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much like pence in 2016: literally whomst?


SPOILERS: Brutus stabs Julius in the final act.




So his wife is indian this jewish org works in india. All just jew politics per usual.


Just want to note that tzedek gives out "loans" then of course charges interest.


already happened with pence though, surely it can't happen again


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It's like all the bluecheck "dissident right" took a big gulp of retard juice this weekend.

>well if Mitt Romney hates him then I like him

As if Mitt is completely unaware of his standing within MAGA and that his critique IS an endorsement for them.
Sad day when it's only fucking groypers seeing through it.

yea I know the DR bluechecks are likely on the thiel/musk payroll


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No commentary required


I remember watching some normalfags bitching about trannies and degenerancy, then they say it should had stopped with sodomy marriage.
It amazes me how retarded they are.


There's nothing wrong with abortion.


As long as they are non-whites.


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Argument? Nope.


WW2 was about protecting jewish supremacy and they won


This tbh


Cool it with your antisemetisum.



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JD Vance when he takes his wife and kids outside


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Vance in college when he finds a pajeet girl used to small penis.


fuck off to faggy.shitty please. Your imageboard humor is shit.


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Imagine throwing your bloodlines down the toilet with a Pajeeta. Even if you're attracted to them, you're better off knocking up even a trashy member of your own race and having a Pajeeta on the side who has her tubes tied.


Wait, he hasn't teached her how to poo in the loo?


Sometimes, you gotta take what you can get.

There's not much out there that's not already taken.


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Even the dumpiest trailer park whore would be a better option as long as she's white. At some point down the line, regression to the mean will kick in and you'll have respectable descendants if they remain white. With Indians it would take generations of bleaching to get back to where your descendants should have been in the first place.



I feel the same way personally, but in Vance's case, his selection was at least partially a political calculation. By having a non-White wife and family, this provides him some cover from the media's slander. Can't exactly label someone who married a pajeet and had kids with her a White Nationalist. It's the same with Donald Jr., who will probably throw his hat in the ring down the road.


Extremely young senator from the Rust Belt. Grew up poor and blue collar. Former tech venture capitalist. Went to Yale Law with Vivek. Has a kid named Vivek. Is married to someone else from his class as him and Vivek, an Indian woman. Converted to Catholicism in 2019 for academic reasons but was raised in a very religious Protestant household. Follows a lot of TND and New Right guys on Twitter. Former Never Trumper. Funded by Peter Thiel. Wants to ban no-fault divorce and abortion in all cases. Has some hardline stances on gay marriage but has said that he doesn't want to tear families apart. One of the only officials to criticize H1-B. Supports worker coops and worker bargaining at the level of entire sections of the economy. Fake populist who takes these positions mostly because of his background in venture capital. Called for mass deportations. Said America isn't an idea. Ultimately, he's not our guy, just like how Trump isn't really our guy. He's there to push the window. If it wasn't for the assassination attempt, Rubio would have been picked. Vance is the hardline candidate of the top three (Burgham, Rubio, Vance).


Also, he doesn't support giving aid to Israel in the long term, since it incentivizes them to be aggressive in the Middle East in the future. He has a similar opinion on Ukraine.


He tried, but she started worshipping it instead.


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Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it. Both Trump and JD are selected shabbos goys. We'll have American boots on the ground in both Ukraine and Gaza on January 7th.

The best thing of all is when Trump and Putin meetup for a peace agreement. They kayfabe the idea, it's all a work, and Trump and Putin agree that America can use a "tactical nuke" on some Russian shithole that Putin would love to see get wiped off the face of the planet. Every nation has some sort of lawless nigger shithole like St Louis, Detroit, or Baltimore. I'm sure Russia also has a place like that too. So, they shake hands behind closed doors to put on this work. Trump will nuke (Russian nigger ghetto) and Putin will retaliate by deleting Rock Hill, SC off the map. An eye for an eye. It's perfect. Because Russia can hit Rock Hill with a tactical from an off shore nuke submarine. Both nations save face. The world is stunned and pisses their pants for 2-3 weeks straight with constant paranoia and anxiety that they'll be vaporized in a blinding flash of light and their shadows burned into the walls like Hiroshima. All the people who didn't believe that nukes were real are eternally BTFO. Both USA and Russia get to flex as nuclear superpowers. We hang out at DEFCON 1 and the White House and Kremlin go radio silent this whole time. Whoever those faggots in charge of the Doomsday Clock™ set that bitch to 11:59 and 59 seconds till midnight.

