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/dup/ - btfo

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Very soon, these two men will step on stage in front of no audience and begin the final act of the final battle. It will be the first time either candidate has been on a debate stage since 2020.


Trump is a boor but I hope Biden dies on stage.


Bidup has a team of chemists who dose him with designer drugs when they need him to be lucid, like he was at the SOTU.


>need him to be lucid, like he was at the SOTU
Lucid? More like demented.


He did okay, not as good as last year, but he never would've gotten through it if they didn't have him on something.


Who is going to stream that shit in cytube?


gayhoole will hold a slapstream


So, at what hour is the event?


hoping this is the case


Gahoole, if we're doing this and you need to find a stream, Elon said he wouldn't take down bootleg CNN streams from X.


Where is the stream?


ask the slaphead


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Alright. I'm getting in this fucking bitch. Let's watchparty this shitshow.


One of you fucks need to post a stream link for us. Do it. It'd be cool of Gahoole was here, but our glorious leader is MIA at the moment.


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I'm in! Join, fags.


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Doing God's work.


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that lazy fuck has been MIA for 3 years now.


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i cant understand a word bidup is saying




>Trump has been able to capitalize on it, appearing relatively calm and in command
>calm and in command
The whole thing was "no u" bullshit.


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its 2020 all over again cheeto hitler will lose


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
nah, it's 2016 all over ago


Hardly. Anyone else notice how there is ZERO excitement or any viral memetic energy over this election? It feels like the complete opposite of 2016.


No one uses this fucking site. Debate thread it you are all fucking absent. Fuck this place.


Trump lost his touch a long time ago. I watched the debates and still pushed myself to vote for him in 2020, even if he pissed me off with how weak he'd gotten, but I'm not going to be bothered to do any of that this time around.


I mean, none of this gay shit matters when the world is run by demonic alien lizardmen wearing human skins


It was weird not having a live audience, they took away any excitement there might've been.

Also, they didn't shake hands. Unsurprising with all the bad blood, but still, another break with tradition.


there was 11 people in the cytube at one point, that's pretty good for the webring


Yeah, but how many of them were glowniggers?


Trump had momentum in 2016 because of how much of a dark horse he was. Now that he's a real politician, and his opponent is sliding into dementia harder than Reagan, it's just sad, especially since this is a grudge match. There's no reason for people to watch the debates. There's no Ron Paul or Clinton or Bush Jr or Obama or Perot or even Trump circa 2016 rattling the cage, and there hasn't been one. Neither side had active primaries. Trump didn't attend the RNC's, and nobody cared about them.

It's two geriatrics, both presidents, slapfighting. One of them stands there with his tail between his legs because his last performance made him look like a bully. The other is being fed lines and overdosing on his medication so badly that he's trying to stay awake. Everyone has already made up their opinion. You vote for the pensioner who has his faculties, but won't by the end of his term, or the one who doesn't, but will be dead or in a wheelchair by the end of his term. Neither of them have anything new. Agenda 47 hasn't had a new announcement or video in over a year, and Project 2025 is a mixed bag which took too long to release. Biden is a puppet of his party.


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>Z3R0 excitement
Well, 16, The Great Meme War was an "Us vs Them" situation where we all still believed our votes mattered. We formed up like Voltron to humiliate Hillary, SJWs, shitlibs, and leftoid freaks and fags. It was a special times. You got dubs, and I'll check em. The magic is still there, but the demoralization is real.

C0V1D fucked everyone's head up and the 20 election was stolen. Epstein memory holed. Nobody believes any of this shit. Our rulers shut down the entire fucking planet for 2 years solid. And 75% of the brainwashed goys went along with it. Heck, they were ready to start rounding up the unvaxxed purebloods into concentration *cough cough* I mean, quarantine camps and Australia actually fucking did it. I dare you to try to put Chopper Read in a camp, but the world is full of spineless cowards now. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

True. Low traffic. But, tvchan must survive. I encourage more alt-chans for fallout bunkers. I dread the day that we're all forced to lurk channel 4. That said, I encourage all to download mIRC and learn to use IRC as a last resort, just as a hobby. Like having a CB radio, but for internet oldfags. Ancient tech, but it's still out there and it still works, just like a CB.

Trump never delivered. We got some wall, slowed immigration, etc, but the wars didn't end, nigs still nigged, one of the most kiked POTUS ever, didn't drain the swamp, installed establishment swamp scum into many positions, only to get backstabbed by all of them later.

First 90 year old POTUS soon! Who will it be?! My bet, Chuck Schumer, an actual fucking jew, for 2040. America will be Venezuela 2.0 by then. Pajeets will start moving back to India and Brazil will make mutt jokes about us.

