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It's over.


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Lol use the one with the crack pipe.


>verdict will be immediately appealed and tied up in the appellate courts for many months
It's a nothingburger.


Haven't we kicked duppy enough times? This is just a sad nonstop barrage of Ls the pedes are taking.


Based, fuck dup and fuck niggers.


This will go all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. The left has chosen the lawfare game, so we will play conservative judges against left judges.


top tier shit


All niggers or all whites it's irrelevant, appeals are some of the most time consuming bullshit imaginable, death row inmates for example frequently die before they're executed just from abusing the appeals process and delaying shit for decades.
That's assuming they don't just straight up burn the mask they took off and skip all of the courtroom procedures. God I hope they do that I want every last shred of faith any retard still has in the government to be demolished completely.




The speed of the appeal process can vary wildly. When they want it to move fast, they can make it move fast. In this case, the goal is to have Dup behind bars so he can't campaign, so they're gonna quickly move to affirm the lower court. Then, Dup's only hope will be to appeal to the Supreme Court.





The Black voting bloc can be divided into two parts: Blacks with government jobs, and Blacks on the dole. Both of these are heavily aligned with the Democrat party.

I'll concede that he will get more Black votes than any Republican would, due to his stance on vaccine mandates alone, one issue Blacks were wise to.


Felons(as in blacks) will vote for a fellow felon.


I disagree, if it's between gibs and the nigga with street cred, they will vote for the former.


Obligatory dup btfo post




dup btfo but i dont think that this will amount to anything substantial

if he becomes president again, can he just pardon himself?


Dream on.
Dip btfo. Whites btfo.


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We got him this time, comrades!


She is such a kike. Big beak.


He can pardon himself on the federal case. State cases he has to rely on governors to pardon him, such as in Georgia, or appeal them to the Supreme Court, such as New York.


Can't pardon himself since it's a state court. In New York, the maximum he can serve is 20 years because all of the 34 counts are consecutive Class Es. He could serve his term from a state prison then have to sit out the next four presidential terms. If he's still fighting in court when he's elected, Congress can open an impeachment case based on character and inability to serve from day one.


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>He could serve his term from a state prison
That's really possible? Damn that would be interesting.


The Founding Fathers never envisioned such a scenario where a former president could be persecuted so much with the legal system, yet still be revered enough by the people that he could be re-elected.


Yes, for pretty much what >>144265 posted. To the founding fathers, someone who won the presidency while considered a criminal by a constituent state of the union would either have to be unjustly charged by a broken system or wield demagogic power. However, him serving from prison is only a potential scenario. It's more likely that he's hit with 34 maximum fines or deferred sentences, which may as well be consecutive life sentences for someone his age. In his address on Friday, he mentioned that he has received no sympathy for his situation because of his age, and I think his age is something many people forget because he's so lively.

For someone over the retirement age, four years or more may as well be a life sentence. Even if his sentences are deferred, he could be the first president to die in prison. He will be 81, Biden's current age, by the end of his second term. Bush Junior and Clinton are younger than him. He is older than Reagan at the end of his second term. Obama is the only US president born after 1950. Most world leaders are between 45 and 65.


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Another possibility is that he could evade the justice system with military sanctuary. Take Marine 1 out to a flagship aircraft carrier in international waters, rename it the USS Trump, and serve from there, outside of any US legal jurisdiction. That would be truly hilarious.


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diaper shitter


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>promises to put hillary in jail
>mfw webm related


Really should have built that wall


I think I might end up voting for dup again.


Dup has raised $200 million since last week's verdict. The people have spoken, if the election were held today, Dup would win.


Men were braver before and more violent. The founding fathers never imagined how sissified and docile everyone would be. The founding fathers figured people would straight up kill the traitors in power. I mean presidents used to go to war and have duels have their own militias. I forgot which president was but they straight up killed their main rival after they tried to use lawyer fare.


It was Andrew Jackson, the most BAMF POTUS of all time. He tried to kill the (((bank))) and the kikes put him on the $20 bill for lulz. He had 13 confirmed dueling kills, but rumored to be much more.



>and the kikes put him on the $20 bill for lulz.
And now they're trying to put a sheboon on the 20.


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Or bribe the good liberal judges and he will never set foot behind bars OR use his criminal history to attract the nigger voters.


Dup won't see prison time. All this shit is a tactic to try to keep him from running for president again. As soon as election season is over this shit will just magically not be such an issue. If he's let off the MIGA crowd will cheer as if anything was accomplished. If he gets the customary rich person slap on the wrist the landwhales and cucks will cheer as if anything was accomplished.


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A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel!


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The salt from normalfags is pretty good.


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>wtf michael knowles couldn't just google drumpf's crimes


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What happened with her?


Killed by her nigger husband.


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I'm going to buy a big ass all electric boat to electricute a big ass tiger shark!


that would be funny as hell.


