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 No.145649[Last 50 Posts]


>I'm so happy that nothing ever happened during my term (aside from some bonus obamacare for vets) (and killing the male population of Ukraine) (and a sheboon in the Soupreme Court… I guess)


>nobody fucks with a Biden!
>gets cucked again by Obama


>America has never better positioned to lead than we are today.

I want some of what this guy is smoking.


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Might have actually done something before the great un-BTFOing.


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Dark Hilldawg rising. Will we get a Jeb(!) out of nowhere defecting to the Dems to be VP?


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The Democratic nominee will be a woman.


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Trump may be a kike tool, but for this briefest of moments I'm willing to allow myself to feel some hope until reality comes back that everything is literally over.


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It's 100% over. But Dup brings foid and nigger rage. Better than nothing.


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It's a jeet'd up world my friend, we just live in it.


Kamala seems like she'll be replacing Bidup what if Hilldawg is her VP?



Chances are they're going the jew the poo at their convention and you're getting BIG MIKE


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>bidup btfo
>kamala in
>hilldawg VP
>kamala gets d-d-d-d-d-deported / d-d-d-d-d-disappears
>hilldawg in, btfo's dup one and for all
High energy potential timeline.
But yeah, she ended at like #14 or something in the Dem primaries back in 2020 and was only brought in to prevent anything remotely anti-establishment from getting in like to the Dem-Left Bernie or Tulsi to the Dem-right, she's not winning shit.




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Shes so back!


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The CIA is at fault, Biden was truly a great president but they had to block him and now they're gonna put Manchin and Kennedy, those dino liberals.


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Aryan Joe
Kino re-edits for 2024 anon, Hildawg was peak post-ironic kino.


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That's a lot of delegates Donald & Kamala, would be a shame if someone stole em!


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Can ¡Jeb! make it this time, or can he only beat up innocent children?


The sad part is that he doesn't even know he got BTFO.
Well, I can't wait for trump to get dementia.


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>Born Donald John Trump June 14, 1946 (age 78)
>He's going to be 81 in '27
It's her(s) time.
DUPmentia will BTFO


>running Hawk Tuah Harris
I don't get the appeal


I want a surprise Bloomberg nomination so badly. Imagine federal stop and frisk. Imagine the assblasting that would come from the token street shitter hole being subverted and Biden's legacy being torn down by the Democrats admitting that they need to field rightwing candidates and completely change course. Imagine how badly the Democrats would fracture from such an event. I'm sure that Obama hates Harris almost as much as he hates Biden. He's going to have someone ready for the DNC.


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Bah Gawd Bernie wasn't even supposed to be here tonight!!!


The Nigger party is going to fracture regardless. Mainstream kike media has already started parading sheboons on da tee-vee to talk about Kamadup being "AWWW LAWDY SHE BE ONE OF US". They're unintentionally working these niggers into a shoot over Kamadup, and when they jew her at the convention we're gonna get some Chicongo style chimpouts. It'll be even better if they replace her with a White woman, because that'll push the sheboons over the edge more than anything.
Oh, please run jew Bernie, nigger party. That'll go over great with the smelly niggers on university campuses.
That's probably because your White. She's explicitly for brown people.

The absolute funniest part of all of this, is it doesn't matter. Dup stopped a bullet and became un-BTFO-able this cycle.


"He" canceled the meeting with NetanYoohoo and seemingly used a soundboard to have a call in to Harris during a live event. I bet that old fuck is on a slab.

>blow it out your ass


>seemingly used a soundboard to have a call in to Harris during a live event
Fuuuuggg. The third Biden clone is donezo. I don't think the Deep State(TM) can wheel out the accelerated aging Biden 4.0 in time before Dems start getting sus.


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It's happening!!!


who gives a fuck the president is a puppet anyways. God I hate normies.


I'm going to laugh so hard if he dies.


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RBG smiles up at us from Hell.

"See ya soon, Joey!" - Ruthie


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I've asked it before, I'll ask it again: who is actually running this country?


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All the Zionists in Bidup's cabinet combining like Voltron.


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Here comes the bait and switch. The media are already telegraphing that the Kamal is polling better than Bidup did and that Team Dup is worried.

Remember, this is a person who only pulled 1% of the vote during the Democrat primary in 2020, and they somehow still stuck her into the Vice Presidency.


We put Kamala, and Obama under her, so that they can ride in the elections in the same team, and the Democrats will get the votes. Well, you can certainly not Obama, but someone who is also more socially approved than Kamala, because this cunt can't even connect two words without a teleprompter. Minimal use of puppets for maximum effect.