How did all of this happen? The USAF and Navy did a joint mission with a B2 with a tactical nuke with a fighter escort of F22 Raptors and F18E Super Hornets. All stealthy and ECM jamming the entire way in. They didn't even show up as a flock of geese on radar. Special Forces teamed up with an elite group of CIA counterterrorists code named, "Secret Squirrel" working covertly from a safe house in Rock Hill, SC. They found that Putin had a secret bioweapons lab in (Niggertown, Russia) working on the ultimate super duper chimera C0V1D variant on steroids. If the Russians finalize their project, it could kill the whole planet. You don't want another coof on steroids x100, do you?! So, America saved the day by turning the lab into a giant ash tray. On the other hand, Putin found out about the "Secret Squirrels" and their base of operations. They sent a stealth nuke sub to delete Rock Hill. Sadly, dead men tell no tales, that entire outfit died in a flash of light, along with 75k worthless niggers on that fateful day. The Russians claimed revenge and renamed the hero submarine, "RED OCTOBER," just like the movie.

After 3 weeks of pissing our pants in paranoia and anxiety, the UN (hero of the world) announces that USA and Russia are ready for peace talks. Everyone on the planet agrees that "no more nukes ever again" and US/Russia hug it out and sign a new S.T.A.R.T. treaty. The Ukraine will never join the EU/UN, but the US will build a bright and shiny, brand spankin new, Air Force base in Kiev. The MIC smiles. MIC bucks for the next 99 years pouring into Kiev, and of course, we're going to "nation building" the new Ukraine from the rubble. Putin gets the eastern territories that he was trying to save. They all loved Russia and despised Jewlinksy, so as far as I'm concerned, that faggot just rid himself of haters and some shit land with no resources. He got to keep his "holy land", gets MIC bucks now, and a new USAF base. Seems like a win for me. Ukraine gets their golden parachute anyway, so we can all STFU.

America brags about it's win with the USAF/NAVY. Russia brags about their win and has a big ass ceremony for their RED OCTOBER.

Hulk Hogan plays the guitar. We saved the planet from Russia. Every kike MSM journo who was on board with RussiaGate gets eternally BTFO too. I get Putin helped Trump get elected so we could drop a nuke on Russia and brain the world to the brink of Doomsday?! The MSM is now humiliated.


premium schizo posting, namefaggot.


Thanks, fren. I aim to please, but I don't mean that physically in a faggoty sorta way. :D


If you don't vote for Harris, you're giving me permission to call you racist, sexist, and homophobic, because those are the things you allow.
Not voting, or a vote for a third party, is a vote for Trump. The far-right are united behind Trump, because they're too blind to see better. The far-left are too careful about what they endorse that the only candidate they'll vote for doesn't exist.
No person is perfect, but Harris is miles better than Trump.
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
I see so many young, essential voters choose to abstain from progression in a flawed system in favor of the idea for moral purity.
The only way to fix it is to elect a candidate who is willing to work towards that.
We don't have that opportunity this election, but a Harris term gives leeway to better representatives in the future, in all levels of government.
Not voting because you hate the way it happens is a vote for someone who will never change the way it happens because he benefits too greatly from it.
Vote Harris. We'll debate her, and criticize her, and improve her all we can, but for the love of God, let's do it once Trump can't hurt America any more.


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>because you hate the way it happens is a vote for someone who will never change the way it happens


Showing those flyers around would make you the coolest kid in middle school.


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Middle school girls are too old, there are no virgins there, I want to be popular in elementary school.


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they were just incels who couldn't get real women!


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>ywn marry a 12 year old virgin, have a stable job and return home to her embrace each day


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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The girl in the first pic looks like the embodiment of Soylita.


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If only NPCs felt the same way about miscegenators and sodomites.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Killer kicked ass.

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