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File: 1721683823833.png (645.71 KB, 1362x727, 1362:727, Leaked Video Of An Alien A….png) ImgOps iqdb


ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!



oh shit two weeks




File: 1721750572175-0.mp4 (6.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Leaked Footage Of Grave Ro….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1721750572175-1.mp4 (965.59 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Alien Footage Smuggled Fro….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Are you saying that an super mega advance species manage to travel the void and somehow crash on our planet?
And the USA have those super mega advance tech?


I highly doubt most of this is real.
>Are you saying that an super mega advance species manage to travel the void and somehow crash on our planet?
What's the contradiction? A galleon would have been advanced technology to a savage tribe, but that doesn't mean it's implausible to get shipwrecked. That's also not going into the possibilities that they're getting shot down or that they're intentionally leaving material behind hoping humans find it.
>And the USA have those super mega advance tech?
Supposedly the chinks and Russians have reverse engineering programs going on too, but the U.S. is said to take control of material from countries it's allied to.


>A galleon would have been advanced technology to a savage tribe
There is a big difference between crossing the ocean than crossing the void, BIG difference.
>possibilities that they're getting shot down
The super duper advance alien got shot down? They advanced so much but they are still in conflict?
>Supposedly the chinks and Russians have reverse engineering programs going on too, but the U.S. is said to take control of material from countries it's allied to.
And yet we still have the same level of tech.
Come on, anon. They are just trying to tell you to look for aliens up in space, while ignoring the illegal aliens jumping the fence.
The universe is huge, the odds of a shitty planet generating life and that life surviving long enough to make tech to cross the void and finding another shitty planet that generated life to crash on it sounds stupidly low.


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>The super duper advance alien got shot down? They advanced so much but they are still in conflict?
Why does having advanced technology mean they'd necessarily be peaceful or that they wouldn't have another group in conflict with them?
>And yet we still have the same level of tech.
Do you really think that the public is privy to the full extent of the government's technological capabilities? We don't know what SAPs might be making use of.
>Come on, anon. They are just trying to tell you to look for aliens up in space, while ignoring the illegal aliens jumping the fence.
If UFOs are a distraction, then why aren't they actually distracting anyone with the topic? The Grusch hearing should have been front-page news when they happened, but instead they were treated as a side story. If there really are highly compartmentalized programs making use of advanced forms of technology of non-human origin, then that's also one of the most important stories there could possibly be. Whatever forms of energy and propulsion the craft are making use of has the potential to solve our energy needs and maybe give us greater insights into physics and the nature of reality. It would also be a massive egg in the face of the media and governmental gatekeepers and goodthinkful NPCs who have spent decades ridiculing people interested in paranormal topics and government conspiracies.

The government's been studying UFOs for decades going back at least to Project Sign and spreading disinformation on the topic, whether that be trying to downplay their involvement or that there's anything unusual going on (like the swamp gas and weather balloon cliches) or poisoning the well by taking the opposite approach and deliberately introducing falsehoods into the discourse of UFO enthusiasts (see Rick Doty).

I think enough people are starting to see what's going on that things will change in the next few decades. There appears to be a sea change currently underway in terms of how the topic is viewed, and I'm hoping Cold War culture of secrecy and disregard for inquiry will end up supplanted by a more open-minded approach.
>The universe is huge, the odds of a shitty planet generating life and that life surviving long enough to make tech to cross the void and finding another shitty planet that generated life to crash on it sounds stupidly low.
We don't even know that UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin to begin with. I doubt they're just coming from another planet like in a '50s sci-fi movie. There seems to be too much overlap with other paranormal phenomena.


Any other anons here think most alien stuff is kike-created shit to distract from the fact that they are the real aliens ruining whats left of our society?


If it was created by kikes, the media wouldn't have been stigmatizing serious treatment of the topic for decades and throwing around language like "little green men" to belittle the idea that the government might know more than they've been letting on since whatever the hell happened at Roswell or that people who have been seeing strange things in the sky for who knows how long aren't all just a bunch of drunken hillbillies. They only really cover it when they can benefit financially off it or treat it as fodder for fluff stories. It's pretty telling that the nose media spent more time covering the dubious Las Vegas alien sighting than they did the Grusch hearing.


