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File: 1719693956399.jpg (44.06 KB, 778x357, 778:357, femcels on reddit about in….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Are fairy tales and European stories grooming young girls to have sex with men?????


Flopson btfo by this post


She found three examples barely supporting her "hypothesis"; now, contrast that with every other series and every other commercial featuring BMWW psyopping women to miscegenate.


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Also, Phantom is a tragedy about the unrequited love a disfigured man feels for a beautiful girl, most people can't fully relate to it, let alone women.


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for trannies, leftists, and feminists, all of human history was "incels."
You begin to wonder who exactly isn't an incel for them? I suppose fags?
Nahh. "Unrequited love" means you're an incel. If you didn't get her permission, you're an incel.


Didn't the Phantom not get the girl in the end and ended up dead because of his obsession with her?


He sort of vanishes at the end, there was a sequel made where he pops up again years down the road after Christine had a son, but I haven't watched it yet, so I'm not sure what happens.


>age of consent 14 years
Those were the good old days.


Yeah, Whites were 1/3 of the world and now after 100 years of feminism we're dying out. But at least we BTFO the "pedos", right sisters?


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Or brainwash the gentile into femboys and make them believe they're "medbulls", the nazis were the original SJW's burning down those books that normalized pedophilia.


The age of consent in Germany is 14, same as it was under the Third Reich. The difference is the Third Reich promoted traditional marriage and motherhood, whereas Germany's age of consent today is exploited by non-White immigrants.


remember when our local jewishmutt was calling himself a "medbvll" while complaining about whites? I member


This is total bullshit and everyone knows it, but, specifically, with Beauty and the Beast, wasn't the lesson to NOT treat ugly and poor people badly? The prince told the old woman to go fuck herself and she turned out to be a fairy or witch or something and kicked his shit in with that curse. And Snow White, the queen wasn't ugly, she made herself a bad person by being jealous. Why are Redditers so retarded?


Argelians are med


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Gee I wonder which man Beauty is going to marry? The Handsome man that is full of himself, but is poor or the Handsome man that is full of himself but is rich.


You were never born again and never had a connection to God. It's okay, but just because mommy and daddy sent you to a religious school doesn't mean you know what you're talking about. Just another verbose dimwit.

The fedora atheists on /his/ are more intellectually stimulating than you guys.


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>starts ranting about people who don't accept his Semitic deity completely out of the blue
This is your brain on Abrahamism.


That thumbnail looks like some sort of esoteric soyjack. Coincidence?


how does this disproves christianity?


Here is your (you)


It's just an image thought to depict Yahweh and his consort, Asherah.


It's funny how she went from being consort of Yahweh to being dea non grata whose images the Israelites were commanded to tear down. I remember having a dream about Asherah poles several years ago.


Read Snow Crash


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Are the trannynal online faggots just porn addicts luring kids into their echochambers?


They are either larpagans who worship thor from (((marvel))), fedoras who belief in nothing, or christcucks who welcome foreign rapist, reddit millenials are a sad bunch.

I refuse to turn into such a thing, I worship my ancestors, and revere my spiritual brothers here.


Also does anyone know if zoomers have become redditcucks in large amounts? Was always under the impression that they were twitter and tiktokniggers.


The only book worth being reading is The Holy Bible. European culture is all about pederast sex and zoophilia.


Daily reminder that femcels don't exist and it DOESN'T go both ways.


It happens later in life for women. They become femcels or catladies after they reach the wall, if they're unmarried, and men begin to lose interest in them.

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