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>millions of third world jeets and niggers flood Mexico
>all of your children are brainwashed from primary school into being faggots
>every (((TV))) commercial is Tyrone fucking Maria and Hispanic men become a running joke
>elects a jewess as el presidente anyways
Have y'all not seen what the kikes have done to the USA?! This is now your fate! This is the future that you chose!


The kikes control everything, what did you expect?


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Really makes you think.


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>mexicans are literl cumdump rape babies
>mexicans ruined the USA and California
>mexicans commit more crime than niggers
>mexicans invaded White neighborhoods and White States
>mexicans flooded the USA with society destroying drugs
>mexicans undercut American Wages
>mexicans lowered the bar of sciety wherever they go
>mexicans reguarly voted for far left wing
>mexicans corrupted Police force
>mexicans are Anti-White

The mexicans are already mutts and were already a 3rd world country. Its more like payback.


>more crimes than niggers
Bullshit and I don't believe it.
>most of that shit
What is the CIA and kikes?


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>A failed nation with manchildren in power
What did you expect?

But they're totally not venezuelans, despite wanting the government to wipe their asses and bring them basic necessities for free.


Mexico's fertility rate is only low because they all come to America to have their anchor babies.


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The normalfags deserve everything they get.


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Forget about their goy politicians getting clipped, watch the cartoons ese.

God forbid if you name the bolshevik, recently a fuckton of /mex/crements were protesting at the JewYork Times for exposing AMLO as a drug cartel puppet.


Is that for real? If it is, I'm seriously not surprised. I'm trying to sound the air raid sirens for the spics. Mexico will be dead soon and a kike will end them. Millions upon millions of niggers and muslims. So many niggers and muslims that the regular refugee cash grabbers from south American won't survive. Everyone from south America will be violently raped and murdered be the millions of niggers and muslims coming in on boats. Stay in Venezuela if you know what's good for you.


Nah, they will export all the beaners to the USA and then turn Mexico into New Israel.

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