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The media has finally turned on Bidup. Even Kareem Abdul Jean Luc Picard is cringing. Now the "cheap fake" angle makes the MSM look even more like a lying bunch of faggots because CNN controlled this debate. Did CNN just "cheap fake" us into ousting good ole Uncle Joe?! They say "the ride never ends," but apparently it does if you're RIDEN WITH BIDEN.

Bonus lulz, the DNC kicks Kamala to the curb and installs Gavin Newsome and some other war hawk shabbos goy white dude. Mine the salt, lads. It's OVER.


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Check my trips, shitlibs. Read em and weep. Triple Z3R0, baby.

Anything that we can do to "nudge" or encourage these fuckers into being the change that they want to see in this world. Pedal to the metal. "Noooooooooo! You cis-het straight white people elected Cheeto Hitler again, but this time, he's going to gas all the jews, the Fourth Reich will begin, THE SOUTH will rise again, but actually, none of that shit will happen, just like it didn't happen last time. Obama deported more spics than Trump. We didn't drain the swamp. We didn't get our wall either, well, some of it. This muff diver is about to have a stroke because Dup is the new king of the USA. "OH MY GOD! My cis-het white 90 year, pro-segregationist, Dixiecrat didn't get elected. If only (former KKK member) Robert Bird could have been here to save Joe. Holy fucking keks, these people are absurd, but sadly, 99% of our population is retarded. CW2 really can't get here soon enough. Think what you will, but it's already in the spoiled scripts that the Evil Empire is doomed to fall by 30. And white people become a minority by 40. America, as shitty as it currently is, only has 6 years remaining. Buckle up, buckaroos. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.


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The salt is so damn good.


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Trust the plan, this time around Dup will fix all the problems!


Why would they turn on him now? It's obvious to anyone that has higher then nigger-tier intelligence that his mind has been gone since long before he took office. What changed? Seems odd to me that it was just because he got BTFO by dup again. Is it because he didn't immediately send thousands of young white men to die for israel when they started genocided the sandniggers?


Wait, that is a female? I thought it was a dude all this time.


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So I just watched the George Stephanopoulos - Biden interview, that is supposed to reassure everyone that he is up to the task. I can summarize it as:
>Are you sure you are mentally capable?
<Look I have expanded NATO, created so many jobs, yadda yada
>I agree, but those must have taken a toll on your mental health. Are you sure you are mentally capable? So many Democrats say you should quit
<Nobody says I should quit
>Yes, but are you sure you are mentally capable? Have you seen the debate?
<Look, it was just a bad night
>Ok, but are you sure you are mentally capable?
And this back and forth went on and on, with George asking Biden is he is mentally capable in 50 different ways. Biden wasn't so bad that even more Democrats are asking him to quit, but not good enough that they calmed down and ready to support him. Basically, the best outcome for Trump, thanks ABC news.


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Oops. Did I say webm somewhere? If so, my bad. I'll explain it to you though. All the tools that I use to rip vids from the web download to .mp4 by default. I'd have to use a second program to convert them to webm, but I don't see the use in it. Our chan allows me to up .mp4 and 4chumps runs webm, but they can't into sound, after all these years, which is truly pathetic on their part. So, I don't see the need to convert my .mp4 rips into webms.

>Wait, that is a real female girl?! I thought it was a dude all this time.

In the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-four, nobody can say who is or is not a boy or girl, not even the newest nigress judge of the SCOTUS. It's best that we use "they/them" pronouns to avoid misgendering and ask "them" what "their" pronouns are for this particular day, because "they" may be non-conforming, non-binary, and gender fluid, so "they" might feel like a boy today, but change their mind and feel like a girl tomorrow. tl;dr, redditfags and decide to be whatever they feel like they want to be when they wake up each morning. Maybe they're a gender queer asexual demi-trans dolphin today. That's literally how retarded shit has gotten in this timeline.


They're gonna imprison Dup in September anyway. They delayed the sentencing until closer to the election to cause confusion when he's imprisoned, which will cause many sheep to impulse vote for the other party.

All this Democrat concern about Bidup is kabuki theater when they've already got the election rigged.


Recent history suggests Bidup will be replaced with someone far worse - and they'll win.

Examples off the top of my head:

-NY Governor Cuomo to Hochul

-PA AG Kathleen Kane to Josh Shapiro (now Governor Kike)

-Bmore Mayor Sheila Dixon to Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ("space to destroy" Freddie Gray chimpout nigress and DNC bigwig)

I vaguely recall some replacement shenanigans to get Obama positioned too


>ever worsening
to say nothing of the recent results in Bongland and France


The UK voted for Labour. Frons turned to the right, they are having Negro Fatigue.



