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File: 1716343948855.mp4 (8.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Biden says things were 'ki….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


It's another Dementia Joe episode.


It was sorta funny the first time but got old quick. Four seasons of this got really tiresome. If dup comes back in the next season and it is just a repeat of his first run then that would be boring same ol shit as well.


There is a kernel of truth in there, Barack Obama really is calling the shots, which causes Bidup confusion about when he was actually the Vice President.


I hope he gets reelected, him (((dying))) and having the first nigger womyn president would be hilarous.


>would be hilarous
Indeed. Do you think she had presidential aspirations while choking down on Willie Brown?
>i-if I suck dis dik real good I could be President of the United States of America!

I almost feel bad for her kike handler/husband…what a humiliating gig.


It would be funnier if she became prez like a week before the election, so the first femoid president is only around for a few days.


The incumbent administration remains in office until January 20th, regardless of whether they win or lose the election.


You're right. But what if bidumb took a long nap right before Dwamph's inauguration? Does it technically go to the VP or straight to president elect?


File: 1716486595237.png (115.14 KB, 706x772, 353:386, Presidential line of succe….png) ImgOps iqdb

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