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Lil Donny "The Bump Stock Bandit" Dup BTFO
Supreme Court rules gun 'bump stocks' ban is unlawful
The ban was imposed by the Trump administration after the accessory was used during the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas.
>WASHINGTON - In a loss for the Biden administration, the Supreme Court ruled Friday that a federal ban on "bump stocks," gun accessories that allow semiautomatic rifles to fire more quickly, is unlawful.
>In a 6-3 ruling on ideological lines with the court's conservatives in the majority, the court held that an almost 100-year-old law aimed at banning machine guns cannot legitimately be interpreted to include bump stocks.


Nobody gives a shit about bump stocks, SCOTUS betrayed gun rights a few years back on something that really mattered, when they didn't strike down state AWBs.


Now, if only they make automic weapons legal again that would be wonderful.


Supreme court does nothing but about california gun laws, ammunition background checks and other bullshit. Supreme court is kiked, period.


This is the next big one to watch.


tl;dr is New York had all these unconstitutional restrictions on carrying that SCOTUS stopped, then, Hochul and the Legislature immediately passed a similar unconstitutional law to try and do an end run around the ruling. For a couple of years they've had this tied up in the courts, and New Yorkers have had their rights violated, having to ask a commissar for permission to bear arms. The flaw with the separation of powers is, in theory, there's nothing to prevent Hochul and the Legislature from running the same play again after they lose, continuously ignoring the SCOTUS, thus, the situation can only be changed at the ballot box.


they overturned californias ban on ccw's and as a californian….it didn't do shit. The supreme court is a meme.


I figure if borders don't exist then I don't give a shit what gun laws and regs NY puts in place behind theirs.
this is the perfect use case for a "sanitized" p80 or paperless yardsale handgun. load fresh ammo with gloves and you'll probably make it home even if you have to handle some lunchtime rowdy's bullshit

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