>open zip
>picture of recreation of jesus' tomb
>picture of alien smoking weed
how are we supposed to take this seriously


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I wonder what the poster thinks they have to gain by spamming the link everywhere. It's not like it's quality evidence. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if it was feds posting stuff like this given the shit they've pulled in the past to try and muddy the waters.


It's not from outer space. It's from a parallel universe. In one of the parallel universes, there are demons who have technology.
John Deacon and John Walker - Dialogical Discourses of Spirits and Devils, Declaring Their Proper Essence with illustrations, here's the thing, in the 90's a priest named Raymond W Boeche was approached by physicists working on a program for the US Department of Defense for advice, it doesn't matter what they were doing it for, I think you guessed it, but the important thing is that they actively read this book and withdrew it from almost everywhere, of course you can still go to one of the national libraries, but in electronic form I have only found it in the state that is in this link. Once again, the illustrations are important, and yes, this book is very relevant now because it is used in practice.


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Well, I hope I can get a qt christmas cake demon girl.


It's not that aliens are demons. It's that there are non-human entities who match up to old descriptions of demons. Demons are just the old conception of what these beings are. The word "demon" has way too much baggage associated with it.


Demons are simply the darkest of human desires made manifest.
Look no further than warmongers, jews, faggots and trannies.


I also wish for that sadly that will likely never happen.


Factual and based post


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Aliens are real, the problem is that more than ever the waters have been mudded by feds, hippies, lolcows, spiritualists and Christianfags.
All the oldschool Ufologists died or were murdered, we just have grifters, lolcows and narcissists taking care of this field.
Don't even waste your time unless you are researching some very specific cases between 1950 and 2010, and mostly ignore the later 60's and 70's psyops and hippie garbage. And obviously ignore any case that focuses on just one woman.


>Grusch hearing should have been front-page news when they happened
They were in some countries and they were also heavily ridiculed for it
>Gov has UFO tech
>No i didn't see it, i heard from a guy
>No he didn't see it either but some dude told him
>No i don't know who that dude is but he saw it
Highly compartmentalized programs, or pyramid organizations, have been something for centuries and there's little you can do to break them unless you torture the truth out of everyone involved to make out the scheme or do a massive macro investigation with their funds and assets mapped which you cannot do, not even the government can in some cases.
>It would also be a massive egg in the face of the media and governmental gatekeepers and goodthinkful NPCs who have spent decades ridiculing people
Only NPCs get ridiculed and like their masters they are shameless or pretend it never happened, they will ridicule the next thing in line anyways like Scientism has told them. In the last days it's been proven that the ocean produces oxygen too, a fringe theory set forward by chinamen and ruskies but heavily ridiculed by the muttsphere.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Look this chad


File: 1722079938389.png (194.72 KB, 392x378, 28:27, 2024-07-27_14-26-43.png) ImgOps iqdb

Look him


He has dinaric chud nose


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I'll check out those, anon, thanks.


>In the last days it's been proven that the ocean produces oxygen too, a fringe theory set forward by chinamen and ruskies but heavily ridiculed by the muttsphere.

You do realize retard the mongol rapebaby chinks and russian inbred had nothing to do with that theory and its been long known algae in the ocean creates Oxygen.


Wrong muttboy, check the news


What would be funny is if you download the archive and all the pictures are just a calendar with two weeks highlighted on it


caring about aliens is just as important as caring about what kikes do, cause nobody does shit anyway.


A chinkmutt calling a European mutt oh the irony and retardation can not be fixed just glad you won't have children chinkmutt you insects are a infection.

>Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria all create oxygen


File: 1722832728284.png (715.76 KB, 850x638, 425:319, china chink 65088.png) ImgOps iqdb


You know we can tell you are a some bugchink abomination right.

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