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Today's Darwin Award goes to the missionary couple who chose to remain in Haiti because of the White Man's Burden.



It's time to stop throwing good money for bad, and end the Haiti project.

They've had 200 years since the niggers rose up and genocided the French colonists to prove themselves as a country, and have failed again and again.

They have received endless gibs and assistance from the international community, to no avail.

The fact of the matter is 75 IQ subhumans can't even manage a tiny island nation. It's like trying to make a paraplegic walk. Every time you think Haiti has been stabilized, within months they're back to cannibalism.

The most humane thing to do with Haiti is to glass the place.


They got what they deserved.


Toll paid in full.


There was another case in which some rich libtard flew over there and later got kidnapped by da hood, although the civilized niggers told him to not leave his safe spot for the millionth time.


>They have received endless gibs and assistance from the international community, to no avail.
Of course the humanitarian aid industry doesn't help them, of the tiny amount that actually does end up there the people handing it out make sure that there's always more needed. Anyone living there trying to improve the situation instead of sustain it is trying to steal their lucrative job and is dealt with. So now there's gangs killing aid workers to get rid of them.

Back during the 2010 earthquakes there was hundreds of aid workers so disgusted at the situation that they spoke out how the international aid was more devastating that the actual earthquake. Economists looked into it and agreed.


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The "aid industry" was the worst thing we could have done for niggers, or anyone else. In the case of kikes, it's a scam, but niggers have become dependent on it. Do you know why they post "don't feed the animals" signs in parks/forests? If you feed the animals, they stop hunting and foraging and rely on gibsmedats instead. Niggers have been on life support for so long that they can't survive without everyone else feeding them and giving them everything. Aside from the kike's war with Amalek, why does every TV advert encourage niggers to mate with white people? Because, maybe a halfbreed nigger will have the IQ needed to function in society. Niggers truly are animal tier. Sub human. Mixing with anyone other than another nigger is the only way that they can evolve. I don't even hate spics or pajeets because at least they work and aren't animals. I think all of us, all other races on this planet, jeets, spics, slants, whites, etc, we can all agree that niggers are animals compared to the rest of us. We should stop feeding them and let nature/evolution run it's course. Let the niggers die and kill off the rest. Humanity needs to let go of these sub humans. Stop feeding the animals.


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Jews can choose to not be Jews and refuse. A man with 70 IQ can seldom change who or what he is. I don't hate niggers. I don't live in Chicago and that's plainly obvious to see but as a result I've been given no reason to hate niggers. Whereas "South Asians" are a despised and loathed enterprise here.


There's a long pattern of this, Haiti is where well-meaning but clueless White missionaries go to die.


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>Haiti is aids the country

Only the absolute leftwing fag churches go to Haiti. Its funny people at a leftwing church I went to went there and 99% of them never ever wanted to go back and actually seemed developed a avoidance towards niggers after experiencing the 3rd world and some of them almost being raped. It was mostly young women that thought it was going to be like a island adventure. Also it was hilarious seeing them hold little niggers up because deep down for the women its a instagram safari kind of like holding a wild ape.

The haitians are extra cursed than regular niggers because their shitskin ancestors murdered the Europeans that freed them. I'm not kidding Haiti needs to get nuked.


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>Bill Clinton
That one is true though


The French made their own bed


Nice try, but all nonWhites are products of the devil. Anything they touch turns to shit. Think about it, if a White person racemixes with ANY nonwhite, said White person's genetic quality gets reduced and he will be robbed of his God-given opportunity to be a parent of pure White kids. I am a purist and I believe that one drop of nonWhite blood will taint White blood forever. I know you're not for racemixing, but I despise idiots who claim "X nonwhite race bad, Y nonwhite race good!!!1". THEY ARE ALL BAD. God only cares for White people, anon.


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>"X nonwhite race bad, Y nonwhite race good!!!1". THEY ARE ALL BAD. God only cares for White people, anon.

The only people who do that are nonWhites as you probably already know the west has tons of shitskins, bugs, poos and beaners now they are on the internet. They all say the same thing because they know nonWhites in general are dragging White society down but, they want sole access for their group to parasite off or racemix with White People.

In my experience even having nonwhites in your friend group will drag you down because they will want to accommodate their race and just want to fuck White women. Then eventually turn on you and call you racist.


When push comes to shove, most nonwhites will side with their own. Even a large percentage of the "good" ones. That's why I prefer not to be around them at all.


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>nobody posting the video of the bodies


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That's why the whole "separate nations for separate races" idea should just be a stepping stone only to the real final idea.


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surprised she is still partially clothed


Why do you think they covered her lower half?


If the Haitians were smart, they could've kept her alive as a broodmare slave, and she could've spit out a lightskin every 9 months, but of course, Haitians have no future time orientation, so they just whacked her to stop the screeching.


Louis poster?


No. I think he's dead, he hasn't been around for weeks.


PrEP could have prevented this.


He also traveled to Haiti


Faggot pagan thread. Kys vargoon


Die from aids, christkike.


Does anyone else hear mariachi music?


I hope that bitch was violently raped to death by a horde of feral monkeys.

Toll paid in full.


This made me realize asian infants should just be thrown off bridges into high traffic :)



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How often do sightings of the Mexcrement occur in his natural habitat? He should stay over there instead of shitting up this board.


I use to feel sympathy for people that got murdered by the wild animals they where trying to help. Figured they just didn't know any better because whites are bombarded from birth with how niggers are 'just like us fellow whites'. Not anymore. If you're too braindead to see what niggers really are with all the tools available to see what's happening that's not through (((the media's))) filter then you deserve what you get.


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Kino thread, keep sucking off those leftwing mutts, you'll be rewarded greatly.


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>Unironically nuzachposting


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Explain this /dup/


Hanania is a jewfro kike that you can safely ignore. Please don't post this kike ever again.


>Hanania is a jewfro kike
He's a Palestinian. He's also right about this.


He is not Palestinian, you fake news assclown. He is a kike, he loves and defends kikes, and consorts with kikes. He has a nappy headed jewfro.


>He is not Palestinian, you fake news assclown.
Yes, he is. At least do some basic research.


Mórmons are just crazy

Evangelicals are pure cattle and most of the time they are not even white

And atheists being the least fond of kikes really makes you think.

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