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>House committee hearing disrupted as Rep. Taylor Greene and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez clashed.
>Greene criticized Jasmine Crockett's appearance, prompting AOC to demand her words be struck.
>The dispute began during a vote to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress.


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It's another ZOG puppet show episode.


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Having niggers or beaners in any position of power is pure dystopia.


I am so weary of niggers.


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Just imagine when niggerdom finally reaches critical mass. America will be like Detroit from coast to coast.

We all are, friend. The only silver lining to the spic/jeet invasion is that they hate niggers just as much as I do.


Niggerdom will never reach critical mass, because niggers kill each other more than whites, that is why the kikes are flooding burgerland with beaner, expecting to reach wetback critical mass instead.


We need a Margaret Sanger for spics.


I never understood what the kikes think will happen when they replaces whites. Do they think the shitskins will care about the six gorillian enough to send their sons to die for israel? Shitskins can't even keep basic infrastructure in working condition so even if they did care about the sixty gorillian I don't see them being able to field a competent army. Are the yids just too stupid to realize that 'muh six hundred gorillian' only works because whites are the only race with the capacity for empathy?


Jewish supremacists believe when their Messiah comes, every jew will have 2800 goyim slaves, this is why they want to build the Third Temple. They actually believe once their global NWO control grid is established with CBDC, AI and robot soldiers, they will be able to rule over a world of mud people, but they need Whites out of the way first.


Margaret Sanger wasn't up to speed on the black dysgenics problem and, unlike what nigger worshiping Republicans think, didn't even advocate for abortion unless it was done to save a woman's life. The former was a point of contention between her and Lothrop Stoddard, if I remember right, who was also involved in the birth control movement of the time. Her whole idea was to give blacks the option to plan their families out like whites did.


The beaners are going gay and not having kids they are being used to spread the next big disease. About 1/4 of young mexicans are gay. The fact is mexico is about to have a female jewish president its clear mexicans are going extinct.


The moment a kike becomes president of mexico is the moment they will have a civil war, if they don't, well, they are fucked.


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Mexico is already a zog. The figurehead doesn't matter.


>says "nigger"
>says Margaret Sanger was actually just a nice conservative lady trying to help people.
You know you don't have to say nigger if you don't want to.
It doesn't raise your status or anything.


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>says Margaret Sanger was actually just a nice conservative lady trying to help people.
She was a liberal for her time. Contrary to what Hannity-tier "conservatives" like to repeat, her version of eugenics was race blind. She saw herself as offering a choice to People of Socioeconomic Factors that they otherwise hadn't had access to.
>You know you don't have to say nigger if you don't want to.
And I can also say it if I want to, niglet.


>Margaret Sanger's view of eugenics was race blind.
>eugenics was race blind.


Sanger saw dysgenics as being an individual problem and didn't take populational differences into consideration.


>Margaret Sanger, the poster child for eugenics, actually didn't believe in eugenics, but just having a helpful, positive, effect on individuals one at a time.


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>I'm going to be aggressively retarded and not even respond properly to what was said


>Posts in a chan.
>Respond properly.


>muh Sanger
>muh Sanger was based!!!
She was a feminist shitlib leftist of her time.


That's what I'm saying. Conservatives try to demonize her and accidentally make her sound awesome when she wasn't.


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How Real Housewives Invaded Congress

Political consultant/producer Andy Cohen has glamorized the cat fight - a step down from Clare Boothe Luce's The Women.

By Armond White

Considering the reality-TV show that the U.S. Congress has become, last week's congressional melee between Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Jasmine Crockett can be traced to one cultural force: TV producer Andy Cohen. Cohen's world-renowned Real Housewives cable-TV series has altered the public role of women, as was proven by the fracas that began when Greene asked whether any Democrats on the Oversight Committee are employing Loren Merchan, daughter of Judge Juan Merchan, who is tyrannizing the court in the current Trump case in Manhattan.

The ruckus was not like TV's Jerry Springer Show, as Senator John Fetterman cluelessly snarked. It began with a political provocation equivalent to asking, "Who was your husband seen with?" The meeting shifted to evasions and personal insults that were decidedly more catty than parliamentary. It brought out a strain of feminine pique first unleashed when former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi dramatically, in full view of the cameras, ripped up a copy of President Trump's State of the Union address immediately after he delivered it.

Such gloves-off vitriol is characteristic of the sides-taking outbursts that have become standard under Pelosi. They parallel the melodrama that made a millionaire of 55-year-old Cohen, a leftist TV phenomenon who claims he was inspired by "strong, powerful women who dressed well with big hair." (Pelosi's stunt rivaled felon Teresa Giudice flipping over a restaurant table in Real Housewives of New Jersey.) He boasted to the New Yorker that his Real Housewives series offered a "great feminist tableau."

Cohen belongs to the line of popular feminist mountebanks - right behind Frida Kahlo, Gloria Steinem, and Madonna - who reshaped the way women express their anger. As the entrepreneur and executive producer behind Bravo network's Real Housewives franchise, which began in 2006, Cohen has limited the view of women's lives to brunch and shopping, concentrating on gaudy finery and petty jealousies. This form of narcissism relates to political selfishness. Cohen has normalized the catfight.

