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>withdraw troops from five Russian-controlled regions, four of which voted to join Russia in 2022
>reduce the size of Ukraine's military
>no re-nuclearization of Ukraine
>abandon ambitions to join NATO


NATO and the Ziolenskyy regime have already rejected the ceasefire offer.


Putin is a retarded shit-huffing nigger-loving pedophilic KIKE, so I don't really give a fuck what he said to his fellow kikes in these fake and gay theatrics.


Honestly it's an internal move to prove to the doubters in his own country and allied countries that the Global hegemony does not want piece.




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>NATO and the Ziolenskyy regime have already rejected the ceasefire offer.
DC and Brussels really fucked the dog with this one; Staking so much on Jewkraine's success and now they can't afford to cede anything because then the scam is up…nobody will want their financial products (debt) nor care about their security agreements.


They are completely fucked. Europe could have stopped this madness but it just goes to show how utterly cucked Europe is by the Zio-American axis.


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If this clown show keeps going what do you think will Russia do if they win the special military operations in Ukraine?
>Anex all of Ukraine into Russia
>Anex only the parts that want to be Russian
>Anex most of Ukraine and including Odessa and leaving a small buffer zone
I think they will go for the first option, leaving even the smallest part of Ukraine (((free))) will just be a pain to deal with later on.


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Now it is total war. Russia will have to destroy the whole country…which is what should have happened two years ago. It is time to use the nukes.


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Every single EU country is Zio-American owned


A miserable piece of paper will definitely btfo Naziussia.


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>Putin was born a year before Dzhugashvili's death
>He worked in the KGB all his life
>If he scolded Lenin, never Stalin.
>Compared Lenin to the relics of Orthodox saints
>Called everyone who says Russia is for Russians morons.
>Exterminates the indigenous population relying on Islamic foreigners.
>There are almost no Russians in government.
>If there are, they're infected with communism.
>Honors Russians to fight Ukrainians because they have a national idea.
>With Soviet flags.
>In the captured territories they are restoring the monument to Lenin and Stalin.
>Restored the demolished monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky.
>All right-wingers in the war turn out to be in fact Stalinists.
>Antifascist international forums every year.
>Hitler is a Jew - said by homo-sovieticus Lavrov.
>CPRF initiator of Donbass joining the Russian Federation.
>Stalin's cult is on the rise. A fresh monument every month.
>Show trials of political opponents. Where the opponent is either murdered or killed in prison.

Yeah, literally Hitler.


A lot of cucklings need some based kike to worship and defend his honor like they did with drumpf.
People, who love cucktin are continuation of trumpkike migapedes from 8/pol/, who were under protection of ImKikey. Nigger cattle shilling for free.


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Putin is a total jew himself. The Russian faggots have been sending their top military weapons and got destroyed by retard Ukrainians. On the other hand we know Russia can't fight a war and never have there worst then the French. They lost against the Japanese twice who were using wooden coal powered ships.


You fucked up the Afghans with all your weapons. You fucked up in Vietnam with all your napalm. Dear God, you even sucked in Somalia.
Russians can fight, Ukrainians even more so, but this is not a war - this is genocide, if there was a war, they would have bombed the gas pipe coming from the Russian Federation through the territory of Ukraine long ago.
Russia didn't have any weapons, in fact, it was all garbage, because Putin was reforming the army, where they literally sold it off, Serdyukov started it, and Shoigu continued. They sat on a hedgehog with their bare ass. Because Putin's pension was taken away, which he carefully folded in the West.
Putin has not won a single war. He lost to Chechnya. He lost to Georgia. He lost to Turkey. He's a dangerous cretin. And jew.


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I wish Putin was literal Hitler, I wish that Dup was literal Hitler, I wish that Ukraine was literary Hitler, but they never are.
I miss Hitler everytime the normalfags remind me of him.


Hitler was literally us if we were ever given power. As such he was the greatest man to have ever lived.


