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Political Shitposting
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Is anon watching the Satanic ritual in Paris?

>false flag terror

>opening short film of the Kalergi plan with two little White girls transporting the torch with a Black male teenager
>Horseman of the Apocalypse
>Arno from Assassin's Creed Unity running around doing parkour with the torch
>sodomite pride short film and scene
>vaxx-damaged Celine Dion comeback performance
>we got Snoop, we got Pharell, we got Coco
>shilling Woked starring coal burner Ariana as Dorothy and her black lesbian sidekick as the Wicked Witch
>huge Louis Vuitton ad embedded in the ceremony
>fat sheboon performs the French anthem



Frons is the most muttified country in Western Europe and I'd bet my bottom dollar it has the most literal cucks per capita. Their negrophilia is the same as America's.


I couldn't care less. I really wish the world would end already.


You can't even find photos of the kiddie kalergi scene, it's like the memo went out to all their propaganda outlets not to publish shots from that scene so we could repost them. Hitler was right.


Hitler did nothing wrong, but he should have listened to zyklon ben.


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the threesome in the library was actual demonic programming stuff
the minions section was kino though


Based Ben Garrison.


So let me get this straight; if they don't bother publishing certain images that you want from an event that was broadcast throughout the world(even in North Korea), is easily available on the internet from start to finish in very high quality and had tens of thousands in attendance all taking pictures and videos while publishing to social media during or immediately afterwards to you it might as well be censored?

The thing is media outlets are constantly doing A/B testing in what materials to show to what demographics, those pictures are certainly being shown to some groups. You've been segregated into a bubble by some algorithm.


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Jesus Christ what a humiliation of the French parading the niggers around as representatives of France. Surprised they didn't do a muslim prayer too.


It's France, so there's no kind of prayer, because of the enforced public secularism. There was a mussy athlete bitching on social media about not being allowed to wear the hijab.


The whole thing was so disgusting that even God sent rain.


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Elizabeth Debicki is a real beauty, in a better timeline she would be used more often in good movies, shows and operas.
And the spicgirl is okay, she is actually aging well for a spic.
I don't know the nigger one, looks like a caveman doing a drag.


one of his viagra stunts.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
the minions sequence is also being scrubbed
there's only a 30 second clip, the full sequence was at least 2 minutes
what are they hiding???


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I had to download a huge torrent of the entire fucking opening ceremony just to access the opening scene.

>don't mind me, just a Black male teenager grooming some little White girls at the skatepark


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>we missed the train, Whitey got away with the torch


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>Whitey's train broke down. Breed these little bitches. You're our only hope, nu-Frenchman!


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>passing by the skulls of the mRNA democide/the kike rat rubs his hands


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Imagine when the french finally rise up, will be kino to see Yakuzapedo being killed together with all the Nigerians who fucked his old hairy ass.


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>Big bold Black boy! Ooh keep us safe from the haters!


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>let's get in the boat with this stranger


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>vive la frons


Frogs were always turbo race-traitors, they will be replaced by niggers and muslims with time.


All the based ones were killed after Hitler lost.
People say that just killing all your enemies doesn't work, but yeah it kinda does.


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Honestly, it felt like they're late to the party with this drag queen shit.


"Europeans" such as they are today always lag a few years behind the latest kikery in the USA. They are all mimes and bitches.


the jews did this


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Well jews of course were in the middle


Just want to point out they literally had a grown nigger male with a little French girl he kept molesting for their "dance" at the last supper table.



Might as well just say that the largest concentrations of based Frenchmen deaths were all caused by Anglos, a process which had been going on since the 14th century.


Didn't see any molesting going on in the NBC broadcast, but there was a child in the drag troupe.


Where can I download the satanic olympic ceremony video?


Easiest way to find it is by torrent, there are a few available.


File: 1722220224140.gif (4.24 MB, 450x328, 225:164, Hitler chubby chaser.gif) ImgOps iqdb

Too big to fit in an oven.


File: 1722232092821.mp4 (5.04 MB, 850x480, 85:48, 2024olympics.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

on bitchute
https://old.bitchute.com/video/f5voEEpAEwJe/ full 4 hours
https://old.bitchute.com/video/nqSarKWwT1bX/ 30 min highlight

With DRM and the internet going the way it is this will probably be one of the last olympics that will be openly discussed on the internet with unauthorized sharing of media and that's why I think they went all out this time. That or they realize a more youthful audience and celebrity/influencer support is needed to keep the tradition of the olympics alive in the dark times that are ahead.


This is the last Olympics because the world will be at war before the next one, so this was the last hurrah with the faggotry.


Friendly remember this entire shitshow is just another gayop of the kikes to push more muslim vs christianfags vs faggots to fight which other.


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Dude's dick fell out.


I think those are his balls.


I hope russian wins, holy shit at least they beat up sodomites.


Why don't Christian cucks act like men once in their lives and make a violent protest just like Muslims do? Maybe the kikes will finally become more submissive and stop with these shits.

But nope, they'd rather spend their time spamming blacked in imageboards and seething about pagans and "Muh nazis



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Dick ans balls.


They can't. Christianity is a pussy religion. Turn the other cheek. Love thy enemy.


