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A knife-wielding madman, connected to a murder investigation, attacked four girls inside a movie theater before injuring two others at a McDonald's during his stabbing spree on Saturday.

The unprovoked attacks began around 6 p.m. inside the AMC Braintree 10 when the armed suspect walked into the complex, past the ticket booth and entered one of the theaters without paying.

The suspect stabbed the four girls, whose ages ranged from 9 to 17, without saying a word, Braintree police said Saturday night.



Why would they use troons as the patsies when they're trying to promote troonsgenderism?


>Nirvana shirt
Checks out.


It puts the lotion on its skin.


Dumb question.


But why would they make trannies look bad when they want to make trannies look good?


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Any "favored" group can still afford to be heel of the week, so long as it provides justification for the overbearing shift of public policy and of public expenditure.


I love reddit!!! We need to force little kids to browse reddit and take hormones!!!



The guy is a tranny? Damn, in the photo the (((news))) are using he looks normal.



that's a man


So yet another mentally ill man who pretends to be a woman attacked little girls because he was angry that he'd never be a real woman. Truly the liberal utopia that leftoids have been fighting so hard for all these years.


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At last, eff you axis


>the Axis declaring war on the U.S. was his fault


you werent even alive during ww2 you zoomer faggot




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Same thing with the war against commie gooks, lots of drug dealers from liberal shitholes made a killing out there and just let lefties kill everything on their path because you know:
>Communists fight for freedom too

There's this thing called "research" it might new to your dictionary, xister (Get it? Because gen-X are nothing but edgy race traitors) but hey don't let this stop you from logrolling into dead ends and later being outnumbered by negative IQ mutts.



You should hold Americans in contempt for not listening to the millions od Americans who knew the war was a dupe. In Britian Sir Oswald Mosley did his finesr but the jews lied about him and put him in jail. Americans and Britcucks are mostly retarded why would we not put the zogbots in contempt? At least Patton realized he did wrong by the end but the jews feares he may try to rebel so they had the CIA kill him.


I should note was still a minority of Americans and British who didn't want the war, but a sizable amount, yet they listened to the kikes anyways.


Their real aim is not to make any ostensibly favored group look good. It is to foment even more division within society so they get to have more and more isolated groups they can intentionally put into clashes with each other. An old example is all the Irish and wetback memes from before your dad was even born.



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>zzzchan moment!


>it was me, nuzzzach, not just some random shitposter from zzzchan!


You a newfag pedo.

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