Who cares? Zio-America doesn't like Russia or Putin. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You can purity spiral like a faggot in your basement if you want. Go ahead.


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>The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Siding with people who don't like you just because they hate another group who doesn't like you is completely niggerbrained logic. If you can't distinguish between allies and enemies, you've failed the most basic part of politics.


That's why both kikes and sandniggers gotta go. On that matter, all nonwhites will never be the White race's allies. They're all grifters, all of them. The men want White pussy while the women want White cock.


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Putin doesn't need to start WWIII, he just needs to wait a few years.


genocide with the help of kike putin…we lost all those wars because of the jewis rules of engagement. There were no rules of engagement in ww2 american soldiers pillaged german towns, banks and killed hordes of civilians. We dropped two nukes on japan for fucks sake.


Nobody gives a shit what the West ZOG doesn't like. Especially the East ZOG doesn't give a shit. America? America left Israel at a crucial moment. America left Afghanistan at a crucial moment. America left Ukraine at a crucial moment. America will leave Taiwan at a crucial moment. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, only until the first serious problem.



North Korea has recently sent containers to Russia that could hold as many as 4.8 million artillery shells, South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik said in an interview with Bloomberg published on June 14th. Seoul spotted at least 10,000 containers being shipped from North Korea to Russia, according to Won-sik. Pyongyang has also sent dozens of ballistic missiles that Moscow troops have launched against Ukraine.

To put this in perspective, the US has sent only 300,000 artillery shells to Ukraine (most of them maintained since the 1980s in a reserve stockpile meant for Israel) and is straining to meet a manufacturing quota of 100,000 shells per month by 2025. The disparity between the production of armaments between NATO and Russia (and its allies) has proven to be immense. From artillery to armor to ammunition, NATO simply cannot keep up.



The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women. This is mentioned alongside other highlights in the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services executive summary document posted by the US Senate at this link.

This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafter into war. This House vote was approved on May 22nd of this year, as seen in this US HASC video. The automatic draft registration was pushed as a way to "cut government red tape" and skip any requirement for men to "proactively register."

So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young "woke" men don't evade the draft by simply "self-identifying" as women. It's not yet clear whether America's woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there's nothing in the NDAA that authorizes mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.

Equal opportunity = Equality opportunity to DIE for the regime.


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Here's a screen shot from the NDAA executive summary document released by the Senate, linked above:

As America's psychopathic warmongers like Sen. Lindsay Graham are begging for global nuclear war with Russia, Iran and China, the rest of the pro-war government establishment is getting things ready to throw millions of young American men and women into the global war meat grinder.

Apparently, Ukraine has run out of men for the globalists to sacrifice on the altar of blood and power, so now they need to tap into European and American citizens. France, Germany and the UK are also discussing mandatory conscription, gearing up to sacrifice potentially millions of their own citizens who will, of course, be instantly replaced with migrants.

This is how "replacement theory" works. The mass murderers in charge send citizens to die in foreign wars which were entirely avoidable, while illegal immigrants take over their homes, jobs, communities and political leaders.

Russian president Vladimir Putin named simple conditions for peace in a speech given yesterday. These proposals, if accepted by Kiev and the West, would have immediately ended the conflict, halted the bloodshed and pulled the world back from the brink of nuclear annihilation. Importantly, Western leaders showed zero interest in peace with Russia.

They would rather see millions of their own citizens slaughtered in global war than to see peace in Europe.



KYS, insufferable retard. Putin is a kike, he is surrounded by kikes and helped with trafficking Slavic kids to Podesta and Epstein. Cancerous MIGA faggot.


Where are the PROOFS?!


