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File: 1718248758348.jpg (44.18 KB, 680x669, 680:669, 70dc40a4bf3847b13dd2961b7a….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>Just 19% of Biden Supporters Say Marriage and Childbearing Should Be a Societal Priority



File: 1718264292933.jpg (53.53 KB, 512x810, 256:405, 1702637785837458.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

This has happened in every empire and generally it seemed to improve things a lot when traitors are not having kids. The reason why Christianity took over the world is because they had children. Even for islam despite it being a shit death cult and sucking ass at war and never winning wars, muslims just out populated others is the only way islam took over certain countries especially countries that had low birth rates like desert areas.


No shit. His supporters are those who will never breed(dykes, faggots, trannies, cucks), those who don't want the responsibility or raising a family(feminists, niggers) and (((those who don't want native populations to breed.)))


Good. May they all perish. I hate Democrats and liberals.


my sister has childbearing hips, if this post gets 30 likes, ill cum in her.


>my sister has childbearing hips
Prove it!


Pics or it didn't happen.


File: 1718391289603.mp4 (6.01 MB, 592x1280, 37:80, RYNIH2ff13MXZhZk.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


civil war now


Biden will "win" but there is no way he survives a second term.


And that's how they'll "install" the first black female POTUS of the USA. (Hillary must be so pissed off right now. It was HER TURN and she got robbed by a bunch of memetic frog magic shitlords. Like alt-right hackers on steroids. Literally an internet hate machine.) That's when this Clown World timeline will finally jump the shark. When Kamala becomes the first "black" woman ever to become (((leader of the free world.)))

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