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/dup/ - btfo

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Trumps biggest accomplishments:

Banned bump stocks
Operation warpspeed
Son in law creampies his daughter with mossad cum everynight
"Take the guns first, due process second"
Wants to sentence Edward Snowden to death
Shabbos goy who pardoned Israeli spies on his last day
Pardoned nigger rappers
Left his Jan 6 supporters to die in solitary confinement
Kraken never released
Never locked her up
Wall never built
Spent $10 trillion
Sucks Klaus schwab and jews cocks daily
Touched the wall
Promised to release the alien docs then said "UFOs" aren't really his thing
Feels bad for biden, who tried to kill him
Has a literal mossad puppet zionist traitor as VP who will be the real president
Said "immigration is worst for black and Hispanic communities"
Says we are all one race than brags about his support among blacks
Deported less people than Obama
Sucks jew cock daily
Will send white gentiles to die for Israel in Iran
Sucks jew cock daily
Eats jewish cum
Sucks jewish cock



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I think your Trump Derangement Syndrome may need medical attention, but I'm not as bad as you might think. I know that Trump is a kike loving good goy. Both options are. Watch Kamala pick Shapiro tomorrow and you'll know that I was right. She bounces on kike cock at home. She's not even a real black woman. I digress.

If the spooks wanted to delete Drumpf for real, they'd have done it a long time ago. This whole thing is faker and gayer than RuPaul. I actually buy into the left wing conspiracy on this nonsense.

It's hard for me to believe that the most highly trained mercs in the world somehow fumbled the play on Trump. You shitheads at Quantico and Langley have the be the greatest fuckups of all time… unless (You) was in on it. The kayfabe hit was a botch from the beginning?

You smoke your patsy and a couple of worthless goys get smoked in the background. Trump grabs his ear and ducks behind his podium, blades himself in true WWE Attitude Era style, Ric Flair is proud, Trump poses for the most iconic pics of all time. Picrel is Trump's rallying battle cry.

I can't help but believe that all of this shit was done on purpose. All scripted kayfabe. /woo/ knows what I'm talking about. I wish they'd had killed Trump because it might has sparked CW2 and a purge.

Nothing is real anymore, anon.


>It's hard for me to believe that the most highly trained mercs in the world somehow fumbled the play on Trump. You shitheads at Quantico and Langley have the be the greatest fuckups of all time… unless (You) was in on it.
Everybody did everything they were supposed to do. They purposely left a gaping hole in the security perimeter, they ignored spectators reporting a suspicious man for over an hour, they ignored the rooftops, they let Dup out on stage, but by some providence, Dup turned his head as Crooks took the shot. The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.


Lets keep Making Israel Great!


Well said.

Don't worry. ZOG America will always put Israel and our kike masters first.


I have voter derangement syndrome. Normie derangement syndrome. Anyone who still believes in voting and peaceful protesting is my enemy.


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Damn normalfags! Why aren't they for dying for Israel?


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That's all part of the kike's folly. They flooded America with niggers and Muslims who ALL happen to hate the jews. Spoilers, (WE) actual unironic Nazis and Jew hating real white people, team up with these same brown people who want to exterminate all kikes and niggers. It's a huge win for all of us because "Friendship is Magic" and we all want to end the niggers and jews.

Desperate times make for strange bedfellows. I want to kill all niggers and jews. And guess what, everyone else does too.


I'm okay with this.


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stop posting the photoshopped picture you faggot.


Dup just loves Israel.


our entire government is a ZOG.. I hate republicans more because they pretend to be different than democrats.


Lulz. Saved.


Understandable, but I can't bring myself to not hate the eeking jigaboo party more.


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ywn be liberal enough for these people

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