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Political Shitposting
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Everyone who doesn't give a fuck is posting in this thread. Just fuck.
What exactly is a political movement I don't give a fuck about? It's simple, you don't give a fuck.
You don't give a fuck? I don't give a fuck that you don't give a fuck.
Our symbol is zero. We don't give a fuck.
Do you give so much fuck that you can't keep quiet about how much you don't give a fuck? We don't give a fuck - write here how much you don't give a fuck.
And remember, nobody gives a fuck how much you don't give a fuck.


I actually don't give a fuck about modern (((politics))) because they don't matter anymore in the grand scheme of things.


I don't care either. After 2016 there is nothing left to do. We did our job, we got the ball rolling, the fire rose up, etc. The flight plan of 2015 won. It literally doesn't matter who we are, nobody cared who we were until we put on the frog.


But what if somebody tries to force you to give a fuck huh? Gonna give a fuck about not giving a fuck?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I remember the backstory of that photo:
>Hitler witnessed that golems are a fucking lost cause and would rather demolish their genepool than upsetting the feelings of their liberal overlords
>Hitler didn't commit suicide unlike the wimpy Salvador Allende
<Instead he died of the cringe


I don't give a fuck.



Political participation only matters when you can affect the outcome and the outcome matters. Electoral politics are just a dog and pony show (at least on a federal level), so it really doesn't matter who gets in. At least dup ended up opening a lot of normalfags' eyes to the game being rigged back when he got elected, but he doesn't really have anything to offer anymore.

I've actually been thinking about reading The Ego and Its Own lately, but it seems like it would be a slog.


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I give a fuck that you don't give a fuck.


The third position they don't want you to know about.


Anarcho capitalism?


Anarcho-totalitarianism is the real brownpill.


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>I've actually been thinking about reading The Ego and Its Own lately, but it seems like it would be a slog.
Do it. I read it back in college and it was quite enlightening. It really reinforced my decision to be a total asshole to people I do not like. It's only about 160 pages. Stirner can be a bit weird sometimes but it's not hard to grok.


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>I was applying philosophical mockery of marxists and anarchists as a life stance
JEJ. You would also try to apply dialectical materialism in practice in life, you debil blyat.


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That sounds cool.


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Sea sick
>Walt Whitman
Holy fuck
>George Eliot
>Emily Dickinson
>Mark Twain
Ehhh not really
>Henry James
Who was he again?
>William James

No, sorry
Brilliant, overrated
Bad ass
I dunno
>William Butler Yeats
Yes of course
I dunno
B? Ha no
Haven't gotten around to it
Familiar name
Red book and yes
Naomi or Virginia? No
>James Joyce
>Ezra Pound
Monocle is a no
Not familiar
>T. S. Eliot
Waste land? I dunno
The Man, the Myth


Apathy is itself a political position according to the powers that be. Because apathetic people are harder to predict and thus control, it is now seen as a bigger threat than even garden variety natsocs. But on the other hand because you don't voice your opinions on the bread and circuses they're feeding you daily, they basically have nothing to work with to get you on the naughty list.


I thinking faking it is a good disguise, I do it all the time.


Now guess which way the citizens broke up sovdepia. That's right, everyone pretended to work, that they cared about something, but in reality nobody gave a fuck.


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Didn't read it.


Expand your problems with Guenon and Evola, besides a better grip on the reality of biological race they were pretty damn right in most of the stuff. they were saying, or at least were coming from the right places. Also Freud is a kike and I wouldn't trust anything he says.

Suprised Spengler isn't on that list.


Politics is one giant meme. The spying apparatus and blackmail operations of the intelligence agencies has secured clown world forever. It's over.


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I feel the same. After realizing how utterly useless it is no matter who is in charge, it just doesn't matter at all. Everyone's a fucking kike goblin puppet, no one will actually change shit, they'll just present things differently to fool the normalcattle but nothing at it core changes so why give a fuck about whatever anybody bitches about. Dup this bidup that who gives flying duppity fuck. Not just politics, it's the same anywhere else. Life, i don't fucking care.


Cuckservatives, woketards, anti-woketards, liberals, marxists, christianfags, wiccas, they all deserve to be torture and mutilated and throw to the ants. I'm so fucking tired of mankind.


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we need to bring back Asatru.


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Neopaganism is on the rise, but unfortunately a lot of what they're counting as paganism is the gay lefty shit and even completely artificial shit like Wicca instead of proper Asatru. There's the Asatru Folk Assembly, but I've read from people who were involved in that in the past that they wouldn't recommend it. I know there are local groups like that out there though.