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A secret cabal of old wealth like the Rothchilds, the MSM, MIC, Deep State, and globalist elites, allied with merchant kikes who control the world's economy.
Trips of truth! Checked. Vidrel is for (You.)


of course the kikes kill him


in the end malarkey triumphed


Liberals I know IRL hate her and aren't happy with the party. They're fucked off about her "undemocratic" unearned candidacy. They are suspicious about how fast the party closed ranks around her. They doubt she can btfo dup because she's not personable. Mostly, they feel lied to about Joe's condition and say the late disclosure screwed them out of a proper primary (I throw salt in the wound by bringing up DNC superdelegate shenanigans from 2016)


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Super Ramon was blacklisted and even framed for pointing out that the kikes control both the Cuban government and the pornography industry in the USA.
No wonder our local gayjew seethe so much about him.


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not that blm is especially relevant these days, but Kamala's shitskin camouflage isn't working on them.


>would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites
>just not realizing this
God niggers are retarded.


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It doesn't work on them because they are paid marxists, paid? I was going to write trained.


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You don't understand, they're not stupid, they're threatening. What is that statement? It can be summarized as - Kamala Harris is not black or leftist enough for us, we want to run our own candidate, if you don't, after all the help from our bunch of crooks to your bunch of crooks, we will call you hypocrites and traitors, followed by riots and mayhem. Don't underestimate your opponent, yeablans-chuhans debilius pindos blyat.


>we are trained Marxists
lol no, it's a nigger and her philosophy is gibs me dat.


I hope she picks (((JB Pritzker))) as her running-mate like they're saying, this will cause many Democrats not to vote out of spite.


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thought this was kino. stolen from spee


stay away from spee you tranny faggot. Keep deleting my posts you Gayhole tranny mod lackey. KYS



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Seethe faggot, liberals know how to control the amerimutt cattle while you're just sitting there derailing threads with your mexcrement work doodles.


Oh shit, it's the Real Joe Biden.


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So Team Kamaldup tried to memory hole her Senate Govtrack page today, which listed her as the most liberal Senator in 2019.


Unfortunately for them, the page was archived hundreds of times on the Wayback Machine.


Sort of contradicts all that talk about being level and truthful with the American people, doesn't it?


Niggers will still vote for this whore.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The media is desperate to clean up vice president Kamala's record because she is being blamed for the failure of the migration policy.


This guy rarely posts a good video, other than that he's just another gen x nihilist faggot like Mister Metokur.


I have no problem with it, if you can suggest something better, suggest it. I'd appreciate it. Metokur doesn't do anything else but harass fat people on the internet and make pedohysterics.


I genuinely forget that there are Republicans/Trump Supporters on this app. I'm so used to seeing LGBT, feminist, blm, leftist stuff on here that going through a comment section and seeing people be vehemently against Harris because she's A) a woman, B) black, and C) Democratic, gives me such whiplash. I'm not American, so American politics are already incredibly wild and insane, but to see blatant racism and just straight up misinformation (Harris was in fact NOT a cop, and she has been strongly advocating for a ceasefire for a LONG time) is just…wild


>on this app
NPC ZOG poster detected


Bidupbros.. what happened?


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>You don't understand, they're not stupid
Everything you said is correct. This is all scripted to wag the dog. I mentioned in another blogpost that if they betrayed Kamala and installed Gavin Newsom, they'd lose their entire PoC voter base and blacks would vote Trump in revolt. Spooks must have read that because they decided to go ALL IN with Kamala. The ultimate Amerimutt DEI "girl boss" saves democracy, UNTIL, (record_scratch_sfx.wav) Kamala chooses Gavin Newsom as her VP, because she's a good goyl. Kamala isn't suppose to win and neither is Gavin. They're taking a dive on this one. Kamala isn't even a real black woman, she just LARPs as one. She loves the BWC. Look at her hubby and kids.

tl;dr Kamala dives and Trump wins BIGLY.

But why? (see next)


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Trump comes back from the dead like The Undertaker and starts kicking ass, but not really. Much of the same status quo shit and sucking kike cocks. On the matter of cocksucking, Kamala goes full coon mode and installs the whitest faggots possible. If you want to know where her loyalties lie, just look at her husband and who she goes to bed each night. And then at the same time, the GOP becomes the gayest and most niggerish party of all time. Now we have Hulk Hogan, Chuck Norris, Mike Tyson, William "Fridge" Perry, Mr. T, and Wesley "Blade" Snipes. How does anyone even compete with all of those heroes?!