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Lmao. I like international incidents, they're fun. These lesbians inability to not be insufferable is going to turn the tide. Pendulum swinging back to allowing you to smack mouthy bitches soon, anon.


The nature of warfare has changed tremendously to becoming a testing ground and in fifth generation warfare the Olympics and other similar international events become an indispensable battlefield for all participants.


Are you a mexican/brazilian or just some muttmerican zoomer?


Based Iran Moment.


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B-but Iran is evil! They are the enemies of us christianfags who worship Israel!!! WE must nuke them!!!


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The Evangelical movement was literally started by jews pretending to be pastors back in the 1920s. That also lead to the creation of megachurches which are the most jewish churches ever and a mega scam. Been to them they feel more like a new age money cult than a church and boomers eat it up.



All frog posting is pagan abraxas posting. Even if you dress it in orthodox robes


And that's a good thing.


Based frogshitter.


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this >>146097
and what's with zoomers namedropping abraxas all of a sudden? Leave my boy alone!


>stupid shitposting is more meaningful than you'd think


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Ads during the olympics are just as big a deal the event itself.

This is what all human activity will be reduced to; prompting an AI to perform an action that the user has no control over.




based if true


>AI is all over the Paris Olympics, but Google Gemini ad sparks backlash

>But a Google AI-focused Olympic ad has sparked backlash since it began airing during the Games. In the Dear Sydney ad, a father asks Gemini to write a letter to Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, world-record holder in the 400-meter hurdles, on behalf of his daughter to "tell her how inspiring she is."

>Users on social media expressed dismay over the ad's depiction of a parent turning to AI rather than urging his daughter to express herself in her own words.

>"This is exactly what we do not want anyone to do with AI. Ever," Shelly Palmer, professor in residence at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communications, wrote on X early Monday.

>"A parent's most important job is to educate their children," Palmer wrote in a blog post. "The father in the video is not encouraging his daughter to learn to express herself. Instead of guiding her to use her own words and communicate authentically, he is teaching her to rely on AI for this critical human skill."

>Palmer, who is also CEO of the Palmer Group consulting practice, added: "The idea that the father is so insecure with his own language skills that he believes AI will do a better job, 'I'm pretty good with words, but this has to be just right,' makes me sad. Google should be ashamed of this messaging."

Forget the scripted anti Christian bashing by perverted freaks with nothing better to do. Human vs AI is what's going to be remembered historically.


>express in her own words
they're niggers, none of them can write.
"Yo, bitch, u finna be running fast like my nigga Deshawn from da po-lice. Chuuuurch.
- Latreen"




AI was made to help nigger write.


>Forget the scripted anti Christian bashing by perverted freaks with nothing better to do. Human vs AI is what's going to be remembered historically.
I'm more offended by the Kalergi scene with the White little girls in the custody of the Black male. Anti-Christian messaging is par for the course with these people, but that opening scene was a real shot across the bow for me, and the only reason more people aren't speaking out about it is because they're afraid of being called racist.


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When was the last time a Muslim country hosted the Olympics? Never happened and the biggest contender was Turkey. Might never happen.


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Reminder that Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) is kino because it is the last depiction of France as it truly was, before shitskins and fags took over.


When I was a boy, I used to dream of visiting Europe, but now I don't care anymore, because they're the same multicultural shitholes as America.

I'd still like to visit the Louvre, though.


File: 1722428285188.png (3.55 MB, 1080x2377, 1080:2377, pol travels around the wor….png) ImgOps iqdb


Now that's an image I haven't seen in a long, long time.


Its one kino image, that is for sure, the fact that it sticks in your head is living proof its well made.

I hope white rabbit radio were based and not kiked.


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Yeah, I know what you mean. I haven't seen that pic in at least 8 years, yet the moment anon said he didn't want to visit Europe because it was the same as America, that image just jumped into my mind. Had to find it on the internet, as I didn't have it saved, and the place I got it from was, funnily enough, r/TheRightCantMeme. Here are some responses to the image, if you can stomach the cancer, but the tl;dr is that "black people are good when they are a tourist attraction"


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I can't tell if I had that one saved, but here are a few variants.


File: 1722478419434-0.jpg (61.65 KB, 720x479, 720:479, 1394565341402.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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I managed to find another one in my /pol/ folder, as well as some other images I just feel like posting. A couple of these I've been wanting to find for a while now.


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Here's one more variant, although it's not that different.


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Algerian man identifying as a woman who is biologically confirmed to have XY chromosome is competing in women boxing division and just BTFO his female opponent in only one punch.


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>tfw you get to btfo foids and get cheered on by other foids and get defended by ZOG


It was just announced that the troon boxer just dropped out because it got btfo by the controversy.


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foidups btfo



So this troon got to not only legally break a foids nose, but also didn't even finish the tournament.


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Everyone is strong and independent and don't need no man until they get punched in the face
-Mike Tyson


Do you have a video of the fight?


File: 1722642229260.mp4 (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1722519168346-0.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Short but best i've got


Redditors and Arabs are seething and claiming that the troon was born female and just had a hormonal disease which caused it to end up with an XY chromosome lmao.

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