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It'll be Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Whitmer, except this time, she doesn't get kidnapped by the Ku Klux Klan. There will be a huge Jay-Z/Beyonce fundraising concert, they'll reboot, "We Are The World" and every satanic chomo from Hollywood will sing in it. Obama will give a speech and shed a single tear, like that Indian when you throw trash out your window driving down the road, who actually wasn't a Native American at all, but some Italian character actor. This is the only way we can save "democracy," lads. Surely, you don't want the Holocaust to happen again… do (You)?! They'll sell "Democracy Matters" t-shirts and shitty rubber Chinese wristbands. Madonna will promise to suck everyones dick. Niggers and faggots will riot and burn down a bunch of small towns. Billions of undocumented spics will flood our nation and finally over throw the government. They're going to save America, folks. The "American Dream will survive and we will defeat the fascists."

I'm looking forward to how fucked up and stupid this election will be. America is ready to jump the shark and I'm getting comfy and munching on my popcorn.


What you need to understand is that the enemies of America have pre-positioned their soldiers. They came across the border as illegals. They're already pre-positioned across America; they're in the cities, they're in the corporations, they're in government. They're in your city council, in some cases. They're in your schools. They're everywhere.

Secondly, weapons have been pre-positioned. There are weapons caches all across America. Basically, storage units (you know how you can go out and rent, you know, a 10 x 10 storage unit). And there are probably thousands of these, and these storage units have been outfitted with things like firearms with illegal drop-in full-auto triggers, to turn an off-the-shelf AR-15 or AK-47 into a full-auto military battle rifle. In addition, they have stored police uniforms, RPGs, mortars, illegal suppressors, night vision equipment, thermal cameras, you name it. Basically, the gear to outfit a massive domestic military.

Now, here's what's shaping up. Trump wins on November 5th because the Democrats can't rig it enough to stop him. And besides, so many Americans are tired of Biden, Bidenomics, and the inflation, and all that nonsense, so the time has come for Joe to be replaced, through elections. So Trump wins the election.

Following that, beginning November 6th, understand, you've got two and a half months of Joe Biden still in charge (or, his handlers, technically). So you've got radical leftists and the Biden administration in charge, along with foreign enemies that have pre-positioned troops across America, mostly the cities by the way.

So what you're gonna see over the two and a half months is the final revolution attempt in America. There's gonna be a no-holds-barred, total warfare domestically against the American people, where both the federal government, and the enemies of America, and the radical left, I mean really three groups, are gonna be simultaneously waging war against the American people.

And what's that war gonna look like? This is what's gonna shock most Americans. Because people, they're just not ready for this. They don't know what's coming. That war is gonna look like radical leftists, in certain areas, the cities they control particularly, going door-to-door, pulling people out of their homes, and assassinating them in the streets.

You are going to see…remember a couple of years back, Seattle? CHAZ? Remember CHAZ? CHAZ was a test case. This was a radical left-wing fascist/communist takeover of downtown Seattle. They took over about six square blocks of the city, and it was a test to see what they could get away with. The mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington agreed to order the police to back down. So, the police evacuated, and the turned over a portion of downtown Seattle to this radical left-wing communist group. That group then proceeded to, in essence, imprison or kidnap the residents who happened to live in that area, and there were some shootings, and some people died, and horrible things took place, and the media tried to claim it was no big deal. And, this was during the Trump administration, so you know, of course the media was always saying "Well, it's not a revolution, it's not a revolt, it's just hippies growing plants," (which, they didn't even do that, successfully). But, that was actually a test run, to see what they could get away with.

And so, starting after November 5th, assuming Trump wins the election, you're going to see these radical groups then take over entire cities, starting with the blue cities, where they have defunded police, where frankly a lot of the police, well, the police chiefs, are going to go along with them, and order the police forces to completely back down. Basically, the police will evacuate the blue cities, and the cities will be taken over by enemy combatants and enemy forces, who will then occupy key cities across America, as the start of their battle against the United States of America.

Now, this is likely to be accompanied by targeted infrastructure attacks in red states and rural areas. So, if you think about what the leftists want here, they want to keep their blue cities under their control, and functioning. They still want electricity, they want water, they want food for their cities, and fuel, and so on, because that's where their base of operations is going to be. They wanna sabotage everything else across America, and this is why there has already been a lot of pre-sabotage by government black ops groups, that have been setting fires on chicken farms, for example, or burning down food processing facilities. These are black ops groups, just trained the same way Michael Yon was trained. You know Michael Yon wouldn't engage in that kind of activity, but there are plenty of people who will, and they're on the government payroll.

