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Political Shitposting
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Don't matter


If the world wasn't full of retards and kike tool and shitskin lovers, it would matter.


Maybe not at the federal level. However, the local and state level is another story.


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>Politics don't matter.
>Go eat more goyslop, do gayming, and fap to BBC. Nothing to see here, goys. Move along.
Very true.

>Maybe not at the federal level. However, the local and state level is another story.
Even MORE true. Something wonderful that we can all do right now is start a community veterans' group and "neighborhood watch," which both are encouraged and allowed by law, and link it with local churches for charity and volunteer programs to help your local folk. And I've seen it work in my own hometown where the fire dept and ems stations will host your meetings. Buy a "first responder flag" (picrel) as a welcoming gift. "ONE TEAM. ONE FIGHT. ALL BROS/SIS. ONE BIG FAM OF BADASSERY."

After taking (Your) town, it's not much of a stretch from there to take the whole county, once you're established and functional. Stop at the county lines though because the STATES are all fucked and cucked. Controlling the county's first responders and a quasi-(militia) neighborhood watch program is good enough. Then you network with your neighboring counties.

This is how we start taking our nation back, one town and one county at a time. And whoever OP is, and this girl playing with her butthole, we'll find him eventually. People snitch for money because peasants are poor as fuck right now. And we control the narrative when we write it from our own towns.

Q: "Zero, are you instructing us on how to kill Feds?!
A: Hell NO! When did I ever mention any Feds?! I'm talking about right wing white supremacists and trying to save democracy here!

I'll find you someday, OP.


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Oops, that was a pic from another thread. I actually meant this picrel insted.


Oh my god Z3R0 so true we need to stop these natzees or they'll commit annuduh shoah.


Agreed. And there's no jury or judge anywhere who would ever fault us. Never forget the 6 million! We can't allow another holocaust, J6, or slavery to ever happen again. We pretty much have a "green light" to save democracy. No Juror would ever charge us, if we're saving democracy.


Especially if we're saving everyone from "terrorist groups" like the KKK or Patriot Front. "Local (((news))) reports, Neighborhood Watch stopped the KKK from delivering a Ryder van full of fertilizer to the next "Drag Queen Story Time" at the local library. They saved all the faggots and kids." If you honestly believe that the spooks had anything to do with happenings at schools, niggger or faggot rallies, or random Mexitown grocery stores, then that's just a right wing conspiracy theory.

None of my heroics would ever result in a folded flag going back to Langley or Quantico. I love them all, so much.


vote harder? Nothing is going to change fag.


More like like AmeriKKKa, we need to fight and hang these racist white scumfags.


I'm so tired of the internet and technology to be honest.


Very surprised to see dispatch on there. In most cultures that venerate everything to do with their military the signal corps are typically treated as the red haired stepchild due to their lack of pomp and circumstance.

Meanwhile this 'internet' thing we're all using? Signals thought it up and got the ball rolling on it back in 1922.

Also who are you kidding 'start taking our nation back'. It's 'let's start pretending to be in control by participating in their psyops' helping them gain better control of the population and enslave our children in perpetuity.


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>We can't allow another holocaust, J6, or slavery to ever happen again.
>Literally allow for Stalin and the Gulag where it is unknown how many people died because of the withholding of documents
>Literally allow Mao where due to the withholding of documents, there is no telling how many people died
>Literally allow Putin and now even hiding the documents will not hide two holocausts
>Literally allow a holocaust in Africa, Vietnam and Afghanistan
>Continuing genocide in Palestine and Ukraine
>White genocide continues in Europe, Russia, Australia and the US

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