work this much.

And it's not a mitzvah or mitzvot to help God or his chosen shoahs in any way.

Does Rabbi hollowizbergerstein not have anything to say about that?


They either always have these things on or plug them in the day before the Sabbath. It depends on the household.

Prohibition on work is one of the strictest mitzvah. God makes it very clear to Abraham in Exodus that Jews will not work on the Sabbath. Aside from not being allowed to do their job, the literal definition of work, there's also the biblical definition. The word "work" used in the commandment to Abraham is the same that was used in God's creation of the Earth and is used immediately afterward in describing the construction of the tabernacle. This word for "work" implies creativity and domain over the world. The rabbis interpreted this as meaning any category of work which has to do with the construction of the tabernacle. This led to the 39 Melakhot, categories of creative work prohibited on the Sabbath. By the rabbis, Jews are also not allowed to touch the 6 Muktzeh, categories of tools used for creative work prohibited on the Sabbath. There are also other rabbinic prohibitions on the Sabbath, but they're more complex.

Even when employing Shabbos goy, certain rules must be followed. For example, you cannot command or hint at a command for a goy to break a Melakhot, and you can only have a goy perform something forbidden by the rabbis, such as touching a Muktzeh, if it meets certain conditions such as preventing grievous financial loss or helping the sick. However, you can hint to no subject (whine) about something which only a goy could solve by breaking a Melakhot. Saying, "Oy vey, I have only one piece of ripped toilet paper left! What ever shall I do?" would be permissible as you are not implying to anyone around you that they must break a Melakhot. You are simply despairing the situation. Whether the goy then rips the toilet paper so you may use it in your existing pile or buys more toilet paper, rips it, then adds it to your pile, is none of your concern. However, if the goy asks, "Are you saying I should do that for you?" you must always give an answer which neither affirms nor denies your desire for the action to occur, such as, "It would help," but never, "Yes." Further, you cannot apologize to or thank the goy in this situation, as that would imply you received direct benefit or were commanding the goy to break a Melakhot.

Direct benefit is defined as the ability to do something which was not previously possible after something was done to break a Melakhot or rabbinic prohibition with the intention of helping you, and the benefit of the creation of something which did not already exist. For example, you can use a newly lit room if a goy lit the room for himself and had no intention of letting you use the room before he turned off the lights. In this case of a goy lighting a room, you can ask the goy to not turn the lights off and now do activities which could not be done in the dark. However, if you ask a goy to do something which could be performed in a manner which does not break a Melakhot, yet he breaks it anyway, it is none of your concern unless he believes that you will directly benefit from his violation. If he suspects this, he cannot turn on the lights. In this case of a goy lighting a room, what you may do in the now lit room is limited to what could have been done in the dark, so you may indirectly benefit in these actions from the presence of light. This promotes lying to and tricking goyim. For example, you tell a goy that you found something of his in a now dark room. The goy goes to find his possession and turns the lights on so he may search for it. You enter the room and tell the goy to not turn the light off. The goy must now decide whether to slight you by turning light off or keep the light on despite his suspicion that you lied to him. When confronted with the lie, you say, "I thought I saw it there. Someone must have moved it." You have now confirmed that you had no intention of having the light turned on, and you have not recognized that he turned on the light. You may now do any permissible activity in that room. You cannot trick the goy into breaking a Melakhot again until he is no longer suspicious of you, but your family and friends can until he is suspicious of them as well.

There are many other rules regarding Shabbos goy. The most notable of these which I have not mentioned are the largest exceptions. The first is that during Bein HaShemashot, twilight, you can command a goy to break any Melakhot as much as you want as long as there is great need, the action is required as part of the Sabbath, or it is required for a mitzvah. The second is what may be an actual loophole and is hotly debated, the act of asking one goy to ask another goy to break a Melakhot. The first goy may decide for himself to do it for you, an action which does not benefit you because he disobeyed you. The second goy may also do the action, but he would be considered to be following the wishes of the first goy, not you.


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If the use of dictation software doesn't count as writing, can't they just use voice or sound activated lights?


Thinking about it again, the bit about dictation software may have been something I misremembered from an argument. You can't use dictation software. Doing so is work, since that causes fire within the computer. Further still, you cannot have microphones or use instruments which may be adjusted on the Sabbath. Finally, I was incorrect in saying that it's not writing. It is writing, since you're creating transcribed words. Sorry for the confusion.

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