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Putin is a hasidic pedophilic pissrael-supporting FUCKING KIKE MUTT MAMZER CHABAD YID AND ANYONE, who shills for him or Russia as a whole needs to be raped and pummeled to death with a metal baseball bat. Most insufferable subhuman shills that ever lived.
Shut the fuck up. Russia is the country that produces most of the CP and still does to this day, it's not even outlawed there. It's the shithole of shitholes that can be barely considered white at this point because of state enforced dysgenics and muttification forced upon the Slavic people there, who are replaced by thousands upon thousands of shitskins since times of USSR. White Russians became a minority while kiketin was ruling over the country. If you shill for Russia to own the libs, because "u-uhh they will BTFO muttmerica and NATO!" then you are a retard. You are a full-blown, most retarded fucking retard of retards that should've been aborted.
Fuck off, kvetching kike. Russia is jewed, was and will remain jewed until they admit that holocaust didn't happen.


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>No one is talking about Ukraine
>Cockhole goes boom
Fine cockhole, we won't say that Zelensky is a Chabad puppet like Putin, and we certainly won't mention that Kolomoisky was involved in sex trafficking in Crimea, selling Ukrainian children there, which is what attracted Biden to Ukraine in the first place, and we certainly won't mention that the world's largest Jewish Menorah center is in Dnipro. Of course we won't mention how many Ukrainian slaves the Ottomans had and that there was a Jewish Settlement Line.


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>the retarded yid starts kvetching about cockholes under his bed and damage controlling
Like pottery. I think you kikes have a generational trauma over them pogroming you and raping you constantly. It's just so funny to me. It's always the hohols who are bad, but not ruskies. Never ruskies, ruskies dindu nuffin, they good bois, they are defending themselves from NATO! Yeah, putin is a kike, sure, but da COCKHOLEZ and AZOG are still worse. Jewish settlement line appeared because OF the Russian retards, who let the kikes in and paid DEARLY afterwards. And gloating over Ukrainians being Ottoman slaves isn't very nice of you either, filthy coon. Very jewish behavior.
Again KYS. Russia is kiked, mutted and retarded. Even worse off than Ukraine ever could be. Masked, vaxxed and kiked to the core. Feel free to kvetch at me, faggot. It won't change my opinion whatsoever. If anything, the more you shill for russian coons, the more I hate you. Annoying hook-nosed cunt.


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>until they admit that holocaust didn't happen.
Never going to happen, because they killed all the germans to win. Same with burgerland.
>since times of USSR
>implying it was white before USSR
I shill for russia because it causes the most ammount of salt.


Ukraine's president is literally a jew.




Kike shills for Zio-America.


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Every day a Ukrainian dies is a good day.


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I'm glad so many have died. Hopefully every one of them dies and then whatever Ukrainian whores are left (you are the whore capitol) get raped to death by NATO imported niggers.


>Russia is the country that produces most of the CP and still does to this day, it's not even outlawed there.
95% of CP is self-produced by the kids around the world. Also, CP laws in the United States are uniquely punitive compared with the rest of the world because glowniggers use it to frame and blackmail individuals.


>I'm glad so many have died.
We can tell, Shlomo.


How easy is to buy a qt ukranian 16 year old women and bring her into my country? What are the odds of her being a virgin?


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>I hate Russians
>You're a kike
No, you're the kike here because you hate the last major white ethnic group on the planet, you don't even consider them white, you're just too stupid to realize that Belarus and Ukraine are all Russia, you deny Russians everything, that's how much you hate them, you don't even realize that there are Noviops and there are Russians, for you a communist is a Russian, you're as dumb as the newspapers of the early 20th century run by jews because you repeat word for word the same nonsense.
You will never understand the Russians, never, because you have never experienced a continuous genocide for a hundred years, led by a government that covers itself with your people by constantly killing them. And all this under the constant shouting from all over the world about how worthless your people are. Your culture is bad, your talents - they're gone, you've created nothing, you have no scientists, you have ugly people.
You don't realize that in Russia they don't really consider those who love the president smart, they love revenge and will trample on the president's corpse as happily as they pretend to love him, so they don't get killed or paid money, Russians learned early on that they are ruled by those who hate them. To be Russian is to live in spite of. And to survive, you'll do anything. If you see a reason to live. To break the Russians, you have to take that meaning away from them, and all your hatred just gives it to them.


