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File: 1718001387277.png (799.43 KB, 1250x904, 625:452, Screenshot from 2024-06-10….png) ImgOps iqdb


It's over for beauty pageants.


Morbid obesity is just a larger physique, silly goy. Doubledisneyplusgood! Tikkun Olam!


Beauty Pageants haven't been about beauty for a while. Have you seen some of the brown bitches and black monkey faced hoes that won in the past. I mean even local city pageants are filled with ugly and average girls that are just narcissist.


I feel sad for her. It didn't have to be this way. If she just had a good diet and exercise…
I feel sympathy for people who can change their situations. I feel no sympathy for people who cannot like genetic retards, cripples like the Dudder, or niggers.


Apart from boomers and women with nothing to offer the world, does anyone really care about these contests these days?


File: 1718034245086.png (276.12 KB, 395x585, 79:117, MissAI.png) ImgOps iqdb


Whenever a negress wins the crown, there's usually a really hot White girl as one of the runner-ups, and it's obvious that the latter is the real winner and they gave the crown to the negress for political correctness.


File: 1718034804283.png (91.14 KB, 679x737, 679:737, Screenshot from 2024-06-10….png) ImgOps iqdb

They're already trying to tikkun olam it right out of the gate lol.


don't these niggers realize that the negroid look has been shoved down or throat so much that it has become the new beauty "stereotype"?


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Way ahead of you, anon.


Looking forward to her appearance at next years "Miss Ozempic beauty pageant"


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The holocaust never happened, but it needs to.


It was for a while, I think spain had a tranny beaner win.


They pushed trannies in every western European beauty contest at the same time, they're as subtle as a brick.

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