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The troon problem is because Capitalism has destroyed the future of two generations of men. No matter what anyone says, men these days are still expected to be self reliant and have the ability to earn a good living. Back then it was as easy as just having a fuck job, any job. Now most people need to work two jobs to make ends meet and men are still held to the standard their grandfathers were. Unless you're a man you cannot understand the mental anguish of being labeled as worthless, useless, and undesirable. So this causes mental illness and eventually leads to trooning out because they think it's "them" and life will be easier. They have been robbed of their male identity by a corrupt economic system that has bought out and controls nearly every facet of our government. And you get your ass doctors in a country with a for-profit healthcare system tell these delusional people that trooning out is the best option they have because they get fucking paid.


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The troon problem is exclusively because of liberal/leftist morality, just like feminism, the blacks, etc.


You're ignoring the most important aspect, even before transitioning they're living in a fabricated fantasy world with massive blinders on to what's really going on around them. They can either snap out of it or delve in deeper.

A functioning economy and medical system giving fucked up customers what they want no matter how awful or idiotic it is and allowing them the freedom to do so isn't as big an indictment of the capitalist system that you think it is.


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Lol kys Vargcoon.
>before transitioning they're living in a fabricated fantasy world with massive blinders on to what's really going on around them
That's exactly what I said, Wrist, you stupid retarded faggot. Jerk off your small white cock to Ramoncoon is damaging your brain, stop being a midwit.


Im drunk. I tried to jerk off to wikileak but the site is fone the internet is dead

I got drubk and sucked a BBC

I have work tomorrow and im feeling sick


The incel is a byproduct of the modern obsession with performance, which is a byproduct of the capitalist economy. Ingrained in the incel's psyche is the conviction that the human being is no more than a machine. He calculates rather than narrates. His view of society is additive rather than narrative. Life is just a series of numbers to him: he sees body counts, IG followers, ranks appearances on an esoteric 10-point scale, sees "desirable metrics" like height and financial net worth as all relationships are based on, and so on. There's countless "self-help" books about improving relationship and sexual performance, and we can see this obsession among incels as well. The origin of the incel's feeling of superfluity is in this economic view of the human being as a machine that either performs efficiently or not. Of course, he's not entirely at fault - many women today have adopted this stance as well. Everyone now has become a sexual organ of capital.

In addition to this, the capitalist imperative, which is inherently globalist, to commodify and pornographize the entire Earth, is increasing narcissism. The view that the human being is a machine is also a narcissistic view, because this view eliminates the Other, turning everything into the Same (a "higher performing machine" or a "lower performing machine"). In the absence of the Other, narration isn't possible; a story requires a relationship. Only calculation is possible. Therefore, the calculating incel, calculating woman, calculating "Chad," and so on, are all narcissists. They treat others as instruments of their own pleasure and as mirrors of their own achievements. Incels aren't "nice guys" and girls don't just date and marry "assholes" - incels are assholes and the fact that they're incels proves them wrong about women


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lmao are you unironically posting this shitty breadtubers?


This is spoken like someone that has no experience of incels but a lot of experience of reading marxist literature.


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Leftist /trannypol/ faggot.


The video embed feature is just outdated as any slavic shithole, this place is pretty much Cuckchan's backyard.


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>proves them wrong about women
Your own argument was that incels got what you call their narcissistic, calculating nature from observing society and women, hence realizing the superfluous nature of modern life. At least be consistent. But yeah I get what you're saying - the average incel isn't any nicer than the normalfag asshole and his dumb whore of a wife living next door to him.


OP here, I'm a mexican tranny


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>trying to co-opt characters from Middle-Eastern fairytales
>relying on hoaxes from centuries after Yeshua was supposed to have lived like the Letter of Lentulus because there's not even any direct New Testament hearsay you can cite regarding his appearance


>The origin of the incel's feeling of superfluity is in this economic view of the human being as a machine that either performs efficiently or not.
Ultimately, is this not the truth? Human beings that can't even have basic relations with others, are they not suboptimal? Are they not filth? Should they not be disposed of in the trash heap of history?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dup btfo'd duh heckin commies?!


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Those wretched commies who all of the sudden despise Israel.

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