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File: 1720307394583.mp4 (12.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Oakland gas station ransac….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Mud mob ransacks convenience store in Oakland, pigs didn't respond for 9 hours.


Just a natural consequence of living in a big city chuddie!


I'd feel bad for the employees and owner, but chances are that they voted for the (((people))) that made niggers untouchable in commifornia.


keep paying taxes goy


My god I love heckin freedom and diversity. Think about the food!






It's sad what happened to California. It used to be some of the best land on the entire continent. The only hope is that it gets reconquista'd after we're dead by a future generation of people who don't mess around.


Here is to hoping that as well anon.


that will happen in two generations or so. Trust the plan.

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