So it is just another shithole, good to know.


Odds? At least as bad as Americans.
The pussy inflation is about as bad to. You're not getting a 16 year old Ukrainian bitch. That's for Hunter Biden.


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>if you pointing out that I'm retarded for backing one group of people who are against my interests in opposition to another one, then you must be a kike.


So I'm reading this thread, apparently everyone is jewish, according to everyone in this thread.


I wish I was a rich fag, would get all the teen girls.


Kill yourself, Nuzach.


dubs of truth and me too

Sadly, we're dealing with >>144674 big lipped slack jawed apes and subhuman animals thanks to the kikes and their Kalergi Plan.

If I had only 1 torpedo to spare, I'd sink a yacht with 10 kikes before I'd sink a barge full of 1000 nigger because 10 kikes are far more dangerous than 1000 niggers.


I'm watching the flight radar. At this moment, US and Canadian NORAD aircraft are off the coast of West Palm Beach searching for Russian nuclear subs.

Are you ready to get nuked because of these crazy kikes, Gahoole?



Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang on his first visit to the country in 24 years. He was greeted with streets decked out in Putin portraits, Russian flags, and banners - one of which read on the side of a building, "We warmly welcome the President of the Russian Federation."

Putin in an op-ed piece published in state media just before his arrival said he appreciates North Korea's firm backing and support related to the Ukraine conflict. He emphasized both countries will continue to "resolutely oppose" the West's ambitions "to hinder the establishment of a multipolar world order based on justice, mutual respect for sovereignty, considering each other's interests."



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He goes to China's hand dog with the appearance that he has come to an independent country. His face is plastered all over the dog's booth. Kakaya smeshnaya huita.


the left really can't meme


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It's not a bad effort, but it doesn't feel organic either. Monkey Putin always felt a bit off to me. Can you believe that some faggot in a DC think tank is getting paid millions of dollars for this shit? That's honestly why I'm so pissed off that these butt fucking faggots from Langley still haven't located me and brought me a briefcase full of money so I can finally sell my soul to the devil and get balls deep in undocumented South American teenage girls, like the rest of Congress and spooks enjoy on the regular.

And here we are, I'm like the Oppenheimer of memes and these nigger loving butt fucking faggots haven't tracked me down yet and offered me a briefcase full of money to sell out? Man, seriously, fuck you Langley. I'm disappointed. I'm calling you bitch ass niggas out. Are you actually fucking serious that you can't find me and you still keep posting Monkey Putin?

You fuckheads will come for me eventually, or you won't, because I underestimated myself and overestimated you queers. Do I actually have to send you a cordial letter inviting you to my home address? What lulz!


I think the OG edit will forever be funny to me.


OP here, I need help, people are being anti-Ukraine on 4chan /v/, please help me to btfo'd all the anti-Ukraine spics!



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He also banned the film "Death of Stalin", are snowniggers that protective over a dictator who wiped out their race and filled it with kikes? In that case the great replacement worked perfectly there.
>Mixed race are perpetual retards
<To even become the love police abusing the gentile

Shekels will be worthless once liberals blow it all on wars anyway, an inflation that'd make any manchild from Deviantart cream his pants nonstop.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm glad so many little Ukrainian faggots are dead. I hope their whore women die too.


Nobody cares what you are glad about, spic kike mutt.


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A real Nuzach moment.




His writing style always gives him away, doesn't it?


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In that case Biden is the president ever? Because he made lots of marxist cucks shit their pants in rage not only because he's being open at sucking circumcised cock but also his racist past and telling every mutt to be united no matter their political views, also he gets extra points for getting hard when seeing lolis in front of a live audience. He truly is the honorary oldschool cuckchanner.


Lol, everyone here already knows luckily.


POST more insane leftist lolcows


Does anyone know why the spics love Putin? Is it because he's a manlet?

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