ProTip: You can't!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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And why do all of this shit? Simple. Trump wins because JD will be heir to the seat. He's too young and inexperienced to win in 28. That Said, The Dems win 28 and lead us into the Great Reset at 2030, likely with Gavin Newsom as POTUS and Michelle Obama as VP. Easy landslide against MAGA kiddo, good goy, JD Vance.

And it promises us and the kike MSM a solid 4 years of riots and chaos once again, but hopefully this time, smalltown grows some balls and fights back. We'll just have to wait and see.


>Kamala isn't even a real black woman, she just LARPs as one. She loves the BWC. Look at her hubby and kids.
Kamaldup is half groid, her father was Jamaican and her mother was a dothead. Her husband isn't White, her husband is a jew, and they're not her kids, they're Doug's kids from his first marriage. Kamaldup never had kids, she is a barren womb probably from too many abortions.


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>her husband is a jew, and they're not her kids, they're Doug's kids from his first marriage
Holy fucking shit, you're right. Memes really do come true. She's like the inverse of the "my wife's son" meme. She's really the personified global citizen mutt that the globalist elites wanted. I should not have been surprised by the kike connections. I just hope that goys like black nationalist Tariq Nasheed and the Hotep movement get the warnings out there to their people. Kamala is ready to sell your people out and throw all of you under the bus for the kike's "Great Reset" plan.

If you dare to dig deep enough, you'll always find rubbing jewish hand meddling in everything. Wake up, black people.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Fucking kike+pajeet=kikejeet Kamala


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The GOP needs to start emphasizing the threat of invasion from Russia/China in defending gun rights.

Think about it. We are on the verge of WW3 by any metric. Is there a dumber political position to hold now than wanting to disarm the civilian population? Never mind the constitutionality of it.

The argument needs to be made to connect the dots for people.


So true anon, AmeriKKKa could be invaded any day both those evil Chinese and uhh Russian Communist.


What do you think they have been doing for the past few years? Plenty of GOP zogbots have cried about Russia and China at least as much as the Democrats.
Russia and China is not the enemy. The enemy is here. You better hope BRICS wins.


All able-bodied Americans are the unorganized militia referred to in the 2nd Amendment per 10 USC s. 311. Having an armed, trained populace makes occupying America a quagmire. This is why the gun issue is a litmus test that reveals who the patriots are and who the enemies of America are.


>Russia and China is not the enemy. The enemy is here.
It's both. We have enemies here working to weaken our defenses, and the emerging threat from the outside.


Obviously we want BRICs to cripple ZOG but they aren't our friends. I am only joking about the invasion stuff because Russia and China aren't stable enough to ever invade the JEWS of A.



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Hey burgers, why are you so stupid? I mean, that's >>146003 a good idea. There are no alot of guns in Russia since the communists took us over. If you attack us, I'm not even sure you won't be fought off with sticks and stones. Well, I'll shoot a couple burgers by myself with my rifle for shure, but I'll tell you what, it's a great idea, if you're not hoping to be the dove of peace in geopolitics, to scare your communists by invading Evil Demonic Satanist-Communists from Ruchaina so you can leave the guns to the citizens. Nothing is more important than the right to defend oneself and arms.


Americans will give up their guns. Liberals are going to take them. They have to take them because the niggers liberals love so much constantly shoot each other with the guns and that makes life difficult for the liberals. So, either the niggers go or the guns go, and for liberals that is a no brainer, the guns will go. Plus liberals get to "own" whites some more by banning their guns and white Americans are fat, sterile, defeated pussies. Forget about "muh guns."


We will be going back to medieval times after WW3 starts, guns will be all over the place for centuries, if not millennia.

Most guns are unregistered, and even if they were able to confiscate all of them, there will still be smiths making their own like the guy who took out Abe.


>We will be going back to medieval times after WW3 starts
I always imagine the kino cuckime Trinity Blood to be a sort of idealized future post-ZOG. Technology is only utilized by elites and military and normalfags are kept in a perpetual state of high-medieval/renaissance era Europe-esque life, sans the decadence of both eras.


You actually a Russian anon? I don't exactly think your state is communist anymore, wouldn't call it pro-white either, but Russia seems to be partially against ZOG, even if they have also cucked a ton in the past.


Fucking hell on earth.
Yeap. Wrong. Correct. Wrong.


How is Russia entirely pro-ZOG if they support Iran? I know Putler is a cuck but does that mean all of it is cucked? Actually I don't want to potentially get you in trouble but my guess is your OPsec is already good enough.