Cohen's franchise is now a global phenomenon: The Real Housewives shows span Orange County, New York City, New Jersey, Atlanta, D.C., Beverly Hills, Miami, the Potomac, Dallas, Salt Lake City, and Dubai. Their political and cultural significance is evident in how they have updated the manner of congressional debate from its male-oriented history of canings and pistol duels, strategies of persiflage and filibustering and outright calumny.

A brief recap: It's important to point out that the quarrel actually started with a man - the Oversight co-chairman, Maryland's Democrat Jamie Raskin, who stirred the pot, alleging that some Republican members' "pilgrimage" to the Trump trial in New York supported "an adjudicated fraudster and rapist" and that they were displaying their "fierce devotion to a devout and pious spiritual leader who many are calling Messiah."

With these slurs, Raskin shamelessly abused his "legislative immunity," according to which members of Congress cannot be prosecuted for anything they say during legislative proceedings. (It was legislative immunity that allowed Adam Schiff's constant commission of slander during the House Trump impeachments.) Male Republicans silently suffered the offense, as usual. But Greene responded to Raskin's insults. (Later, Raskin scurrilously told the press that the GOP representatives were inebriated - typical of Democrats projecting their own Pelosian behavior on others.) This is consistent with Real Housewives lore, in which a man is often the catalyst for feminine warfare. D.C. Democrat geezer Eleanor Holmes Norton nodded along with Raskin's defamation, but Jasmine Crockett of Texas, typically reacting as a Democrat Party attack dog, challenged Greene's inquiry, which sparked Greene's observation to Crockett: "I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading." From there, the Real Housewives reenactment was on.

Colorado's Lauren Boebert sensed the evil vibe happening around her and made the sign of the cross, but only Florida's Anna Paulina Luna spoke up to calm the hysteria.

Crockett shouted, "Don't TELL me to calm down!" an exhortation exemplified on Cohen's Atlanta franchise and in such low-down offshoots as VH1's Basketball Wives.

This is the point where "the people's House" resembled a street fight. The rough democracy of class- and culture-clash exceeded Andy Cohen's dream of a show he called "a platform for women . . . in terms of expressing their sexuality and who they are and starting over in life and figuring things out."

You'd think media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be queen of the cutting remark, but she entered the fray with her usual brand of half-baked statesmanship, making a bratty "point of order." AOC demanded that Greene's comment about eyelashes be stricken from the record, and then she taunted Greene as "baby girl." Greene questioned the pejorative's appropriateness. Fact is, AOC's outdated, pseudo-affectionate slam is not nomenclature she picked up from her monied Westchester background. Nor is it even slang from her alma mater, Boston University (Andy Cohen also graduated from BU). "Baby girl" was the affectation of a scheming politician imitating home-girl realness. AOC faked grassroots sistahhood, Real Housewives-style.

These personality details should not be lost to pundits puzzled by pop lingo. Note how partisan sniping puts up a banji-girl front and erodes diplomatic decorum. No doubt this shows Andy Cohen's degrading influence, but it also signifies our distance from the kind of hair-pulling bickering we saw in The Women, by famous conservative Clare Boothe Luce. Written in 1936, the play focuses on a group of society women who represent American social types - rich, middle class, and working class.

Luce acknowledged the reality of feminine backbiting. Through the respectable artifice of boulevard comedy, she cut to the core of female competition, without today's degraded language and political rivalry. George Cukor's 1939 film version starring Joan Crawford, Norma Shearer, and Rosalind Russell successfully captured this artifice for all time. But, nearly a century later, there's a world of difference in the backwardness - and subtle gynophobic contempt - that Andy Cohen perpetuates in his drag-queen glamorization and exaggeration of feminine wiles. (Mike White's HBO series The White Lotus uses actress Jennifer Coolidge for similar caricature. That's diversity for you.)

The Women predated Cohen's co-optation of the urban slang "ratchet," which means "loud, low-class, and self-centered." But Luce let women from different classes be themselves, avoiding political skullduggery - the Democrat bullying tactic that Republicans are incapable of matching and that brazenly reduces an elected official's civic performance to that of a street brawl.


What was really on display in that congressional melee was the contrast between black street-culture posturing (Crockett's vulgarity), white southernism (Greene's tough belle), and white northern-socialist linguistic appropriation (Cortez's ethnic-slang pretense). It may be enough to impress their core constituents (although criticism has come only from anti-Greene RINOs), but it's important to note that in this context, the bickering is no different from Pelosi's duping of Mike Pence on January 6, as seen in the documentary Pelosi in the House.

Understand how this behavior originated. Andy Cohen's henhouse TV phenomenon has coarsened the idea of womanhood, reducing it to celebrity-wannabes presenting themselves like courtesans in prêt-à-porter versions of Met Gala costumes. That idea has, undeniably, entered the floor of the House, passing for authenticity only among the unworldly. It's a good sign that MTG was unfazed by AOC's "baby girl" taunt. The real cleavage Andy Cohen has given us divides the country.


Why can't one politician just say "jews"…they have nothing to lose honestly.


ms sheboon crockett nigger how the fuck did that nigger kike puppet get into office holy shit

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