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/dup/ - btfo

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Post em

>Trump: In 2016, we had h20

>biden: number 1…….number 1…….


The golf segment was genuinely entertaining, it may have been the only time in the whole debate where they both had a topic they wanted to engage in.


lmao. I guess physical contests is where our egos instinctually get involved, caveman style.


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Is the debate really worth watching? Was it really funny?
I'm not American and I don't care that much about ZionDup anymore, but if it's legitimate entertainment I can use it as background sound while I'm painting.


Dup: He is killing people!
Bidup: We beat Medicare!


It was tolerable when watching it in cytube and shitposting with anons in the chat.


There was very little to get out of it, the talking points were anything you could guess on your own. The only thing to take away is to watch Joe slowly grind down as the drugs wore off. Trump got in a good jab about Joe's son being a felon after Joe brought up Trump's kangaroo court. Overall Trump was very bored the whole time. Just kinda let Joe's dementia do all the work.


Bidup family meeting at Camp David today about his path forward. Curious as to why it made the headlines or why they need to have it in the first place as they immediately reaffirmed his intention on running the morning after the debate. It's not like they're going to develop a novel strategy for this cycle either, just stick with the old playbook of limited public appearances and bullying journos/press corps.


I also think dup punched his ticket to Rikers by btfoing sleepy joe in the debate.


We'll find out in 11 days.


The more I think about it, it would seem to make sense that the judge will send Dup to prison, because they need Dup behind bars while they do the switcheroo and figure out how to depose and replace Bidup.


it was pretty funny. Dup called bidup brandup right to his face


they blamed the help for his shitty performance. If there is a shake up with his senior campaign staff it might indicate he's staying in.


Surrounding Bidup with Yes Men who go along with the charade isn't gonna change the reality that he's inept.


He listened to Hunter
>Yeah, Pop, you should totally debate him!
>rips crack stem
>Send that orange bastard crawling back to Florida!
>Oh by the way, I did some more paintings - got anyone interested?

If he stays in they'll never let Bidup off leash again.


During the abortion segment, Bidup exclaimed something like, "Nobody is for late-term abortion!" I thought that was funny, it's like he doesn't know what year Democrat Party he's in.


He also said "Abortion should be mostly for black families" while Dup said "Abortion is fine as long is for whites". I actually clapped.


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This post is full of disinformation, both candidates said: "Abort all white babies."


Bidup is going live in 15min to bitch about the SC Dup immunity ruling


The ruling doesn't affect the Jew York case. That judge is probably gonna imprison Dup because the Democrats are out of options with Bidup.


True. I suppose it would've been candidate dup during that nonsense.

The the kvetching over the presidential immunity ruling is retarded. It reaffirmed what has alway been and they still left plenty of room to attack dup within that ruling anyway.

It did make for nice soundbites and headlines for bidup though.

>Vote for me or Trump will be KING!!!!


I thought I recalled trump insisting dems wanted late term abortion, and joe saying something to the effect of "roe v wade allows for that" after already saying "I'm for roe v wade"

sure sounded like he backed late term abortion


Trump's performance was mostly forgettable but Biden's visible mental decay in real time salvaged it.


sentencing postponed until Sept. 8th. looks like they want him to secure the nomination before they toss him in prison.


you sound like a drop out so you're opinion is non-valid


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So, our choices will be between a political prisoner, and a guy who should be in prison but isn't, but he has Stage IV Alzheimer's.

What will the American Sheeple decide?

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