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It's all here.


>Big Pharma kickbacks
>Fauci not following his own edicts
>band kids in pods
>refuses to address Fauci by his title and calls for his arrest
>democrats trying to shut it down

This may be the most kino clip I've ever seen on C-SPAN.



based…but she needs to call out the jews


Is his one of those legitimate ratface kikes who really deserve to be gassed.


She's crazy in all of the best ways and I would fuck her. She needs to name the jew though.


Hit her up if you've got BWC, she got divorced recently.


No one who would name the jew is allowed anywhere near a political office.


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thomas massie is naming aipac


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>Government snitch that outed kkk and other Pro-Whites for donating
>Original right wing grifter and scammer told everyone he was broke when he wasn't instead bought properties for himself
>Gambles his money like a gook.

David Duke is a massive faggot scammer and Government snitch like Varg if you take one look in to their background.


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>like Varg
Any proofs?


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To make matters worse, he looks like a male-identifying female tranny.

It's definitely a red flag when someone thinks David Duke is someone worth getting behind.


Wow, you had to go back into the ADL vault for that one.


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A. Wyatt Mann is affiliated with the ADL? That's news to me.


Varg stopped being good when his youtube went down back in like 2016 or 2017. His twitter era is dogshit.


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His Twitter stuff can be funny.


The ADL archived most of his cartoons.


yeah but Varg is too rage filled to handle Twitter. Twitter is packed with rage bait and it makes someone like Varg go nuts and constantly contradict himself. He was barely able to keep a lid on it on youtube.


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Oh, really? It's kind of funny that they're preserving them. I downloaded a collection of his stuff off ED or somewhere a million years ago and that's how I have some of his more obscure stuff. I saved some of his updated stuff from around the time he showed up on 8chan too.


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I still don't see evidence in the thread that Varg is a massive faggot scammer or a government snitch like David Duke.
Yes, he is not very sophisticated in discussions with the mass consciousness of the social media hive, because he spent a lot of time in prison. Ok. You don't like him because he left Jewtube. Good. You don't like him for not understanding your zoomers jokes. Fine. But here is the evidence of these accusations from above, where are they?
>massive faggot scammer and Government snitch like Varg
Where is it? It has to be, doesn't it? Considering that the French government literally persecuted his family, considering that Varg approved of yellow vests. So what? I want to read about how Varg snitch to government to whom? Doesn't he even seem to live like a hermit with his family? I want to read this. I really am. I really want to read about it.


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Read about vargs incarceration he was studying islam got in to a fight with his cellmate and how varg got out so early for murder. Varg snitched on multiple Pro-White groups when they talked about burning down mosque but he was fine with burning down churches his prison papers got leaked 8 years ago.

Also the retard varg is always trying purity spiral and well poison. First says redheads are not European but asians and that brown eyes means you are black but left out that brown eyes have always been common in Europe and that pure blacks, asians and browns have black eyes. I mean the retard has everything backwards with non-Whites who have European features, its because they have European grandparents but because he saw that Eurasians have red hair in Mongolia in his little mind that meant its where it came from when it was the other way around. Yet varg says nothing about his own kid that has brown eyes.

Then started going after Southern Europeans for being Pro-White and Nationalist. Varg does full on jewish subverting he is most likely one of those crpyto muslim cucks because they have a obsession with blonde hair and are scared of being find out so they start the your non-White because of "x".

Ya theres a reason why he is allowed.


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>Read about vargs incarceration he was studying islam got in to a fight with his cellmate and how varg got out so early for murder. Varg snitched on multiple Pro-White groups when they talked about burning down mosque but he was fine with burning down churches
That kind of makes sense now that you mention it. It seems like he plays softball with Islam compared to Christianity.
>Also the retard varg is always trying purity spiral and well poison. First says redheads are not European but asians and that brown eyes means you are black but left out that brown eyes have always been common in Europe and that pure blacks, asians and browns have black eyes. I mean the retard has everything backwards with non-Whites who have European features, its because they have European grandparents but because he saw that Eurasians have red hair in Mongolia in his little mind that meant its where it came from when it was the other way around. Yet varg says nothing about his own kid that has brown eyes.
Yeah, his opinions on phenotypes are completely retarded. I get preferring more Nordic looks, but that doesn't mean anyone who doesn't have light hair and eyes isn't white. He hates red hair too.
>his prison papers got leaked 8 years ago
Do you know where they can be found? I'm not sure what to search for.


Varg is such a fucking retard.


He didn't leave Jewtube, imbecile, Jewtube banned him. When i said his youtube days were good I meant his videos, not Jewtube.
Stupid fucking faggot.


Varg lived in the middle east when he was young because his father was an engineer employed by the Saudis or some shit. It is ok when the raghead semites do it but not when the hooked nose semites do it even though the ragheads are raping and pillaging and the hook noses are raping and pillaging but by other means. This is why I said that Varg's twatter era is pure shit and I stand by it. He needed to be able to step back from the garbage, he doesn't have the mental strength to keep his objectivity when inundated with social media vermin.


Where can I read that normalfag prison papers?


Did Varg even regret killing that one dude or something? Who was in the wrong in that story?


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>Varg lived in the middle east when he was young because his father was an engineer employed by the Saudis or some shit.
It was actually the Iraqis. I think he said he used to mouth off to them and insult them when he was in school but got away with it due to his dad's position.
No, or at least he acts like he doesn't.


>I think he said he used to mouth off to them and insult them when he was in school but got away with it due to his dad's position.
Bullshit and I don't believe it.


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He's not exactly a reliable narrator either way.


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>Thread about the vax
>Suddenly becomes a thread about hating Varg.


This is because of one christсuck who doesn't like the main topic, it interferes with the plans of his coddle and here is telling nonsense about cult media figuras for normies


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The real question that need an answer is, Did varg took the vaccine? And how many boosters?


He only forced his kids to wear facediapers during copevid.


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jews man cant live with them, cant live without them


Really makes you think.


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I'm pretty sure he did.


> for February 30
Seems sarcastic.


Ah yes, the guy who hates the industrial complex, the kikes, and want to have a natural life… would totally vax himself and his family… because some mexcrement or kiwifarms tranny said so.


You forgot the fact that he's also a complete contrarian.


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Contrarian to the jews.


again, Varg up to 2016 on youtube was good. After that when he got banned and reappeared on that verminous shithole Twitter, the general fagging of social media infected him too.
You really can't trust anything after 2016. Just pretend that the world ended then and live in the moment again like the world before the internet. There is just too much kikery out there now. Kikery overload.


>Just pretend that the world ended then and live in the moment again like the world before the internet.
If I had enough money, I'm just gonna turn my future house into a time capsule. Instead of streaming, it'd just be a CRT TV with custom-made TV channels that uses my media for the timeslots (an example).


No, not my varg!


And the christсuck name is Jewzach. The only other butthurt people in the webring who hates him so much is Venti, another mutt.


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