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>I don't exactly think your state is communist anymore
Wrong. That's because you don't live here. You don't see the cult of Stalin. They don't put up loud big monuments to him with pomp, but busts are put up everywhere, not a big monument, but there is a monument. A monument to a grandmother with a communist flag in Mariupol, a monument to Dzerzhinsky has been restored, they ride on tanks with a red flag, I don't know, what else do you need? The inscription Gulag back on the prisons? Don't forget that Putin was born a year before Stalin died, he is a Chekist, yes, he is a bandit and murderer, but Stalin was also a bandit and murderer in the past, he robbed banks. Putin can say bad things about Lenin, but never bad things about Stalin. Maybe you're embarrassed by the church? Well, the ROC was rebuilt by Stalin during the war. Are you embarrassed by Putin's curtsy to the Russian Tsars? Stalin did the same thing to Ivan the Terrible and other rulers. They don't want to declassify even WW2 documents, they are classified again until 2040.
>wouldn't call it pro-white either
Correct. There will be no whites left in Russia soon, if the war continues, we have two holocausts in 30 years, the difference between what is left after the Soviet genocide of Russians and what is left now. They are constantly importing Muslims, giving them rights, and it didn't start yesterday, this problem is more than 15 years old in its severe form, the fact that Bastrykin is making a fuss, the authorities are making some statements, it's because the problem is overripe. They can pretend to solve the problem as much as they want on camera, but a Caucasian will be higher in status and attention to the problem than a Russian in real life. And again this is within the framework of Stalinism, what did Stalin say? He said to eradicate Russian chauvinism, we must put Russians in an unequal position with other peoples. This policy
>but Russia seems to be partially against ZOG
Wrong. Eastern ZOG doesn't like Western ZOG? So what? They do the same thing. We need ROG or WOG. This is actually very noticeable, there is a Ukrainian city called Dnipro, where the largest Jewish center in the world stands, called Menorah, and when the city is shelled, no one shoots at it. Or the gas pipe that runs through Ukraine from Russia - no one blows it up, although in war conditions it is logical.


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They also make deals with Turkey and support the Taliban, this is Soviet logic, not Russian, Russia was at war with Turkey under the Tsar and Lenin on the contrary made an alliance with the Ottoman Empire. Whatever, anon. What's up with your meat? Have you had steak today? I'd advise you to enjoy your steaks before they're taken away.


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How many Faux Bidens are we on now?


I think a lot of older Russians have stockholm syndrome about the USSR because as bad as it was it was better than the collapse of the 90's. Overall Russian leaders do show deference to the past as a whole, you can see this even when Stalin spent time evoking the old Russian soul and demanding it rise up to stop the fascists during ww2.

As for the Russians being displaced I suppose you were a necessity when establishing the Russian empire but divide and rule is the order of the day for maintaining empire.

As for the not shelling religious sites that's easily explained by not wanting to look like your armed forces is running an indiscriminate bombardment. The gas pipeline wouldn't be blown up unless it was total war because outside of this conflict the world economy still needs to turn and global energy markets take priority over national conflict.


Jesus anon, I didn't realize Russia was that cucked, I hope true Russians can make it through this bullshit and make it to the next cycle.

Reminder Stalin was a resentful Georgian who only persecuted some of the jews because they didn't jngest their own poison. Also reminder his favorite film was about an American woman having a nigger baby in Russia and a bunch of communist Russian men raising it. (((Oy vey))) the subversion is strong with this one.

>Overall Russian leaders do show deference to the past as a whole, you can see this even when Stalin spent time evoking the old Russian soul and demanding it rise up to stop the fascists during ww2.

Which is ironic since the chunk of the Russian nobility that wasnt murdered by the kikes helped fund Fascism and National Socialism.


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Marx isn't a "based kike". He is not a Christopher Lee, Kafta or Bobby Fischer. He created one of the most powerful tools the kikes had to subvert the goyim and directly and indirectly caused the deaths of millions of white people.


Yeah and his fiend Engels is also a piece of shit goyim who assisted him. Marx and Engels are essentially the final forms of thought that were always to occur in the West when you are A: Christian, B: remove the European aspects of Christianity with Protestantism, C: embrace the negative and pompous humanism developed during the Renaissance, and finally D: remove anything that remains of a truly rational society that was in Enlightenment values, finally morphing your thoughts into a post-god, post spiritual retarded, magical way of thinking that believes we are all hecking equal.

Marx obviously despised the Jewish spirit in the sense that he felt it got in the way with communism and that they were inherently hecki' materialistic. But, he probably would ACK-Nowledge the revolutionary spirit they possess in breaking down societies as a good thing if he was ever called out in it by a personal friend, though he would never write it down as he is a a disguiser kike.