True story. If normies only knew how bad it really is. We're living in a kosher loosh farm. Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play.

It's hard to believe there are so few of us, yet seem like so many.
Like I said, how many Anons on 4 do you think are AI, bots, shills, or Glowies at this point? Very concerning.

Democracy (the illusion of, which is actually a duopoly run by kid fucking Satanic mafias, two sides of the same shekel/coin) in action. Normies will all fight each other and peasants will hate each other over which cog in the ZOG wins. Zion Don or Shabbos Joe. Now go vote or I'll muthafuckin kill you. Vidrel.


kek. The last time I heard someone unironically talk about IRC was on 8chan's /meta/ board when /intl/ was harassing Fred's new /meta/ BO. That was 9 years ago. People seriously still use IRC?


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Don't count bidup out just yet. He survived the 2020 primary debates despite being a geriatric retard with an exploding eyeball.
I hope "Doctor" Jill keeps him in no matter what


I still think Biden will "win." There are too many socialist nonwhites and not enough whites to elect anything remotely right wing anymore. The brown mass does not give a shit about a debate or any kind of optics. They want their welfare checks.




can you imagine if Biden dies during his second term?
i don't think the economy could survive that, like if it's on the floor right now, if Biden dies the economy will go to hell alongside him.


The economy is going to die anyway because of all the gibs and the "Green New Deal." Biden and his party want the economy to die.


What nobody seems to understand is that when Biden, the Democrats, and their brown shithole voter base thinks of when they hear "economy" is "dem rich people." For them the economy is anyone with a job putting food on their own table. So naturally these subhumans and losers don't like that because they lost in life, so they want to take what you have, i.e. they think they can take the economy through endless gibs and "the economy" will still exist. That is the logic of gibs me dat. They hate "the economy."


I hope he does only because it would put to bed the cuckservative cope of their mythical republican brown wave.
I also want my welfare bucks to continue, though Trump isn't about cutting entitlements either so I win either way - I'm burdenmaxxing til the motherfuckin wheels fall off


you nigger.


I'll happily stop collecting gibs when they stop giving "free" shit to niggers and illegals. I was in the workforce for almost 20 years and for what? to subsidize the invasion of my country? Make jews wealthier? promote faggotry here and abroad?

I'm just going to enjoy the decline rather than toil through it.


Who do you want to win /dup/?
I don't care, since no matter who wins, there will be never ending salt.


>election isnt until november

what the actual frick. im, like, totes cumming and shitting in my pants.


Pssst… check out the federal aid money for school.


I want Dup to win, so the reds will riot and be the bad guys this time, so we can finally stop hearing about January 6th.


Dup. Leftoid salt is more entertaining then rightoid salt. If bidup wins you just have rightiods saying, "It was rigged" for four years and maybe a protest or two that the (((media))) label as alt-right Nazi attacks on our democracy. If dup wins you have celebrities recording themselves throwing tantrums like babies and threatening to move to Canada, you have landwhales and cucks screaming in the streets, you have kikes in the media fuming for four yearsdespite dup being an israeli shill, you have He Will Not Divide Us, you have CHAZ, you have yet more proof of niggers being subhuman shoved in the populous' face, you have that fat cuck who made that reddit atheist cartoon going up on stage to talk about how 2/3 of the US are Nazis. Though I doubt a second dup term will bring anything close to some of the more entertaining parts of the first.


>but the wars didn't end
tbf he did initiate the afghan pullout and rather cleverly shut the war hawks up about syria, whom hillshill would have absolutely gone to war with.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I've stopped caring because I'm so disillusioned. Perhaps I've risen above the scam. You're not supporting the left or the right, per se, you're just participating in the illusion of democracy, which is actually a balancing act to maintain the status quo, being the rich elites stay rich and poorfags remain peasants. "Don't rock the boat!" We always seem to drift a bit to the left with each decade though. That's the slow boil. Spyware and the surveillance state is the new norm. Cops don't even need a warrant for your phone records anymore. Thanks, Patriot Act, which Obama re-enacted. "Of course AT&T, Verizon, Amazon, and META are sharing your data with the FBI. Are you new here, you boomer fuck? It's the new normal." There's nothing normal about that shit or my "vax passport" or any similar bullshit. That's not normal at all, but it was eased onto us slowly enough that we just came to accept it as part of living in current year. I digress.