I think the old cultural traditions should be brought back, but I don't know how feasible going full reconstructionist is. It seems pretty LARPy to me. I think the biggest benefits of European-centric neopaganism are that it gets people out of the Judeocentric mindset, where the Middle East is viewed as the Holy Land and a bunch of ancient Middle-Eastern characters are viewed as more important than our own ancestors, and it allows for much more philosophical inquiry and freedom of spiritual exploration. The Abrahamic religions are too straitjacketed by centuries of rigid dogma. Another thing I appreciate is the lack of centralization. In ancient times, religious practices would differ from village to village. I've seen Internet pagans who seem like they don't like the last two points though. A lot of them come across as pretty inflexible and insufficiently greenpilled. If you suggested that the gods might be egregores, I feel like a lot of them would get irate over it. There was a Kulture Dads podcast calling Plato anti-pagan, and one of the guys made a response in the JewTube clip comment section about how you're an atheist if you don't believe the myths are literally true. Some of these people are grug brained in the same way Abrahamists tend to be.

I'm too much of a skeptical, antinomian gadfly to be religious, but I think the situation described in this screenshot would be one to aim for and pretty achievable right now. In the longer term, we could gradually filter the non-European elements out of our religions and add greenpill knowledge instead of being content to just believe in whatever our ancestors might have.


I agree on all your points. Good post.
I was raised Catholic but left because the Church seemed hollowed out and it was all focused on kumbayah, turn the other cheekism. The Catholic Church has become protestantized with its vaguely evangelical tone these days, and virtually every single mainline protestant church is utterly infested with leftism. The only thing that matters to these people is turn-the-other-cheek. Their whole "faith" revolves around surrenderism and cuckoldry. A suicidal love of enemies Everything is forgiven no matter how evil or disgusting. The only evil to them is to judge anyone in anyway. I always found Jesus's self hatred to be weird and as I grew older I found it to be repulsive. The Catholics reigned this worst aspect of Christianity in for a long time but that was centuries ago.


>virtually every single mainline protestant church is utterly infested with leftism
My parents are basically evangelicals, and even they don't bother going to church anymore.
>I always found Jesus's self hatred to be weird and as I grew older I found it to be repulsive.
I've never understood the appeal of the Jesus character at all. Even when I was actually Christian, I honestly much preferred virile figures like Samson, David, and Gideon. The New Testament stories didn't interest me much at all outside of the apocalyptic portions. I just felt like I owed Jesus my gratitude and respect for being mt get-out-of-Hell-free card. People like to talk about his loving and peaceful nature, but he doesn't come across that way to me. We're talking about a guy who is quoted as condemning the people he doesn't like to destruction (or possibly even eternal torture) and who is said to have told his followers that they should hate their own families and even their own lives. You could say that he sacrificed himself for humanity by dying for our sins, but what does that even mean? How do you die for someone's sins? The whole idea of his death atoning for anything makes no sense to me, especially considering how it would be entirely unnecessary in the first place if an omniscient, omnipotent god is in the picture. It's one thing to throw yourself in front of a truck to shove a child out of harm's way, and it's another to just throw yourself in front of a truck with nobody in danger.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I'm honestly so fucking tire of subhuman latinos, cuckservatives, christianlarpers zoomers, hypocritical left-wingers, trannies, niggers, anti-sjw grifters, woke grifters, muslims, orthodox kikes, liberal kikes, canadians, nazbols, shitskin larping as monarchists, redditors midwits, gen x egocentrics who pretend to be the best generation in human history, clueless boomers, astroturf faggots, etc.

I'm fedp up. I'm becoming an absurdism clown, there is no way to really solve anything with debate, only through sardonic bullying and violence. The harsh reality is that all the maturity and supposed civility I've acquired is useless.
I was actually better when I broke shitskins' arms at school and convinced them that it was best if they kept quiet and pretended I hadn't done anything wrong.
Brute force and animalistic charisma are better tools than anything that "cultured" men wanting to fight the left use.


>There's the Asatru Folk Assembly, but I've read from people who were involved in that in the past that they wouldn't recommend it.
I was looking to contact them. What's wrong with them?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Check out some of the comments on this video. I've seen people say similar things on others too, although they were kind of vague about it. I don't know how legitimate this guy is, but having seen complaints from other people raised about the organization I do take what he says seriously. He strikes me as a bit slow mentally (I saw a video of his where he struggled to come up with the word "monotheism") but seems to me to be pretty sincere.

I think you're probably better off looking into a smaller, independent folkish group in your area if you can find one.


>if you can find one.
Yeah well that's kind of the problem, broski. If they were plentiful enough to be found then I wouldn't need to be considering the assembly.


I guess it might be worth a shot for you then. Even if it sucks, maybe you'll come into contact with other disaffected people and can split off and do your own thing.

I wonder if part of the problem is that Stephen McNallen isn't in charge anymore or if the organization sucked even with him at the helm.

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