Notice how most of the jews who developer communism in the 20th century never followed its ideals for their own race, they did use the framework that was given to them though. Stalin turned on many of the kikes in the Soviet Government when he noticed they were not drinking their own poison, still doesn't change that he was an anti-white golem, he had just gone somewhat rogue.




>Christopher Lee
His ancestry was bong and dago to my knowledge.
>remove the European aspects of Christianity with Protestantism
Protestantism actually has some favorable aspects over Catholicism, but at least ordinary Catholics seem to be less prone to going overboard with the Jew worship and "no fun allowed" aspects.
>embrace the negative and pompous humanism developed during the Renaissance
Wasn't Renaissance humanism different from what came later?


>Protestantism actually has some favorable aspects over Catholicism

I would like you to list what you find favorable, the Church of Rome is corrupt but for a time is provided one of the cultural centers of a unified Europe. With Protestantism every sect is "the true center," and along with the nature of it constantly breaking and the obsession with being the true yids it will always make Catholicism more desirable of the christcuck religions that Europeans have had put into them. I am not saying we should all become Catholic in the current year, as the church has become fully kiked ever since the end of World War Jew, but that we should probably try to emulate its ways over other European Christian Sects. Orthodoxy as well of you are from Eastern Europe, it might actually still be viable to unify Eastern Europe and the Balkans Another thing is many Protestant Churches believe in the anti-traditional practice of the separation of Church and state, without realizing that they are bringing out their own demise by secularizing the nations.

>Wasn't Renaissance humanism different from what came later?

According to Julious Evola based meatball in Revolt Against the modern world: Middle-age Europe had preserved its Pagan Spirit in the form of its actions, despite the plague of Christian Poison. However, during the Renaissance according to him the very same decadent beliefs that allowed Europeans to be taken advantage of and destroyed by the (((Early Christians))) in their time of decline was what was rediscovered. No expert on it like he was and not sure if I entirely agree but the Renaissance, although having benefits allowed the churches corruption to grow, its spiritual power to decline, and to make way for the reformation, where Luther would forever break a chance of maintaining Western European unity.

All humanism is bad because instead of things coming from above it comes from humans, and the main problem is this only works when you have a sort of Caesar/demi-god tier ruler or strongman in power like Napoleon. When you begin to even play with such beliefs you risk having them subvert the metaphysics of your society and losing the divine. When you lose the divine you eventually get to the societies we have today.

The ironies of many Enlightenment thinkers trying to throw away the than European Christianity that was the very reason their freedoms and values could even exist and be maintained in the first place. Just look at how quickly France fell apart once they removed God.

I think some types of humanisms are better than others such as the post-catholic natural law explanations for the struggle of men in National Socialist Germany, but overall its better to have a myth or religion unify the people. Preferably it is better if the kernel of that Religion isn't subversive jewish slop. Perhaps Hitler's post-spiritual system would have worked and showed that a post-traditional-society could thrive long term had he won the war, sadly we won't know for a while if such a system is viable long term. In the first place Germany did as well as they did because they also embraced their traditional nature as a free people, to an extent.

TL;DR average person needs a god to be a decent person in their society.


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>I would like you to list what you find favorable
The less servile attitude toward authority, for one thing, especially outside of high-church sects. I like that there are a wider variety of viewpoints, and if someone doesn't like the views expressed in a certain church then they can go start their own. The more earnest Protestants also generally seem more devoted to their religion to me. I might find their beliefs and worldview repugnant, but there's something about their intensity I can respect. The Puritans were complete bastards, but at the same time I admire their toughness and have to agree with some of what H.P. Lovecraft had to say about them:
>Puritanism? I am by no means dispos'd to condemn it utterly in the pageant of the world, for it is not life an art, and art a selection? The Puritans unconsciously sought to do a supremely artistic thing-to mould all life into a dark poem; a macabre tapestry with quaint arabesques and patterns from the plains of antique Palaestina . . . antique Palaestina with her bearded prophets, many gated walls, and flattened domes. The fatuous floundering of the ape and the Neanderthaler they rejected-this and the graceful forms into which that floundering had aimlessly blunder'd-and in place of slovenly Nature set up a life in Gothick design, with formal arches and precise traceries, austere spires and three interesting little gargoyles with solemn grimaces, call'd the father, the son, and the holy ghost. On shifting humanity they imposed a refreshing technique, and an aimless and futile cosmos supply'd artificial values which had real authority because they were not true. Verily, the Puritans were the only really effective diabolists and decadents the world has known; because they hated life and scorned the platitude that it is worth living. Can you imagine anything more magnificent than the wholesale slaughter of the Indians-a very epick-by our New-England ancestors in the name of the lamb? But all aside from that-these Puritans were truly marvelous. They did not invent, but substantially developed the colonial doorway; and incidentally created a simple standard of life and conduct which is, no apart from some extravagant and inessential details and a few aesthetic and intellectual fallacies in all truth the most healthy and practical way of securing happiness and tranquillity which we have had since the early days of Republican Rome. I am myself very partial to it-it is so quaint and wholesome.

