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File: 1720711305889-0.jpg (245.52 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, c14672d234c1412a138eec007e….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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Good morning, goys.

Have you had your dose of glyphosate today?


File: 1720720767724.jpg (146.52 KB, 976x832, 61:52, lard-bowl-pieces.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>mfw switched from vegatable oil to lard and real butter for cooking
Food have never taste so good, anons.


Butter is good, but it's not gonna do anything about cooking with GMO and glyphosate-enriched ingredients.


Glyphosate is on every vegetable and fruit. These will destroy hour gut biome. Meat, fish, dairy are the only foods free from it.

Somehow people think cows eating grass is worse for the environment than clearing land for farmland then needing to douse acres of land in pesticides and fertilizer.


Even the cattle are fed GMO feed doused in glyphosate. There is no escape from this shit. You could opt for grass-fed beef, but good luck getting that at most restaurants. Even seafood has its own host of problems from what Man has dumped into the oceans, lakes, and rivers over centuries.


Buy better quality meat. But even if you dont most grass doesn't get this treatment. Most cows eat grass their entire lives and only get finished with grain. And even then not much makes it into their meat.
Meat is largely free from this in the finished product. Thats why governments push plant based diets.

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