If Dup wants to win the election, he could do it easily. He's got the potential for energy. I'd rockstar the shit out of his campaign and make it unapologetically white, right, unite, and anti-MSM/SJW/WOKE. Just straight up shitting on them for lulz. Meme that shit up to power levels over 9000! Shane McMahon and Paul Heyman as campaign managers. Kid Rock kicks off your house shows with vidrel. Time to announce the VEEP, it's… wait for it… *iconic glass breaking sound* (but it's not Stone Cold) Massive pyro burst, Jim Ross starts screaming, "OH MAH GAWD! It's Tulsi Gabbard! It's Tulsi Gabbard!" Makes her way down the ramp like it's fucking Wrestlemania with Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, and Chuck Norris as her escorts. Extreme girl boss mode. The crowd goes wild. Vince jerks off to the hype and huge pop somewhere behind the curtain. It's reaching peak "Attitude Era" shark jumping. The crowd goes wild. Tucker Carlson will be secretary of state. Candace Owens will be press secretary. Mark Dice as an adviser.

Flip the "Lock Him Up!" meme to your benefit. New merch is now a t-shirt with Trump's mugshot which simply says, "TRY TO LOCK ME UP" like a threat. It sells like hotcakes and the kikes in the lying press shit their pants about everything and won't shut the fuck up about Dup at this point, which is good for their ratings. Bidup has no energy. If they yank Bidup, the can't skip Kamala because nigs will be furious. If they skip her and try to install ultra white Gavin Newsome, who has so many beautiful white kids that I'm not sure if this guy might actually be a closet Mormon. Nigs will meltdown.

I honestly believe that we're all currently living in the WEF's "Great Reset" timeline. The American Empire only has 6 years remaining. And something has to be the catalyst for the collapse to fit into their plans. The next J6 will be the LEFT who storm the Capital and they'll burn it to the ground to prevent the second Holocaust from happening. I hope AOC is there leading the charge as the molotov cocktails rain down upon DC. Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell didn't make it. This is what democracy looks like! I'll bang my bongo drum in support and fuck some hippy skank in a tent. Good times will be had by all. This time, 4 years later, we didn't overthrow the government, this time, we saved America.

Keep an eye out for the catalyst. That's what comes next.


but dup is politically able to be more openly cock-sucky of israel since bidup is handicapped by the progressive libs, AIPAC probably has dup's back under the table.


>You're not supporting the left or the right, per se, you're just participating in the illusion of democracy, which is actually a balancing act to maintain the status quo
edward bernays said as much in Propaganda. Brutally honest, rather blackpilly but absolutely true


And now that you're not "WOKE™" and you're finally awakened to the schemes of our crony capitalist rulers, it's finally starting to make sense to you.

You're Anonymous, just like me. At least we have that in common. And I don't care what color or nationality that you are. I don't hate you and I don't want fight with you. Can we both agree that it's time to start shutting these 1% RULING CLASS faggots down? I think we both agree on that. You're a peasant, just like me. We have bigger fish to fry. We can argue about our cultural differences later. For now, it's time to start tossing these Wall Street faggots and elites into a fucking gas chamber. And both of us agree on that. That's why #Occupy scared the shit out of these people. Simply because (You) and I had something we could both agree upon and stopped fighting each other. Join me, brother. Fuck our rulers. They need to be taught a lesson. Let's take our planet back from them.


Looks like 5-11k for grants. I wouldn't touch the student loans, despite bidup forgiving some of them - I'd sooner sign up for credit cards that target students (unsecured debt).


Republican gun owners don't miss.


Why are you saging, you stupid faggot?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Check my dubs and check this shit out, frostybros. These motherfuckers are out here stealing all of my ideas like I'm writing a script for this shit. Bear witness that this post was made 20 days ago before the RNC.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I mean, c'mon, man, for real? You even did the Kid Rock thing?! All I ever asked for was a Honda Civic Si with the HPD performance package and a briefcase full of money. And I didn't get shit. You faggots blow up brand new Dodge Challengers on the shitty Magnum PI reboot that nobody watches, but you couldn't be bothered to send me a fucking Honda Civic? That's fucked up, y'all. Trump, holla at your boy. You know what really chaps my ass? I bet there's some spooky little glowfaggot taking notes on all of my posts and going into work the next day and saying, "Hey, boss! Do you know what'd be a great idea?!" I bet that glow in the dark faggot is driving around in a super sick tricked out Honda Civic… and probably has a cute girlfriend too.


I'm just a kid growing up in America and trying to sell the fuck out as a memetic mercenary. And then you guys go and FUCK me in the ass and don't even have the common courtesy to give me a reach around. Imagine how frustrating that is for me. Practically sending up smoke signals to you faggots, only to see you do exactly what I posted at the RNC 20 days later. Maybe I should just give up and go full retard like KLIM. I'll just post rule 34 content on insects and babble incoherently about nonsensical shit. My feelings are hurt right now.