So how every coal burner ends up.


fuck all politicians


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>The committee convened on Thursday to dissect the political motivations behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's legal actions against Trump.

>Per the House Judiciary Committee's webpage:

>"On April 4, 2023, after campaigning on his experience in investigating President Trump and in response to intense pressure from left-wing activists, Bragg charged President Trump with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. Falsifying business records is ordinarily a misdemeanor subject to a two-year statute of limitations, which would have expired long ago. While Bragg is systematically downgrading most felonies in Manhattan to misdemeanors, he used a novel and untested legal theory-previously declined by federal prosecutors-to upgrade the charges against President Trump to felonies. Bragg's case against President Trump has beset by due process and procedural irregularities."

>During the hearing, Rep. Andy Biggs presented this timeline as evidence of an orchestrated collusion between the Biden regime and prosecutors to take down Trump.

>Biggs suggests that the sequence of events-Biden's controversial remarks, Trump's presidential bid announcement, Colangelo's resignation and subsequent move to Bragg's office, Smith's appointment, and Wade's meetings with White House lawyers-indicate a coordinated effort to prevent Trump from becoming President again.



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(((Jack Black)))


>that profile
He's turning into Jerry Garcia Nadler


Jack Black as never funny, I never understood why anyone likes him. For me, he is a black hole of charisma


Are people still pretending that Memology 101 is an "okay eceleb"? He's a spic.


He is based and btfo'd all the woketards!


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Because of the BingBingWahoo movie, him and Seth Rogen got redeemed apparently.


The movie would've done fine without them. I don't know why they always think they need to hire celebrities as the voice actors in these, nobody cares at this point. They could cut the budget in half if they hired nobody VAs.


He is a kike, that is why he got so many movies.


He is a kike doing his subversive kike routine of being the soylet acting tough.


It really boggles my mind that both of these faggots haven't been taken out yet and I'm not talking about to dinner at Red Lobster either. You pretty much have a green light on Kushner and Trumps beloved trophy daughter. Zion Don to the rescue, but the catch is the the kiked MSM won't all either side to mention our rulers. The status quo will continue. ZOG America.


this post glows


Yakuza or Emojitroon invited this namefag from discord, so ofc he glows.


I glow?! Well, GOOD! I hope these butt fucking faggots come for me and bring me a briefcase full of unmarked and circulated money… and a brand new Honda Civic Si as a gift. I'm not asking for much.

I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt, lads. In the middle east, I seen base commanders driving around in Corvettes and Camero SS! Pimped whips, as the niggers say, like they were flaunting their fleecing.

I'm not making it hard for these glowfags to find me because I seriously stopped giving a fuck about everything. It's all rigged and it's all fake and gay. I'm offering my services to these people to train them on how to be less of a faggot shill online.

I've still yet to hear from these people. I digress. You do know, Alexander Soros just bebops around town every day outside of UC Berkley like he owns the place, which secretly, Alex and his dad do own that place.

If I glow, please report me. I want those butt fucking losers from Langley. If they want to trade me a new Honda Civic Si WITH THE HPD package, then maybe I can train these faggots to be less faggotty. My request is a simple grain on the beach in regards to the MIC budget. Chump change.


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Would you actually take a free car from them, knowing they could Michael Hastings you at any time?


Anyone who drives a modern vehicle ia already susceptible to this shit. If the spooks wanted me dead, I'd have already died a long time ago. I'm not special enough for these chuckle fucks to snuff me though. I'm a shitposting nobody oldfag. Although, if I snitch on Boeing, I'll be gone tomorrow. So, I'll catch you faggots on the flipside.


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>If the spooks wanted me dead, I'd have already died a long time ago. I'm not special enough for these chuckle fucks to snuff me though.
They literally just tried to kill everyone and anyone, and you think they need you around for comic relief?


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Have you seen "Skibikidibippityboppitboo" Bidup yet?

Colbert came up with this shit, and it halfway killed Bidup's POTUS run and the shitshow debate pretty much killed the Dems. It was THAT BAD.



Truly btfo forever, how can dupnever recover from this.


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dupers, I think biden has dementia.


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We tried to warn you since 2019, but you wouldn't listen.


Conspiracy autists always have a point, and even if they were wrong, their good faith distrust of government is needed.


Aryan Joe Strikes again.


I mean, c'mon man, do you want your kids to grow up in a racial jungle?!

The toppest of 5GW keks is to accuse these people of abandoning biden, and replacing Kamala with (closet Mormon) cis-het white male Gavin Newsome, by pushing "cheap fakes" a coin that (((they))) termed, because they want a white man instead of the rightful heiress. It causes them to meltdown. Then, when the iron is hot, accuse them of being racists and misogynists. I hope our Antifa comrades rip their elite heads off. Seriously, Day Of The Gulag can't come soon enough. Power to the people.


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Kino's back on the menu


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