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File: 1716145128203.png (133.68 KB, 535x424, 535:424, Screenshot from 2024-05-19….png) ImgOps iqdb


>Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on board the helicopter that suffered a "hard landing" in Iran's East Azerbaijan province, says Iranian state media.



I bet da joos did this.


I hope india gets nuked next the indians nothing but brown pieces of shit. You indians are lower than niggers.


First nuke Israel.


he's dead and nobody cares




"If we find evidence that Israel is involved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies." - Khamenei


Fuck off paki


File: 1716348847017.png (190.92 KB, 645x387, 5:3, CIA.png) ImgOps iqdb

He didn't fly so good


>t. Seething shitskin


True indians all look like pigs anyway.


Based, I'm noticing a lot of anti-pajeets all across the internet in recent times, from true-asians to niggers, they are poking fun and hating on currycels.


I hope India and China nuke each other into oblivion, it would make me happy. India is essentially Africa with a running industry; Africa would be as overcrowded and literally shitty like India if it had industry and an independent economy. Nuke Pakistan too I guess but not the white(r) peoples in the north.


hopefully indian and pakistan nuke eachother and israel get's glassed somehow in the crossfire


Even Canadian news are now calling out poos for their nigger tier invasions. browns are embarrassing.


>cucknadian (((news))) calling out anyone the hue of poo
I'm not saying you're lying or wrong, but I find that really fucking hard to believe.

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