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File: 1717997466332.png (272.69 KB, 1043x803, 1043:803, Massie Tucker interview.png) ImgOps iqdb


Kentucky Rep Thomas Massie (R) revealed to Tucker Carlson in an interview released Friday that every GOP congressman has an "AIPAC babysitter" who guides them on how to vote in the interests of Israel.

"Everybody but me has an AIPAC person - like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC," Massie said. "They're probably a constituent from your district but they're firmly embedded in AIPAC."

"Every member has something like this?" Tucker Carlson asked.

"Every Repub-, I don't know how it works on the Democrat side, but that's how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they've got your cell number and you have conversations with them."

Though Massie said he doesn't know if the situation is the same for Democrats, the late Democratic Congressman James Traficant of Ohio said similar in 2009 during an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

"I served in Congress for 17 years," Traficant said, "I've seen members question bills and votes on - 'How does Israel feel about this?' - I must have heard that every time there was a significant vote!"



Trumps handler is pumping his daughters pussy full of cum every night.


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You should read about how evangelicals and protestants got duped in too accepting jews as "chosen people" lots of larping jews claiming to pastors. The jews still pay big named "Christian" preachers.


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That's the reality of USA and South America, evangelicals are a pest.


evangelical christians get the rope first before the kikes

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