There's a big problem with some of the traits I mentioned in that getting Protestants of different beliefs to work together is like herding cats. And then there are the retards who would rather suck up to Jews who hate them than accept Catholics as fellow Christians.

Biblical historical criticism was also a Protestant project, ironically enough. It was basically an own goal against sola scriptura.

I did take some values test on religious value systems a while ago, and my results matched closest to Catholic Europe. I wonder if there's possibly something ancestral on, since most of my forebears were Catholic not that long ago. It probably just has to do with the fact that I just agree some of the communitarian aspects of Catholic social views.

I don't see Christianity as being any way forward though, at least in its more orthodox forms. Even a smart and heterodoxically minded guy like Aarvoll seems to be struggling to make it work.
>All humanism is bad because instead of things coming from above it comes from humans
But it always came from humans in the first place. I'm skeptical of the idea that any political leader can become some kind of representative of a divine order.
>TL;DR average person needs a god to be a decent person in their society.
I'm not sure how true that is or if people will just do what they want and provide post-factum religious justifications.


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Based take, anon. Well said. 10/10
>Notice how most of the jews who developer communism in the 20th century never followed its ideals for their own race
>he noticed they were not drinking their own poison
All of us, black, white, straight, fag, troon, left, right, man, woman, otherkins, should take notice. The ONLY nation on the planet with a theocratic ethnostate with a wall and the strictest immigration policies of all is… ISRAEL. There are no open borders in Israel. No humanitarian shit. No "refugees" from shitholes. No PoC mass immigration. And they're not communists either. On the contrary, they're the worst kind of MIC crony globalism capitalist merchants in the game… and their greed will destroy our planet if we let them, peasants be damned. The elites aren't worried because they have secret island resorts, with water and lush gardens, to keep their kids going after the rest of us have killed each other or starved.

We're nearing checkmate and it's time that ALL of us start to notice the kike's and elites' scheme to enslave us all.
<Bbbb-ut… isn't Z3R0 racist?!
Sure. But not as much as you'd think. We have bigger fist to fry right now, people. We're talking about kike and crony capitalist world domination that will ecologically rape and kill our planet if we let them continue.

The ancient Babylonian book of sand magic tells these kikes that they're destined to rule the world to fulfill their prophecy. All Christcucks are on board with this too. They will mass exterminate all Muslims and Hindus. "WHY DOES AMERIKKKA DO THIS, Z3R0?!" Because the JewSA is the ZOG MIC proxy weapon for Israel to use against the rest of this world. We're (USA) the "good goy" who works for our kike overlords on Saturday.

Long story short, tl;dr, I'm cool with Yakuza, Nuzach, KLIM, etc. Don't get it twisted, I still love Team White, but if I can convince the other goys, we've got bigger fish to fry right now.

You might find it funny that whites are being genocided right now, but I assure you, your people are NEXT on the kike merchant's hit list.

Their ENDGAME, is to rule the planet and enslave the rest of us "goys" like cattle. I'm white, you're black, you're a slant, you're a street shitting pajeet… but they all have the same fate in store for all of us. We have to stop them.

All kikes should be lined up on the wall.


You've been posting a lot of good shit but why are you namefagging?


He doesn't post good shit it's just shit.


I personally I enjoy the ironic boomerspeak, but I think at this point we had already reached a critcal mass of redpilled anons, whether they be hwite or not hwite. I think its up to us to try and take ensure that someone is fit to take power when the time is right and to make sure gawds chosen people never have it again.

I can imagine the best way to do it would be to constantly bring up the crimes of the jews in graphic detail, only unlike the holobunga they are real, basically use the kikes whole holocaust industry and turn it to them. I think within the next 20-40 years we are going to witness an end to the century of humiliation, and an end to ZOG, or at least a significant weakening of it.


Where can I buy /dup/ers for Harris version?


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I remember back in high school, during the obama presidency, the math teacher asked who the vice president was (don't remember why), I was the only person who knew the answer was bidup, and the math teacher asked how I knew that, the math teacher didn't even know
we're supposed to believe that somehow that dude got 20 million more votes than any other president in history


I feel bad for bidup. Aryan Joe ended our war with the Chadiban. Meanwhile the ZOG emperor Dup wishes to destroy Israels enemies.