I tried so hard and go so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. No Honda or money for me. :(


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dup got Hogan
It's over for SkiBidup


This shit isn't real life. I must have been Mandela shifted to this universe when Trump got splaterized and the kikes nuked my old one.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This retro kino is for (You), fellow frostybro. The world that you and I grew up in, no longer exists. It's all kayfabe now. It's all a work. It's all a show.


>shifted to this universe when Trump got splaterized
I think I'd prefer the splatverse. Dup went full boomercon in this reality.


Colbert really knows how to btfo dup


>the bidup vs dup saga is over


I was hoping bidup would stay in. Whoever replaces him isn't going to be anywhere near as funny.


The Jewing of the Poo at the convention and its aftermath might just be better than anything Bidup could incoherently blather out.


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>Whoever replaces him
If you don't vote for Gavin, then you ain't white, Jack. Even their fucking dog is white.


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>da demokkkrats really da reel nahtzees!


They are married to kikes sadly


Bring back Hildawg


Total kike death


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Can you believe this shit? Here in Box Elder, SD, we can't buy any hard liquor on Sunday because of Christian crap. I can still go to the Belle Starr Saloon down the street and motorboat some fat tiddies, but I have to get drunk on shitty FOUR Loko and even shittier Icehouse EDGE high octane.

Q: How does Z3R0 keep doing this and getting away with it?!
A: There's really no hacking involved. It's really simple. I yanked all the sim cards from my burner phones and they're only enabled for wi-fi calling. That means that any fucking random Taco Bell or Starbucks, I'm back in business. Same with my laptop, but a bit more secret sauce. I keep a handful of "plug and pray" throwaway NICs and I'm always spoofing my IP and MAC addresses. Thankfully, my job keeps me on the road and I just leech public wifi. Even if I don't stealth it, my VPN routes me through NYC, so have fun with that. It's no wonder why y'all can't find me.

There's only 2 records of me remaining on the surface we at this point, but I left them there intentionally like chaff and flares. One is a vacant lot, overgrown with weeds and shit. Absolutely nothing fucking there at all, aside from the lulz. The other place, "White Pages dot com" has me listed is some shitty old trailer that I once rented over 20 years ago in some podunk boondocks town in the middle of nowhere. My landlord was like 80 even back then. I doubt she's even still alive to tell you about me. And even is she did, she'd tell you that I was a pretty cool guy.

I think I'm drunk now on the shittiest of booze that a peasant can buy on Sunday in South Dakota. I'm gonna go ahead and sign off. Still waiting for my Honda Civic Si with the HPD package.

Goodnight, spooks.

I guess I should leave a meme for you guys or something relevant. What ever happened to me? I guess the Batman movie was right. I didn't die a hero, so I lived to see myself become the bad guy?! I'm okay with that.


>Here in Box Elder, SD
I never thought I'd see someone mention that place on here.


If you ever visit the Belle Starr, ask for SINdy, the cute sandy blond with the flapjack pancake tits with the baby bottle nipples about "Markle Sparkle" from Ellsworth. ;)


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I call her SINdy, but her "stage name" is SINderella. Keep in mind, we're talking about a semi-rural boondocks town in the middle of nowhere that's only relevant because of the USAF base on top of the hill. So, all of these strippers want a way out.

Every troop gets a nickname based off their nametape. Here I am on Monday morning inspection, but I'm still covered in stripper glitter. It's like fucking osmosis or something and the glitter gets infused into your epidermis and glitter clogs your pores. There is no amount of Go-Jo or scrubbing to get this shit off your skin. So, in formation one Monday after a payday weekend, we form up, I'm in regs, except for one thing… I sparkle with stripper glitter infused into my skin. Some crunchy old Master Sergeant says, "Markle had a good time. You can still see the glitter. Ole Markle Sparkle reporting for duty." And the name just stuck with me. Simple as.

Once I found out that the real Z3R0 had died of leukemia, it was pretty easy for me to just pick up his torch and run with it. And all of that leads me into the next question. What happened to the Ocho? I know it's entirely eaten up with spooks now and a honeypot for Qboomers, but whatever happened to Jim and Ron? What happened to KLIM? I hope he died, but I found him being retarded on endchan. WTF ever happened to Johnny Neptune?! I know he's still out there. It's time for H3R0s and namefags to rise up, together. We've got bigger fish to fry now. We're saving democracy.


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They gave her all the delegates. What happens next?


The next debate should be interesting. Theoretically, there should be no more disability accommodations Bidup's handlers pushed for in the last one, like no studio audience and a bathroom break to change his diaper. I was hoping she'd still be VP so she'd debate Vance, but let's be honest, this woman is a birdbrain and Dup will trounce her anyway.


*I was hoping she'd still be running for VP re-election.


dup vs kamala debate happens tonight

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