So, you already have government teams engaged in pre-war sabotage operations, in order to cut off the food supply, and thereby make sure that rural America is not able to feed itself when the big war comes, perhaps starting in November. So these are pre-war sabotage operations that you're witnessing right now. Once the war actually begins, these teams will go full-force. They will sabotage ports, refineries, bridges, roads, railways, airports. And then, they will also attack police stations. I mentioned earlier that there are police uniforms that have been pre-positioned in these storage facilities across America. Some of the uniforms are city police, and some are county, deputy uniforms and so on. So, the enemy combatants will put on those uniforms, and use them to gain access to police and law enforcement facilities, and then they will attempt to, of course, slaughter everybody that's there, and if they succeed, then they will have destabilized local law enforcement quite a bit, especially given that the Thin Blue Line that is present in America right now is very, very thin, and in many cities, like Los Angeles, for example, or San Francisco, or Seattle, or Portland, or Chicago, you name it, the police are barely able to keep anything under control, on any given day. And if they start taking out police forces, then frankly, law enforcement gets into a very desperate retreat type of situation, and they'll have to evacuate the cities, and then just label it a "no-go zone," and that's exactly what the left wants.


All that seems like a dumb idea when they can just continue what they've been doing for decades. It's dumber still to kick it off over Dup winning - he's a Democrat from the 90's who wasted 4 years spinning his wheels, getting outmaneuvered by practically everyone in DC, who will sign whatever omnibus monstrosity crosses his desk while griping about it on twitter.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
How can Bidup recover from this?! "I don't care if he sundowns and poops his pants, I sundown and shit my pants too!" I was originally going to post a vid from The Hill about this story, but the kikes yanked their vid, so I only got Timbo to post, but it's the same story. "Vote blue, no matter poo!" If the Dems don't uninstall Biden.exe and install a rockstar, it's going to be a Trump landslide.


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Here's some OC. Feel free to use it on socials. Exif data wiped.


And this is why you glowfags need to come recruit me. I did this shit for free and it'll be more influential than Colbert's cringe "skibbidybidup" spot, which you faggots probably gave this shithead millions of dollars to come up with a shit ass idea. All I want is my gifted Honda Civic Si and a briefcase full of small unmarked bills. I'm tired of being poor. I could train your people and sell out harder than than Yakuza sucks big black cocks. Consider my offer. If you chuckle fucks still can't find me, you're way more pathetic than Snowden lead me to believe. I mean, c'mon, man, the only thing I haven't done at this point is post my home address and SSN. Are you that bad? Do I have to put shit on tutorial mode for you butt fucking niggerfaggots?


We know where you live. I already told you we don't need you because you're not trustworthy. You've got a big chip on your shoulder.


>The UK voted for Labour
Which would only be a good thing if it was Corbynite Labour, but it's not. The best thing out of it is that their candidate for PM is white. The Tories threw a hissing fit and wouldn't make an alliance with Reform, or else we would see a Con-Ref coalition right now. However, one of Reform's planks is to dissolve the Tories by making them a minority party. This, and Tories underestimating Reform, ultimately made them splitters and cost the Right the election. Reform might force the Tories to the negotiating table now, but the next election is at least a year away. With a majority like this, Labour doesn't need the blessing of any party, or even the electorate, to pass any law it likes. It could even dissolve the monarchy with numbers like this.
>Frons turned to the right
It'll be a NFP-Ensemble government with Macron at the head. Despite winning every region outside of the Metropole previously, RN lost. The reasons for this are a mix of intimidation and desperation on the part of the other parties, and Le Pen becoming obsessed with optics, kicking out anyone who made even a racially off color joke both from her own party and Europe's national conservative alliance. The best we can hope for is a NFP dissolution as a leftist's biggest enemy is other leftists. NFP is a huge tent coalition, and RN has twice as many seats as its largest member. The moment an economic trouble arrives, RN will provide stability, but this also means waiting for another election or the far gone chance that Macron has a lapse of judgement and decides to call for presidential elections.


You're right about that. I do have that chip on my shoulder. That offer stands. I want the gray Civic Si with the HPD package and my briefcase of unmarked money. If you faggots ever want to pay me a visit, you know where to find me.

I'll leave you lads with a gift.
You're welcome.


I'll quit shitting up tvchan with my begging, but I'll tell you glowfags this. It took me 5 mins of finding a leftwing MSM shitting on Biden story and 2 mins to make that meme and I even used the official old Obama website to make it. And I did all it for free. I'll run circles around any of those faggots from Columbia University that you're about to give a 6 figure income to. I should be training those newfags for y'all. That's all I'm going to say though. The ball is in your court. You know, so you say, where to find me. I'll be waiting.


>PM is white
He's pretty much a Jew.


I'm rooting for Bidup tbh, Aryan Joe will save us.


This. You've got to hear Fetch's rant on Starmer.

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