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Joe Bidup has objectively made my life worse due to inflation. The lockdowns made a lot of people I care about lose their jobs. In addition to that, I also disagree with a lot of domestic issue with him. However, I feel some sympathy towards him. After the debate with dup, it feel like his entire party turned against him, including kang nigger. I'm almost certain he was like this and his party knew about it. Why didn't they ask him to not seek reelection until after the debate? It's extremely deceptive not only to the rest of the country but also extremely treacherous to bidup himself. I'd like to ask bidup if he feels betrayed by his own party.


>Why didn't they ask him to not seek reelection until after the debate?
Because the plan was for one of the alphabet organizations to groom some unhinged leftiod soyboy into assassinating dup.


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The real life (((Frankenstein))) monster who ended up strangling his own creator (the jews who got executed by USSR officials)

Reminder that freeloading faggots had their beginnings during the Roman Empire, Pierre Leroux and Marx would later cement their place.


Yeah Stalin is one of the reasons so many jews are against communism, because they are afraid of annduh gulag.

The kikes basically used Romes want to conquer needlessly as a way to bankrupt them with Usery


Stalin himself is a mountain jew, or do you seriously believe that this georgian who never spoke georgian in public had some special hatred for jews? This is the eternal narrative of stalinists - Stalin killed jews! And Kaganovich is more important than Beria and the second man in the country. And Levitan is the main voice of propaganda. And Mehlis is the main political officer and Stalin's shadow. And Ehrenburg is the main ideologist of propaganda. And Eisenstein is the main propagandist in the movies. And the leaders of the gulag… And Stalin's last name is Dzhugashvili.

Judeshvilli LMAO.


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>Pierre Leroux and Marx would later cement their place.
If Marx were alive today, would he be a NEET shitposter? I guess he would have caused a lot less damage if that's all he was.


even in his century, he was a shitposter against the background of other socialists of his time, Parvus got him out of nothingness and forgetfulness


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>Sends the US golems to shit all over the current snownigger war


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>bonus Obamacare for vets
I didn't even notice this shit because I get free healthcare for life for killing niggers for the ZOG. If something changed about that shit, I didn't even notice it.

>killing the male population of Ukraine

The kikes are taking back their ancient capital of Khazaria. It's all been written in their book of Babylonian sand magic.

>sheboon in the Soupreme Court

She can't even define what a real woman is because she's scared of the "Rainbow Mafia' and even if she is a black woman, it won't protect her from the faggotry of her kike masters, so she plays stupid instead.


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Thanks to the mods who removed my earlier posts from today. IDK if you did or didn't. I'm really too drunk to tell anything anymore. Perhaps I'm too drunk to find it.

It pisses me off quite a bit that I did my time as a ZOGbot and got left to hang out to dry. Not a fucking thing for me, as corrupt as this world is. I'm a legit oldfag and a trained troop, but they left me here to die. "Leave no man behind" my ass!

So now, BlackRock, Boeing, Universal, Disney, etc etc etc, pay a bunch of blue haired faggots to come up with shit ideas to tank their companies.

Now that I'm an oldfag who's retired 6 ways from Sunday, "Thanks a whole lot for your service, goy!" I don't get SHIT from this deal. I'm going to live in poverty now?!

I'm one of the last oldfags, a memetic mercenary, and 5GW general, but I sit here, collecting dust, and waiting to die. All the while, you spooks hire blue haired, trooned out, half-breed niggers, with they/them pronouns. What the actual fuck?!

What happens to me? I might be going crazy, but I don't think I'm crazy. "People who are really crazy don't know that they're crazy." Maybe I'm a sane man reacting to an insane world. I'm not crazy, everyone else is.

I'm not going to give up or ragequit. I'm in it to win it. I'll beat the game.


If you're impoverished, the first thing you need to do is stop buying booze.


