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File: 1720910512169.jpg (609.68 KB, 1440x3200, 9:20, Screenshot_20240713_154050….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Confirmed glownigger honeypot


and motherfuckers wonder why I don't go back to that BEYOND kike'd shithole.


They deleted all my comments and banned me. Kikes on damage control. Fuck that place I'm never going back.

>hear trump got shot

>see nothing about it on Pol
>instantly see 15 Jordan peterson threads


Meanwhile we don't even have one.


>Confirmed glownigger honeypot
And water is wet


it's stickied dummy


Before that kike


Fucking phone posters.


Cope faggot I use the cellular ip bitch nigger


Let me guess. Phoneposter faggot probably was spamming the place with shitty threads and probably porn too. But he isn't the problem.


No anon I swear it's da cuckchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan even though this place is just as much of if not more so an unsalvageable cesspit


you're off bad faggot, look at 4plebs archive they were 404'ing all shooting threads at the very beginning kike


Imagine using cuckchan.


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Phoneposters, latrinos, pajeets, twittrannies and Zoomers ruined 4chan and ALL others imageboards.


>Imagine using cuckchan.
he wrote, on a chan with almost daily cuck porn spam


Yeah but our glowies hate interracial porn more than CP.


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>tvch is more relevant than cuckchan


This but unironically.


no but it is more usable.

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