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File: 1723351477527.jpg (633.92 KB, 1440x3200, 9:20, Screenshot_20240810_214339….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Will faggot white normies ever stop saying this?



literally not ONE illegal invader into any white nation is white. They are ALL niggers, sand niggers and beaners. I fucking hate white normies so much.


Plus you've got the leaked documents from major companies like Amazon that admit pushing this training and diversity bullshit is only about weakening the power of worker unions or preventing them from forming in the first place. They could have been given the benefit of the doubt before or their actions blamed on securing financing through DIE requirements but not anymore.


>In 1886, a pharmacist named Dr. John Pemberton mixed extract of the green coca leaf - containing the recently discovered marvel of cocaine - with the caffeine kick of West African kola nuts, making a "Brain Workers' Panacea" tonic called Coca-Cola.

>Touted to relieve mental and physical exhaustion, "Coke" arrived alongside a wave of cocaine products advertised to ease toothaches and labor pains. Cocaine was said to cure fatigue, nervousness, impotence, even addiction to morphine.

>But the medical miracle soon changed into the story of a crime epidemic. Cocaine's addictive properties were discovered and its increased availability fueled racial fears: cocaine made Negroes insane and murderous; Jewish doctors were identified as its peddlers.



Niggers ruin everything.


But it's about votes and the democrats are the real racists


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What hoops does one need to jump through to get a prescription for cocaine in the United States? I think I might qualify.


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>Cocaine is the black man's drug
Pretty racist from the mexcrements' part by producing and consuming that shit.

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