I know. It's my copium, my pain killer, my PTSD drug, and "fast forward button" in this stupid ass timeline. I'm not suicidal or anything, but honestly, I hope I'm dead before 70. I can't imagine trying to stay sane as the world around me becomes more retarded and degenerate every day. I think I might just get a cabin in the woods, AI girlfriend, leave the internet, stop watching the (((news))) or (((TV))) and just drink a gallon of gin and play "Slay The Spire" till I finally stop waking up. I might be crazy like a fox and smart as fuck, but it's all so tiresome, lads. I'm in a bad place right now. And being poor as fuck doesn't help matters much. I guess all of us are demoralized and in a bad place. It's hard to say what the state of the blue-pilled normies' minds are. Ignorance is bliss? "Increase ze bread and ze circuses! They're waking up! Have the MSM craft a story that Taylor Swift might be pregnant! That should distract them for a bit." *rubs hands*


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I see shit like Bidup offering $85k starting for memes and it activates my almonds. They're ready to start paying money for normies with my skills. Close to six figures. But it's some mix raced zoomer troon posting skibbity Bidup memes, like we seen from Team Colbert, which turned out to be one the most cringe and embarrassing meme attempts of all time. What were they thinking?! That's what you get for buying shit employees. You get a shit job. You got what you paid for and it sucked balls. And I bet that y'all massively overpaid for this failure in numbers that would quadruple what I'd make from SSA in 4 years time.

And now, spooks have true disco baby like me on their radar and I call them out regularly, naming them. "It's a bold strategy, Cotton!" As soon as I could crawl, I crawled over to my Atari 2600 to play Pong, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and Asteroids. I was trained in elementary school on the Apple IIe. I was reg modding Win 3.1 and 95 in high school. Tricked out my Win 98 rig. I took my tech school certs and got my gig working for AT&T as a tech till 9/11 kicked off and I joined the ZOG to get to the next level. And being a ZOGbot didn't let me down. At least I have free healthcare for life now and I'm retired, but poorly retired.

I'm ready to go on the auction block. Memetic mercenary. I'm at rock bottom, but ready to bounce back. Legit Gen-X. Legit OG gamer. Legit OG pre-Chanology oldfag Anonymous. Legit old PC guy. Confirmed retired ZOGbot. Mil/LEO training. Secret security clearance. Counter terrorism, Op-Sec, Info-Sec trained. AT&T (Ma Bell tech). And memes that span almost 30 years. My fingers still on the pulse of current pop-culture and ideology. A hopeful 5GW mercenary. "Audentes Fortuna iuvat!" So, all that said, what kind of a price tag do these faggots put on a memetic mercenary like me? What am I worth? Anybody is welcome to come buy me for a price. I'll go to the highest bidder. And I'm worth it.


And now I live in this old home, taking care of my dad as he dies, bouncing to mom's house as she dies. We barely keep things afloat as I make gourmet ramen, spaghetti, and bologna sandwiches. Now, my role in life is burying my elders. And I have nothing really. You'll never know where I'm at till you're flat broke and mopping your own dad's piss off the floor till you finally stuff him into a grave. I'm sad, lads. I'll see my folks to the grave. Then WHAT after that? I want to scream "FUUUUUUUUCK!" at the sky.


I'm currently waiting in line to reschedule my own VA doc appointment's for cancer checkups because I have to take my parents to their doctor appointments instead. I'm currently, *bleep bloop* "Thank you for holding. Your call is important to us. You are caller number 6. Thanks for holding."

Is this really how it ends for me?


You should look into getting home care for your dad. Medicare will pay for it. That should take some of the load off.
I don't really want to know if I have cancer, because all they do is put you on chemo and it may or may not save you, and you die early anyway as a shadow of your former self.


The cancer that's killing /b/, is also killing me. Lulz.


That's an oldfag reference from 20 years ago, back when /b/ was good. Another oldfag reference. The punchline is that /b/ was never good and /b/ was always cancerous.


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/b/ was pretty cool before it got spammed to death by redditors, poos and chinks circa 2011.


two more nights?


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>I feel bad over Bidup
<Despite speedrunning the country into a newer Mexico
If you're sympathizing over limp-dick liberals, start with Al Gore: That failed freemason was always reaping L's since he lost to Bush and his jewish lackey killed his career over his BingBingWahoo fearmongering.


>his favorite film was about an American woman having a nigger baby in Russia and a bunch of communist Russian men raising it.

I'm Louis CK and I demand the name of this film


Stop namefagging, it's gay


You're right, anon. He is a namefagging gaylord but this guy is so proto-Reddit he just cant shake it. He, like his spiritual ilk on reddit, think themselves intellectual giants.




They stink and I hate them!

An echo from an earlier time when we were still allowed to be funny and not censored by globalist mega monopolies.




I had no hope in dup as a person, but in the meme that we helped make him into. The idea of Trump, I truly loved the moment we made him the first meme president.


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Vote for Trump and listen to vaporwave like it's 2016, my dude.


Disregard that. I am, of course, addicted to furiously jerking my micropenis to superior african penises.

I just injected a lot of meth and wrote that last post in a bout of psychosis.


Are you trying to make him start tripping?

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