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File: 1723093981467.jpg (128.62 KB, 1199x630, 1199:630, GettyImages-171334997-cons….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Daily reminder that the Kamal, as a woman, is not legally eligible to serve as President of the United States. She shouldn't even be the Vice President.

That's not me being backward or misogynist or whatever label you want to apply to me, it's basic Constitutional Law. Don't like it, conduct a seance and argue with the Founding Fathers.


fuck off back to 4chan and reddit faggot


the constitution actually says she isn't even qualified to be a citizen


The 14th Amendment changed that. What it didn't do is change the requirements for POTUS/VPOTUS.

I have no doubt that modern Americans would agree to a woman President, but like anything else, you need to pass a constitutional amendment revising Article 2 instead of ignoring the constitution and making shit up as you go along.


Go tell someone who gives a fuck, nerd.


Interesting. I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing!

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